Category Archives: Herrington

Herrington: Conservative Movies

     Why hasn’t the conservative faction of the culture produced its own movies since it perceives Hollywood as being so very liberal? The National Review has posted a list of movies, made in Hollywood, of course, that it considers, somewhat at … Continue reading

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Herrington: “Derivatives for Everybody…”

     Although derivatives are an item to be bought and sold in the real world of finances, they are in fact a hard currency metaphor for an ideology of the business cycle: We project, or bet, on the future value of … Continue reading

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Herrington: Blogging Can Be…

     I often blog, Facebook, and freelance, and sometimes I get into a situation where I have to try to explain myself; this is what happened one day in a conversation about the Bible. CW…”If you don’t believe the Bible is … Continue reading

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Herrington: Ode to Lenny

Lenny Bruce, patron Saint of those who bare their souls naked on the linoleum floors of truth, life spent in a rabid thrust to speak from the heart of pain, lonely his temptations: seeing the light, shining, and the distance … Continue reading

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Herrington: Money and the Holy Grail of Tax Relief Solved

     Well, let’s talk about money. I appreciate when others do the hard work and all the heavy lifting on my behalf…., so here’s the skinny on the fat news about the Bush Tax Cuts in terms of real cost. Fine. … Continue reading

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Herrington: Friendship or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Criticism

     The whole point of having a friend is to have someone to talk to. Talking to someone needs to be a two-way street: Sometimes you talk, and sometimes you listen. What you are listening to may not make any difference … Continue reading

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Herrington: On Forgiveness

     If something has gone terribly wrong, and we are cut to the bone. distrusting, deeply devalued, critically emotionally wounded, the transformation of a hurt identity into a freed identity requires re-evaluating ourselves as we view ourselves. Shame seems to be … Continue reading

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Herrington: Affording to Retire

     Gillian Tett, US managing editor and an assistant editor of the Financial Times, seems to think that our worries in America are both financial and sociological; that is, the equations are important but not to be simplistically separated from the … Continue reading

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Herrington: The Road of Life

     I’ve been thinking about what I would say if I were sitting in front of a camera and had the chance to say anything I wanted to say without anyone’s approval or validation. If you get all moralistic, it mainly … Continue reading

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Herrington: Jesus’s Personal Ad: Girlfriend Wanted

     We might ask ourselves what it was that Jesus actually saw in the Gentiles that made him want to redeem them. He had a multi-tribed family of man already picked out and had been working with them for several thousand … Continue reading

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