Herrington: Money and the Holy Grail of Tax Relief Solved

Chris Herrington, Contributing Writer

     Well, let’s talk about money. I appreciate when others do the hard work and all the heavy lifting on my behalf….http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/post/revisiting-the-cost-of-the-bush-tax-cuts/2011/05/09/AFxTFtbG_blog.html, so here’s the skinny on the fat news about the Bush Tax Cuts in terms of real cost. Fine. So, now we know. Down and dirty, the Bush Tax Cuts allowed the wealthy to keep more money, and it took money out of the system. In the meantime, we continued to spend and the bills just stacked up. Spend more than you bring in and you will create a deficit. Anyone?

     Well, what’s a country to do? Spend less. Okay. Make more? Okay.

     2001……..But White House press secretary Ari Fleischer warned Democrats not to attempt to repeal any of the bill’s provisions.

     “Any attempt that is made to roll back any aspect of this tax cut is nothing other than a tax increase, and it will be resisted,” he said at a press briefing this afternoon.

     The rhetoric started almost as soon as the bill had passed. If we repeal the bill then the increase in taxes back to the original level will be seen as new taxes on the wealthy. I get a break and if that break ends then something new has happened? Wouldn’t the ending of the break just be the same thing as going back to where it was before? What is new about that? Making the breaks permanent or extending them is an honest way of discussing them since these are real world ideas that describe the process. Putting the levels back to previously agreed on levels is not new taxes or an increase of taxes but rather putting them back to where they were. Duh….

     Personally, I don’t care one way or another. I’m an anarchist. If the Marxists obey the predictions of the Communist Manifesto, or if the Capitalists deny taking responsibility for heeding the warnings of Adam Smith that the Capitalists need to conserve their relationships with the consumer so that they don’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg, I really don’t care. In fact, I am all for it. Both of those are the same thing. The Capitalists are trying to prove that the Marxists are right and the Marxists are trying to prove that the Capitalists will prove them right. If we create a final divide between the rich and the poor, the 2% will be at the mercy of the 98%, as in South Africa, and the people will take over, finally. For me, case solved. No more federal government, at all.

     The whole idea that corporations are people too is just outrageous. What sex is Exxon? Is GE a tranny? Can I date and marry a corporation? Can they go to jail? You can sue them, but they have a bank of lawyers, so they act like a country. It’s all very confusing, so I say just get rid of them. I like the mom and pop store thing way better.

     Small businesses have always hired more people than corporations. Corporations amalgamate power, reduce the labor force relative to their size, and they are more likely to take local tax dollars away from the community where they are based. They are just large vampires, sucking the life blood out of America. Well, that is an even bigger problem: America itself.

     We need to question the entire project, don’t we? Divided we fall. We are not together, that’s for sure. I say let’s just not have any taxes at all. Why do we need them? The rich, the wealthy, the job creators, have not identified any reason to collect any taxes at all. They do not want public education. They do not want any regulation of any business at all. They have hired private security to cover their butts. They have great insurance. They do not need “America.” If they did not have to pay ANY taxes at all, how many jobs would that create? If I gave you a million dollars right now, would you go out and hire a crew of people? If a rich person got a $50,000,000 tax break, how many people would he have to hire? None! There is no accountability for his hiring even one soul. No regulation at all! I say cut his tax bill to zero. Cut all the taxes to zero. Why not?

     What do we need to have at all anyways? If every local community had to pay for itself, the market would figure itself out right away. Many communities would go broke and disappear. Good. Public education, gone, except in wealthy communities where private corporations would move in to take it over. Good. I can’t think of anything that would not improve from my point of view. No local or state taxes, at all, and we would see the end to this vicious cycle of road building and public works projects. We need to stop depending on our neighbors altogether and fend for ourselves. The rich can do it. They will build what roads they need to get where they are going. That will get rid of all of this traffic in the morning on the way to work. Job? Who needs it?

     Stop laughing…I can hear you from here. Okay, so you have a logical load limit where we need some amount of government, you say. Huh…. I disagree. I do believe in a market and I think that just as Americans will say, “If you raise the taxes too high, I will not work,” they are also saying, “If you pay too low, I will not work.” The incentive plan is still there for everyone. Corporations know that. That’s why they are going overseas. They can make more money overseas where the taxes are lower and the labor is cheaper and the supplies and resources are cheaper. In the land of supply and demand, the supply costs in America are too high…any cost is too high. No taxes, free access, open resources, and no labor costs, that is the American way. Everyone wants someone else to foot the bill.

     I say, let’s not even create one. No bills at all. No taxes and no corporations. Why even worry about it? You live on your land….however you get it. You make your own way, dig your well, and do your thing. Live off the land and live free. No federal, state, or local government. At all.

     No schools, no roads, no army, no fire department, no police, no regulation, and no taxes. And if it is cheaper for the corporations to dump waste directly into streams and rivers, whatever; I’m not going to have kids. Screw the national parks. Forget wilderness areas. Let’s just kill’em all, and let God sort it out. Now we are getting back to our American roots.


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