Herrington: In Defense of Gay Marriage: A Modest Proposal

Chris Herrington, Contributing Writer

     Once we have genetically tested to make sure that every couple now married is, in fact, the union of one man and one woman, that is after we have come to a scientific definition of what we mean when we use the terms “man” and “woman,” and once we have dealt with the issues of what to do with inter-sexed people who have the genetic coding of both sexes, since it makes little sense to deny a human being to marry anyone under all circumstances, we can think of the billions of dollars and 10’s of thousands of jobs that we will not create if we do not allow gay marriage.

     Now, this may seem like a flimsy excuse to allow people of the same sex to marry, and for some the same would apply under a horde of other circumstances (if we have to clean up our pollution, then it will cost jobs because it will cost more to produce our products that have evil byproducts), it seems that the real problem is cost to the consumer. If businesses were to have to charge more, then the services may not be valuable enough. With gays, this would not be a burden. Value added concepts such as going green or pink or ginger are a cost plus concept when planning a gay wedding. If we think of the stylistic hyperbole we associate with gays on TV, the costs are bound to go into the stratosphere with every head-bob and finger-twitch! Cakes, suits, hair dressers, party attire, food catering, wedding planners, and in fact an endless supply of jobs might be created by gay weddings as a niche industry. Elvis eat your heart out! Enter Ru Paul!

     Pre-marital counseling aside, bride’s maids, grooms, pets, and asteroids! Can we even begin to imagine the lengths to which some gay couples might go to look like celebrities? The Village People of the Isle, and the onlookers would have to have “what-in-order” in order to be in order? This is compounding by the minute! The banquets, the minibars, the waiters, the dancers: it would make every wedding into a veritable dancert! The cars, the boats, the houses, the vacations, the parties before and after, the bachelors’ parties, the boom in couples eligible to adopt children, and the long line of brides waiting on the perfect dress. Jane on! Honeymoon heaven for those who have rooms in villas and lodges and hotels and motels and bed and breakfasts all over the knowable world!

     And the documents for the lawyers to sign and deliver: contracts, pre-nups, and wavers of all kinds. Good God, wouldn’t the lawyers have a field day? And the photos and celebrating, tattoos, the poems, and paintings, and the cruises, and house warming gifts. And the home makeovers!!!! And all of that insurance! Oh, and if the entire thing went into the toilet…the divorces and the separation of property! I just don’t know if in this crucial moment in our country’s financial history we can afford not the have gay marriage all over everywhere all at once right now today!

     Now, there is one small hurdle that some Americans may have to leap over before we could allow this to happen on any scale at all: Thinking about what gay people do in terms of what it means to be gay. People are absolutely fascinated by this thought. Ask anyone, and he or she will give you a running commentary, blow by blow, of exactly what gay people do in their bedrooms. It must have been on the History Channel or NetGeo. The Not-So-Secret Lives of Gays….TEVOED by everyone! “Those men are holding hands; we know what that means!” Never mind that some characters on TV have lives that would make a sailor blush, no offense to the military.

     My point is that I don’t stay up all night wondering what gay couples do, and it does not bother me that they do this or that. I could care less. No, I don’t think I could. I really don’t care. If you eat at McD’s 30 times a week, and I am going to have to pay for your heart surgery when you are 40, I do care. No offense to McD’s. I’m just saying. If you smoke, drink, drive recklessly, don’t pay taxes, or steal from Wal-Mart, no offense intended, then I am concerned. If you take the clothing you buy at Wal-Mart and dress up in drag and parade around in your living room in broad day light, more power to you. What you do in your home is your business, unless it is abusive to someone else, especially a child. If we need protecting from you, then I think we need to look to lawmakers to spin you a web. If you have a business that makes poison on any level or rips people off or takes advantage of workers, then you need to be dealt with legally.

     But, if you and your significant other or others in your French gathering want to get jiggy with it and bale some hay, then I say plow the field. Gay, straight, or you guys on the gaming systems who don’t date any more, whatever, go for it. I don’t care what you do in the privacy of your own home.

     I don’t know that fighting against gay marriage has been a paying gig. While all of these folks are complaining about gays getting into divorce court or having marriage fever, they are not working anywhere. What are they producing? How are they using their own time and energy? You could have been watching a football game on TV. You could have been taking the little lady out for dinner. You could have been mowing the yard, reading to your kids, or working at your favorite hobby, but no, you were memorizing the private lives of gays. Does it hurt when I poke you right here? Yes, so don’t poke me there! Does it do you any good to worry about what these folks are going to do on their own time? Not one bit. So, why get so worked up about it?

     We all know the answer to that question: The Gay Agenda!

     All gays want other gays to love. The fascination that some straights have with the thought that all gay men want to have their way with them is just plain cowardly conceit! You are not the focus of the gay agenda! They want to celebrate their love for each other. And on occasion, as in the Valentine’s Day celebrations that other couples revel in, they want to say it out loud. It is not like the outrageousness of cell phone use where everywhere I go some idiot is talking at the top of his lungs as if his conversation is the very most important thing on the planet. It’s more like Thanks Giving Day. A few days a year. In fact, we could hold that down to a roar and a flame if we had national Gay Pride Day. Not a national holiday to get out of work, but a Saturday of an off-month to boost sales and get people into a spending mood. Let’s say something like the end of the first week in August. Something festive this way comes!

     Look if there is even 5% of the population that is gay, that’s 15 million folks and those who would party with them. If they each had at least one friend who was not gay, that would be 30 million, and if they all spent only $5 to party that day, then that would be an influx of $150 million dollars, plus gas, drinks, and clothing for the occasion. If we can make laws based on the money it would generate and the jobs it would save or create, then Gay Marriage is worth looking into. If the concept is just too foreign and no matter what, you simply can’t gag it down, now you know how I feel about pollution, banking control, tax reform, the budget deficit, health care, and paying so much for congressional salaries only to have them line up for lobbyist handouts. Your moral indignation over the gay agenda pales in light of what you do allow to go on. Now let’s roll up our sleeves and work on something meaningful. What a bunch of fruitcakes!


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15 Responses to Herrington: In Defense of Gay Marriage: A Modest Proposal

  1. Broken arrow says:

    Another stupid comment. Straight people get AIDS too.

    And just because im suggesting you not be hateful doesn’t mean I’m suggesting you be gay, so EVEN IF only gay people got it, I still don’t see your point about you not wanting to get AIDS.

    There’s enough hate in the world; why would you want to be a part of it? Just do your sheep and leave us all alone.

    Also, enjoy the fact that your group of hateful people grows smaller every day. And you can look that up.

    • Chris Herrington says:

      The fact of the matter is that the argument is erroneous. Being gay is not abnormal; about 2 to 10% of the world is gay. It’s not common, but it is normal. If you would like to live in a non-gay community, where you check to see under the hood that no one who lives in your town is gay, then we might be talking really abnormal. Your pre-occupation with whether someone in your town is gay says a lot about your own insecurities. I likewise do not want any sexuality thrown in my face. So, you can take your sexually charged commercialization of fetishism off the TV, please. And I think we ought to fine women who show their cleavage and stop them from revving up guys like you who can’t handle the truth…if it does not turn you own, then, to you, it is ugly.

      • Libertarian says:

        About 4 % of the population suffers from bipolar disorder. I guess that is normal as well.

        I agree there is too much sexuality on TV. They are even starting to put the gays on TV, it was bad enough with the heteros. As I previously stated, I do not care what anyone does in the privacy of their own home or gay bar/ club whatever behind closed doors. That is their business, not mine or anyone else. Just keep it out of the public realm.

        Point being, don’t wear your assless chaps down Main Street in Nac just yet, because while you might not get a second look in Montrose you will be arrested here. (I have witnessed a deviant wearing assless chaps with his bare ass hanging out down Westheimer in Montrose for the record)

        • Blast-o says:

          And I’m sure you’d tell those 4 percent of people with bipolar disorder that what they were doing was a choice and people didn’t like it, so they should stop.

          What would gay marriage have to do with chaps? When straight men get married, do they start wearing a wife-beater?

  2. Sheep lover says:

    Not stupid at all. I have a special relationship with several farm animals that takes place in the privacy of my barn. Why should anyone else tell me what to do.

    Plus think of all the money the attorneys would make if we were allowed to marry. The fertilize that I dump in the creek is a much worse problem than my love of sheep.

    • Broken Arrow says:

      No, it’s still stupid.

      The reason you said it, and the reason it’s supposed to be such an extreme example is to point out that you have a “special relationship” with sheep. Well, you already admit you do that with or without the marriage, so the marriage wouldn’t change anything.

      In other words, you’re not really stopping this example by not getting married. And who cares if you do get married to a sheep. There are certain places where you can already do this, so there’s nothing stopping you from doing it now.

      It also doesn’t hurt me any or the marriage I have with my wife because our relationship is not decided by what other people do.

      So, if you have a “special relationship” with sheep, then that’s already happening, and that’s the gross part, not the marriage.

      • Sheep lover says:

        Actually, you and I agree to a certain point. I don’t really care what someone else does in the privacy of their own home as long as children are not adversely effected. You want to be gay, smoke dope whatever. Just don’t rub it in my face and try to legitimize deviant behavior through the judicial process.

        I know a couple that is into the “swinger lifestyle”, they know I am not so they don’t mention it around me. Should we let the swingers marry multiple partners since they are in a committed relationship?

        • Broken Arrow says:

          If they want to make their tax forms that complicated, then go for it.

          The real question is, what’s two gay people getting married going to hurt? It’s already happening in other states every day and yet the world hasn’t exploded.

          • S lover says:

            My point being I don’t feel this behavior should be legitimized by law. If that is your thing fine, I don’t really care what someone else does in their home. Gays can already put their property in a trust and draft living wills that give them basically the same rights as married couples. Heck if they want to get married go to New York or wherever and go for it. Or you could even have a private ceremony at home with friends. What is the purpose of having a piece of paper on file in the courthouse? Can you not express your “love” until that paper gets filed?

            If you want to have a “roommate” or “partner” and do your thing behind closed doors have at it. Just don’t rub it in my face.

            • Broken Arrow says:

              What’s the point of a straight couple getting a piece of paper on file at the courthouse?

              Whatever reason you have, they have it too. Even if it’s God. If you think there are gay couples out there that don’t believe in God, you’re crazy.

              You’re thinking, but BA, they are in direct violation of God’s blah blah blah.

              Point me at a Christian that DOESN’T sin. There’s a reason for asking for forgiveness, right?

              • s says:

                Religion has little to do with my stance. I don’t want to have to see gays in public acting as if their lifestyle is normal and nothing to be ashamed of. It is not normal and is not accepted in this community.

                If gays want to be out in public they can go to Montrose or Austin. Nacogdoches, Texas is not the place to do it.

                The ONLY reason gays want to marry is to advance their gay agenda and have their lifestyle viewed as normal.

                • Broken Arrow says:

                  Here’s an idea, stop being so hateful. I know that’s not YOUR normal lifestyle, but you should try it.

                  • S says:

                    No thanks, not my thing, but if I were into some form of deviant behavior I would not feel the need to subject the general public to said behavior.

                    I don’t think contracting AIDS would be very much fun either.

                    Good day!

  3. Sheep lover says:

    What about sheep? Can I marry one of my sheep?

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