Herrington: My Other Life

Chris Herrington, Contributing Writer

     Those of you who know me, know that I am a blogging fool. I write everywhere, which is how I feel about playing harmonica and racquetball…anytime and anywhere. Here is a taste of what kinds of things I write about elsewhere. If you Facebook or blog, I can be found under Chris Herrington or runningturtle87. Sometimes people will attempt to take me to task over the things I say or the ideas I have; I will remind you that being insane is not against the law and neither is blogging. I have no reason to be constrained by anything other than what Everythingnac.com will allow and so far, I’m hanging on. So, here’s a piece from my other life.


     In talking to people, the major question that comes up is one that strikes at the heart of what we all mean when we talk about spiritual grace as a part of our daily lives, “If I can do anything at all because I have been set free, what should I be doing with my life?” I have learned that the question itself always contains the answer if you can deconstruct the question. First, let’s take the “if” out. In an unconditional world, there is no “if.”

     Secondly, “free to” is also “free from,” and so we can know, beyond the intellect that we do not have to be encumbered by any previous pattern at all. This is proven over and over, not the least by the incredible logic of the Buddha, who crushed the round of samsara by ceasing to reincarnate, having dissolved all karma; the lessons were over, he had become himself. Above this, Christ became the Great High Priest, and none other was ever needed. This is an abandonment of the old paradigm of Law and condemnation.

     Thirdly, there is no doing. The question itself is flawed. There is only being. Let’s reframe the question as a statement in light of this slight deconstruction: I am free to be myself in Christ; the quest is then to define or rather identify who I am. I am unbounded by time and space, socialization or culture. Neither gender nor language nor age subducts my soul. I am free from the constraints of logic, morals, or relationship, and therefore I choose to present myself as I am, without being enslaved to any system. Now, having this limited life in terms of existence, I can be myself whole heartedly, being no one else. I take responsibility for who I am, and stand firm on the ground of owning nothing, metaphysical or material. My power is love and my calling card is an intimacy of communication that sees with x-ray certainty into the worth of all beings. I do not differentiate. I am at peace. This is the state of grace, and I am a citizen of the nation of all beings.

     Obviously, this group is one that has a certain mindset already, so there is little to explain and a lot to be taken as fair play. They have been very open to my mixing and matching metaphors and jumping ship from iconology to supersegmentation or hypertaxic reading. I, for one, see no reason to limit myself to that which anyone understands since it seems that speaking from ignorance is our greatest past time. That’s it. See you on the WEB!

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