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Other Voice Comments

1,173 Responses to NacVoice

  1. gimlet says:

    For over 20 years, local fire and police were paid much less than their peers in other towns in East TExas. Only officrs/firefighters in McAllen and Uvalde made less. The city undertook a program to bring their employees wages up and it has helped them recruit quality people.

    • Anonymous says:

      I support reasonable pay for our police and firemen, but according to these figures they are making considerably more than average which doesn’t make sense. It appears that they are overpaid. In fact, how many jobs in Nacogdoches pay in this range?

  2. Riley says:

    I did the math….the average salary of a city fireman is $77,803 and the average policeman salary is $68,170. This is based on figures provided by the City Manager and published in today’s newspaper. I am all for public safety, but this appears to be over the top. The state average pay for a policeman is $47,000. The average fire fighter pay statewide is $48,000. Hmmmm, why is there such a big discrepancy? By the way, the average pay for a school teacher in Texas is $41,744.

  3. Mark says:

    When will the county actually use money and resorces to repair the county roads that are being destroyed by EOG and other companies like them? I was told that they are getting money but want to wait until all the drilling stops and that the trucks are not traveling the roads. So my question is ..In the meantime I am expected to tear up my vehicles until they get through drilling? The road I live on connects 2 major state highways, 21 and 7 East of town. It is used as a cut through road by pilgrims pride, water trucks for gas wells, and dump trucks hauling hot mix to repair hwy 21; all the while tearing up the county road. Something needs to be done to all roads but this one is definitely gets traveled by many heavy equipment vehicles.

  4. gimlet says:

    Dear Administrator,
    Could we move the comment box to the top of the list instead of the bottom. I hate having to scroll all the way down to leave a comment. I would appreciate your consideration of this.

    • admin says:

      I can see what I can do about it. In the mean time I would advise using the END key or Page Down.

      -EverythingNac Admin

  5. gimlet says:

    The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently released a guide to surviving the “coming Zombie Apocalypse”. Does anyone know where I could find a copy. I hear that Nac is targeted to be invaded by zombies soon.

    • Rhonda Pullen says:

      You mean we haven’t been already?? News to me :)
      If you find out where to get a copy, please post here!!

  6. hap says:

    Why do we even need a convention center? There is nothing for convention goers to do once they get to Nac. And our transit system does not run to Lufkin. lol

  7. hap says:

    The county cannot use the grant money for the “Evacuation Shelter” to build anything else. That money is earmarked for the shelter to be built at the Expo Center.

  8. Anonymous says:

    KTRE is reported tonight that the County is having trouble getting funding to renovate the building they bought for the Tech school. Seems to me instead of building the new convention center attached to the Expo that they should use that money for the Tech school. At least a Tech school would provide job training for our local citizens to help them get better jobs. What’s the convention center going to do for us? It will sit empty and suck down our tax dollars for utilities and maintenance.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Both KTRE and the Daily Sentinel are propaganda outlets….they don’t want to cover stories that put community leaders in poor light. They only put puff pieces out and NEVER do any investigative reporting. Worthless!

  10. hap says:

    County Commissioners have just voted to lift the “burn ban”. Trashy folks who have not been able to dispose of their garbage may now do so. But, please! Do it SAFELY!

  11. Rhonda Pullen says:

    Well, well, well…don’t bother commenting on KTRE’s Facebook page unless you are willing to follow along like sheep and agree with every damn thing they say!!! I made a comment, and subsequently got into a peaceful, non-dramatic discussion with several other followers, under their ‘meth mouth’ story, telling how *most* new cases of young adults needing dentures are due to meth use! ALL I stated was, people need to realize that not ALL of us young people with bad teeth got this way due to drug use, and did so without being defamatory to KTRE or their reporters, and without using profanity. Myself and one other gentleman (and who knows how many others!) were banned from posting on the stories, or their Facebook page itself after having this discussion! KTRE deleted the first discussion and the first link, and once they reposted the link, this same group continued our discussion on that link, at which time at LEAST two of us were totally cut off the page! I SO wish I had thought to get a screenshot of the discussion-it really WAS totally civil and violated NONE of FB’s terms of service! Moral of this story: Free speech-not with KTRE!!

    • Slaaag says:

      That’s one thing I love about this website. They have this wonderful page set up where we can come talk.

      • Rhonda Pullen says:

        As do I…and the admin isn’t afraid of an opinion that doesn’t agree with his :) It’s nice!!

    • Broken Arrow says:

      So what happened on KTRE anyways? They just deleted you or something?

      • Rhonda Pullen says:

        They deleted the comments of me and several different others on one particular story, and removed our posting rights for the Facebook page…seems they don’t like it when people disagree with their views on things. They would prefer to think that everyone walking around with bad teeth is a meth-head, that way they don’t have to admit there’s a problem and there need to be more low-income dental clinics in the area!! Meanwhile they will leave up nasty comments by others talking about how obviously everyone who lives in low-income housing is trash scamming the government. Interesting…

  12. Anonymous says:

    Don’t we have a city ordinance that requires property owners to keep grass cut below 12 inches? It is shameful the way many of our neighborhoods are looking with over grown yards. When will something be done?

  13. Anonymous says:

    The US hit it’s credit limit today–$14.3 trillion. When will the insane spending come to an end?

    • Anonymous says:

      I think it’s funny that when Bush took us from a surplus to a deficit, no one said stop the spending. Bush spends all the money, hands the bill to Obama, and everyone blames Obama for spending the cash. Well done.

      • Anonymous says:

        I didn’t like the way Bush was spending and I am not happy that Obama hasn’t curtailed spending either. Seems like we can’t win either way we go.

        • Big'un says:

          Apparently, there are still some who just will not falter in their blind support of one of the worst presidents in our country’s history… What WILL it take for you to admit he is not who we voted for? You probably don’t take issue with him turning his back on Isreal, do you? He is selling Texas and other border states out by claiming the border is secure, when it obviously is NOT. He submits himself to Muslim kings, he tells Isreal(and the worldwide Jewish community) that they have no rights to their holiest of monuments and the borders laid out by our LORD! The man is a muslim, he is not a patriot, I sincerily doubt his citizenship. He didn’t even make the call to take out UBN. Panetta did! WHEN will you people realize we have all been decieved by this puppet? My eyes were opened a looong time ago. It KILLS ME that I bought into his BS propaganda and actually VOTED for this guy. I am deeply ashamed and you should be too!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone think it’s ironic that the City is giving the Mast family a tax abatement? They are one of the wealthiest families in Nacogdoches but they get a break on their taxes? What about the rest of us hard working folks?

    • Big'un says:

      Looks like Nac is taking a page from our federal gov’t. Tax the poor, give the wealthy breaks… No wonder we are in such sad shape!

  15. hap says:

    What can you do to help your local volunteer fire department? Most VFDs badly need two things–money and membership. If you can make a monetary donation to your local VFD, that would be great. If you might be able to help them out by becoming a member, go for it! Manpower is one of the biggest needs of every department. Even if you think you don’t know anything about firefighting, you probably can learn. First lesson–put the wet stuff on the red stuff (refers to putting water on the fire). Second lesson–sleep is an overrated luxury. If your VFD does not ask for donations, seek out a member and ask how you can help. If you are offered the opportunity to donate through your local water system, please do so.

  16. hap says:

    Now, the truth may be coming forward in the raid on the Bin Laden compound. A White House insider now says that Obama faltered in giving an okay on the mission for weeks! Leon Panetta gave the go ahead after consulting with Gen. Petraeus and Hillary R. Clinton. They could not rely on the POTUS to make a decision–he had already wavered several times. So, Obana is NOT THE HERO he has been made to seem.

    • Anonymous says:

      You mean he hesitated before running into a situation that could cost people their lives? Sure doesn’t sound like something Bush would have done.

      • Big'un says:

        Wow… I wish I could say I was surprised @ Anonymous’ comment. Sadly there are a lot of people in this country that buy everything they’re selling. You have some solid intel that the most wanted man in the world is somewhere, you send ’em in asap! And then he goes around beating his chest acting like it was him who took the shot! Total BS! Thanks to Panetta for getting it done!

  17. madmilker says:

    support your town………shop around!

    Made In America………..priceless!

    On Wal*Mart’s China web page under “About Us.”

    “Wal-Mart China persists in local procurement which provides more job opportunities, supports local manufacture industry and promotes local economy. So far, 95% of merchandising sold at Wal-Mart China store are local products by which Wal-Mart has established business relations with nearly 20,000 suppliers. At Wal-Mart, we treat suppliers as partners and would like to develop with them. In 2008 Wal-Mart won the Supplier Satisfaction published by Business Information of Shanghai for five consecutive years.”

    5% foreign in China…

    That doesn’t support American exports and American jobs.

    Remember what Lance Winslow wrote in that article “The Flow of Trade in a Global Economy”….

    “Now let us look at Wal-Mart again; you buy a product there, 6% goes to the employees, 10-18% is profit to the company, 25% goes to other costs and 50% goes to re-stock or the cost of goods sold. Of the 50% about 20-25% goes to China, a guess, but you get the point. Now then, how long will it take at 433 Billion dollars at year for China to have all of our money, leaving no money flow for us to circulate? At a 17 Trillion dollar economy less than 40-years minus the 1/6 they buy from us. Some say that if we keep putting money into our economy, it would take forever, but if we do not then eventually all the money flow will go. If China buys our debt then eventually they own us, no need to worry about a war, they are buying America, due in part to our own mismanaged trade, so whose fault is that? Not necessarily China, as they are doing what’s in the best interests, and we should make sure that trade is not only free, but fair too.”

    Think for a moment about George Washington….yes the man that is on the US dollar bill….How do you think George feels being sent overseas in return for all that foreign so-call cheap items and being left in a foreign bank because the American worker doesn’t make anything for the foreigners to buy. Cheap items didn’t make this great union of 50 states the greatest place on the face of this Earth…..the American worker (union and non-union) did.

    You can’t have a strong country without having a strong currency and you can’t have a strong currency unless you keep it floating around within your 50 states. This is why the store with the star in the name puts 95% China made items in their stores in China….to keep their “yuan” in their country helping the nice people there. And with only 5% left for all the other 182 country’s that make stuff including the United States of America….that doesn’t produce very many jobs outside of China.

    Being an old person myself and knowing how it was back in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s in this union of 50 states….I look at George each time I pull him out of my billfold and make a promise to send him out for items made in America so after floating around helping each hand he touches just maybe one day he will shake mine again.

    Fifteen cargo ships pollute as much as 760 million automobiles.

    $9 billion a year in hidden taxes to all American taxpayers to clean fish from ballast tanks of ships…

    think about all those facts the next time you pull that George out of your pocket….

    Retail makes NOTHING…

    Governments only make MORE DEBT…

    It’s time for less of those two and for America to get back to what it does best….MAKE STUFF..

    cause George Washington on that dollar can’t help anyone in the United States of America if he is being held in a foreign hand.

    Made In America is the only way out of this mess cause foreign made put US here.

    • Big'un says:

      Well said, sir! America has been sliding down a slippery slope for far too long! Why aren’t we the worlds number one producer of goods? 50 years ago, we were the leaders of technology and enterprise! What happened? If Wal Mart is able to put 95% Chinese products in their stores in China, why not here? We, as a nation, have to stand up and say enough is enough! NO MORE outsourcing! We have some of the best and brightest workers in the world, USE THEM! Put us to work, pay us a fair wage for an honest day’s work, and STOP OUTSOURCING! If other countries want to import their goods here, we need to be able to send ours back!

  18. Want A NEW Car? says:

    Come down to The Pineywoods Showdown @ Nacogdoches High School and watch some great basketball rivalries and enter for a chance to win a BRAND NEW Hyundai Sonata, courtesy of Perry Hyundai!

    Jared Cates
    Sales Consultant

  19. Big'un says:

    You just never know… Also, it should be said, militias aren’t strictly for military use. They also assist their communities in the event of a natural disaster or other similiar circumstances. CLEARLY not gaining much support for the idea here. But I’d be willing to bet there are quite a few people in town who would be willing to participate.

  20. hap says:

    I can see it now: The NAC DEFENSE LEAGUE deployed to Lanana Creek to keep invaders (whoever or whatever it may be) out of town.

  21. admin says:

    [img][/img] You should now be able to post photos with your comments.

    Any image will automatically cause your post to need approval by EverythingNac before being posted.

  22. Texas Patriot says:

    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”

    • Big'un says:

      Our forefathers had great foresight. They knew that their government would be corrupted and put safegaurds like militias in place. Thanks for the qoute. Who said that? Are you interested in participating?

  23. KingOfBrains says:

    I think David Koresh tried to start a sort of militia. I liked how it worked out for him.

    • Big'un says:

      Say whaaat? I think he had started his own religion and locked himself and his followers in a compound. Far from an organized militia. Did they even fire a single shot? Don’t be stupid, KOB.

      • KingOfBrains says:

        They were stockpiling arms and training. Why do you think the FBI got involved, and then a standoff ensued. If they were just unarmed religious nuts, the FBI would have stormed that place on Day 1.

        • Big'un says:

          Stockpiling weapons and calling yourself Jesus is waaay different than a group of patriotic Americans coming together and learning about and practicing with their weapons. IMO, anyway. Clearly there are a lot of people out there that don’t see things the way I do.

          • Big Mama says:

            And there are a lot out there who do. Those of us who don’t suckle up to main stream media or the wheelbarrow load of CRAP that is dispensed daily. Those of us who remember and respect those forefathers who knew that protecting themselves from a government gone mad, those of us who don’t expect a bailout, cash for clunkers, or the government to come and save us in the midst of a natural disaster. In other words .. those of us who are paying attention.

            And to compare a group coming together to be better prepared in cause of emergency so they can protect their families to David Koresh is, well .. you just spoke VOLUMES about yourself KOofSFB.

          • Big'un says:

            Easy, Mama! Glad to know there are like minded individuals out there!

  24. Big'un says:

    Is there a local militia group, or would anybody be interested in forming a local militia? I know I am not the guy to lead or organize it, but I would like to take part. I think it would be a good idea to, as a community, organize and train in case of a need to defend ourselves. Maybe I am the only one, but I figured I would put it out there… I think we all could benefit from some advanced weapons training(how many of you are proficient with your guns) and basic military training. Maybe it is just me… We’ll see.

    • Anonymous says:

      A militia? What for? The Army going somewhere?

      • WOW says:

        Welcome to the FBI watch list Big’un. Your militia group probably should look into recruiting a common sense director.

        • FMJ says:

          Militias are allowed for in the Constitution.

          I would be game, but I think a more PC name for the organization would be “gun club” or “hunting club”.

          • Big'un says:

            If you aren’t interested, thats fine. But IF you ever needed protection, I’d bet you’d be glad to know there is a local group who is at least somewhat prepared for whatever happens. Our military is stetched too thin in 3 wars across the globe. How can they defend us? We have to take some responsibility for our own safety and well being. Do you let someone else feed you too? We have a VERY open border with God knows who coming in… Why wouldn’t we want to get organized, just in case we ever had to act? I am not concerned with being on an FBI watch list because I am interested in being a part of a militia. If THAT did put me on some list in Washington, then we all have a reason to worry. And I believe being prepared is good common sense. Voting for Obama sure wasn’t…

          • Big'un says:

            You’re probably right about what to call it. But I didn’t want people to misunderstand the purpose. This isn’t for going out in the woods, getting drunk, and playing with guns. This is a serious business. Plus, I don’t agree with this negative connotation the word militia has taken on… Militias FREED this country from Britain’s tyranny, how has America forgotten this?

          • Anonymous says:

            No one’s coming across the border to get you. Don’t be so scared. Do you build your own roads? OMG! THE GOVERNMENT BUILT ROADS RIGHT TO YOUR HOUSE. THEY’RE GOING TO GET YOU! RUUUUNNNNNN!!!

          • Big'un says:

            You can joke if you want. But if it is easy enough for all these illegals to get over here, what is going to stop terrorists? I am not scared, but I do believe in being prepared. If you don’t, then you have nothing to worry about. Just don’t be surprised if you find out you were wrong and are completely unprepared. If I am wrong, what have I risked or lost? Nothing. But if I am right, even HALF right… By the way, there is a Texas Militia, and there are active members ALL OVER Texas. Still think I am crazy? All those guys must be too…

          • Anonymous says:

            Crazy. You got one thing right.

          • Big'un says:

            You’re entitled to your own opinion. I will keep my opinion on your stance to myself. You are clearly not interested in this topic, why do you continue to post on it?

          • Killer Bees! says:

            All that radiation in Japan could hyper mutate a race of SUPER KILLER BEES that will take over the world. It’d be best to prepare. If I am wrong, what have I risked or lost? Nothing. But if I am right, even HALF right…

          • admin says:

            Keep it civil Anon.

            -EverythingNac Admin

          • Big'un says:

            Interesting theory, Killer Bees!, but those guys are REALLY hard to shoot with a rifle… Trust me, I understand that our society hasn’t had the need for militias for a long time, so a lot of people don’t see the need. But there ARE plenty of people out there that take this seriously and are prepared(even if it is all for naught) for whatever may come. Well… Maybe not Super Bees, yet. :)

          • Big'un says:

            FMJ, you interested? Go to or look ’em up on Facebook. These guys are very well regulated and professional.

      • Big Mama says:

        The Army? How many wars are we in? What about the war just sound of our own non-existent (to the Feds) border? This administration has NO interest in protecting the rights of its citizens .. has no interest in protecting our Constitution .. and in fact is doing everything in its power to ERODE all that America stands for, up to an including taking your rights away to protect yourself. If you are not capable or willing to take steps to protect your family by arming yourself, stockpiling food, water basic survival supplies .. then you will be the very ones crying and screaming in the street for your GOVERNMENT to come and bail your a__ (again). Good luck with that.

        • Zarg says:

          You mean that thing you decided was going to happen the second Obama became president? You act like you’ve been watching these events and over time you came to the conclusion that the government was going to come get us.
          During Bush’s era, the teabaggers and people who think today is some end of days scenario, sat complacent. You cheered as you watched a president sent us to Iraq to cause the death of tons of our own soldiers because you lost sight of what we were really angry about; Bin Laden.
          You decided that the government was coming to get you the moment Obama came into power. Nothing has happened to add to that evidence, except that he’s STILL president. And he’ll win in 2012 too because the republican party is so spread out they can’t figure out who to follow.
          Even Glen Beck has been taking off the air because he doesn’t have enough viewers because people are slowly realizing that he’s just fear mongering.
          Want to start a gun club, or whatever, then do it. But let’s not act like you’re going to be called to arms. Even if you were, you think the government ‘s FBI and military force couldn’t quickly put an end to a dozen rednecks with a gun and an attitude? Even 100 guys.
          Do what you want, but don’t act like you’re holding back the tides.

          • Big'un says:

            First of all, I was not cheering when we were sent to Iraq. We have NO BUSINESS being over there. The only reason we are in the ME is corporate/govt greed! It has been that way for a long long time. Second, I have no illusion or granduer. I know I could NEVER hold back an organized paid military force. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be prepared. I would rather die fighting than just give in. Glenn Beck is a fear monger, and there are a lot of them. But that doesn’t mean there is nothing to fear. The thing that scares me most is that the majority of Americans seem ignorant, or just don’t care, that our rights are being taken away by a government that is supposed to work for us!

          • Big Mama says:

            In response to ZARG:

            I actually gave Obama the benefit of the doubt despite my belief that he was not qualified, far from prepared and elected by a very disllusioned, uninformed majority. So please don’t presume to pretend that you know my thoughts.

            Sadly, his inadequacy has far surpassed any fears I had early on. He is a TERRIBLE president .. and he will not be reelected unless he pulls some Unconstitutional shenanigan that prevents a true and legitimate election. And no, I wouldn’t put it past him.

  25. District Court Cases says:

    Sometimes I would like to see the outcome of district court cases.

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