Category Archives: Herrington

Herrington: Is Capitalism Diametrically Opposed to Democracy?

     On 60 Minutes last night, we saw a report on how the tax rates in the United States had driven thousands of American businesses out of town, to literally denounce their citizenship, in order to avoid taxes. Last week we … Continue reading

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Herrington: The Welfare State vs The We’re-fair State

     What can we do about the polarity we hear in the news and on talk radio concerning what to do about welfare and the high cost of the social net? We need a broader ranging historic analysis here…”every, all, and … Continue reading

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Herrington: In Defense of Gay Marriage: A Modest Proposal

     Once we have genetically tested to make sure that every couple now married is, in fact, the union of one man and one woman, that is after we have come to a scientific definition of what we mean when we … Continue reading

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Herrington: My Other Life

     Those of you who know me, know that I am a blogging fool. I write everywhere, which is how I feel about playing harmonica and racquetball…anytime and anywhere. Here is a taste of what kinds of things I write about … Continue reading

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The Brutal Truth

     Well, it’s time for the brutal truth. I don’t mean that I am going to tell the truth in a brutal way, but I do mean that my subject will be the brutal truth; the “brutal truth” is what I … Continue reading

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Herrington: Parents are in the DARK

     Parents often ask me why their children are having such a tough time making their way through the world. I tell them that they themselves have no idea what kinds of pressures these kids are under now days. Let me … Continue reading

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Herrington: The Missing Art Class

     Often, people who study philosophy can retell the stories and quote philosophers, but they can seldom actually “do” philosophy, since they are instead historians of the practice but not practitioners of the art. This is sometimes true of writers and … Continue reading

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Herrington: Filming “Christmas with the Dead”

     I just couldn’t help myself. I don’t think of myself as a mean person, and I don’t think I usually go out of my way to make things difficult for others. I would like to think that I leave things … Continue reading

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Herrington: What is “Spiritual”

     What do we mean when we use the word “spiritual?” Right away many people usually start using the word “religion,” but they are not exactly the same in meaning. When we talk of our spirit, we mean our inner life, … Continue reading

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Herrington: Shoved Down Our Throats?

     It takes many hours to figure out what we need to understand but only a few seconds to figure out that we do not understand enough; then again, it may take years or decades in the future to actually understand … Continue reading

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