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Members of the Nacogdoches and Lufkin Fire Departments have deployed to help fight wildfires in the Texas Panhandle. Three units left early Sunday morning to join other local firefighters who have been near Amarillo for several days fighting a wildfire that has consumed more than 70,000 acres and at least two homes.
What is going on around town?
Choppers in the air, feds in unmarked cars. Something is going down.
Hide you weed, hide wife, cause they bustin ererbody up in this town!
Has anyone seen any predictions on what this proposed “consolidated dispatching” is going to cost the county? I certainly have not. The County Judge announces that we are going to do it and his two shadows say “amen”. As far as I know, there have been no studies done to tell taxpayers what this is going to cost us. Just because the judge decrees it is a good thing does not necessarily make it so.
Thank you for all that you do Everything nac!! I love this website.
Thank you so much.
-Keith Lansdale
EverythingNac Admin
Four of our county commissioners just voted to upend the lives of several loyal employees of the county without even consulting them as to their feelings on the issue. I am talking about the issue of “consolidated dispatching” for the city and county. This project will end up costing the county a lot of money in the long run as current county employees will have to be given raises to catch up with city dispatchers. There are other issues involved that will greatly (and adversely) affect some of the current county employees. Apparently, our county commissioners could care less.
There is no shooting range open to the public in Nacogdoches. You will probably have to befriend a local who has land somewhere outside the city who would agree to let you shoot there.
Yep, thats what I am hoping. You don’t have some land we can go shooting at, do you, Hap??? I know a couple people, but can’t seem to get our schedules to work.
Is there anyone local who has a personal shooting range, or a place to go target shooting? Seems like the only public range is down near Lufkin and is always closed when I am off! I am a responsible 28 year old who is environmentally conscious and enjoys improving my skills with my rifles. I have worked with 50 to 300 yard targets and would like to extend my range! I have a Remington Model 700 6mm and a (very nice) Mosin Nagant for the long distance stuff and a 9mm Carbine and a 12 gauge for 100 yards and closer. So if you have a place and want a new shooting buddy, reply!!! Thanks!
There used to be one at the SFA Coliseum. Don’t know if it is still in operation or not.
SFA Lumberjacks baseball squad is 6-0 in Southland Conference play. Hope they keep up their winning ways.
I hear there is a new book on the shelves of some book stores. I sure wish we had a real bookstore so I could go get it. A new Hap and Leonard novel by none other than local author Joe R. Lansdale. Since I’ve known Joe and his wife and kiddos (now grown) for several years, I am a littlel partial to his work. He’s a great writer, and he stays true to his view of East Texas. Go out and find it. It’s worth buying.
sleeting in garrison and south to the city of nac. drive safe out there.
Thanks for the heads up!
Finally, a county commissioner that will stand up and say what he means, and where he stands. Congrats Elton Milstead. Even if I may not agree with you, I admire your style.
To all others: Mugshots are not kept at the county courthouse. They are stored on computers at the Law Enforcement Center (Sheriff’s Office/Jail). The DISTRICT ATTORNEY and GRAND JURY can pursue DWI charges if it is a subsequent offense (prior convictions).
re:Appleby VFD question.
I heard that 6 or 8 members (including the Ass’t. Chief) walked out last week. It may be concerning some monetary problems that were brought to light. Have not heard for sure.
Like money stolen? Or just some bad book keeping?
Has anyone heard of something going on with the Appleby VFD?
Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3…
This is a great site. How does it make money though?
Mr. Lansdale should not feel ashamed of himself, he should be proud, as he is doing a service for our entire community. The Daily Senile only quit putting names of the daily arrests in the paper when the new editor came to town, before that they were published daily. The only difference in this and theirs is the date of the arrest and the mugshot, but the names WERE published. I guess their ‘class’ came with the new editor. One has a right to know if their neighbor, friend or acquaintance is arrested, and exactly what crime they are accused of commiting. One of the Annonymous (no way to differentiate as to which one) is so very wrong. The Senile does print indictments handed down by the grand jury, and it is just that….an accusation that the DA has presented before the grand jury and the grand jury feels there is enough evidence to go to trial and obtain a conviction. The indictment is by no means a guilty verdict. Many years ago, the Senile used to omit the names of the socialites of this town when they were arrested, or when civil cases were filed against them, or sometimes when someone was arrested they would call the paper and ask that their name not be printed. If you were high enough on the totum pole, you didn’t have to see your name in print. I enjoy the information provided by this new website, I check it daily for information not provided in other venues. Mr. Lansdale, there will always be nay-sayers and gripers for anything new. I know you are doing an excellent job and I wish you much success in your new endeavor. You are not a classless person, and anyone that would make that snide remark simply does not know you…..their loss in my opinion. Keep up the good work!
Yes you do have the right to know who in your home area drives while intoxicated, or writes hot checks, steals or abuses their family. But to me it seems very obvious that you are exactly the type person that doesn’t need to be reading the weekend arrest! Let’s save that for you after they’ve been convicted! Can you honestly say that when someone reads those type things doesn’t automatically just assumes it to be true? I doubt it. The website main objective is perfectly fine and upstanding but leave names and photos out of it! The fact of the matter is that I do have tourettes and yes I was pulled over for speeding because another person pulled out of a side street without seeing me already being in the process of changing into the same lane. When I got nervous talking to the policeman, since I thought I was getting a speeding ticket, I most definately acted strange! I cannot help that! Sure, I was asked to get out of the car. He then asked me to do a sobriety test that I then failed in his OPINION. Other tid bit of information that should be known is that I’m also a heart patient that takes medication to control the speed of my heart. If I get a jolt of addrenalen my heart of course begins to speed up. Guess what happens then…. my medicine quickly does what it should and slows my heart back down to keep me alive but then I get dizzy! Immagine that! Now let’s add all this up, tourettes, dizzy heart patient with brand new 3 inch heels on that had been hurting my feet for over an hour. By the time he asked me if I would do a breathalyzer test I had already shut down my logical thinking and could not understand what I needed to do. I even attempted to explain this to the officer but he did not know what I was trying to tell him, so I just decided to be quiet and not keep trying to explain because it was just getting worse. Believe me. I don’t blame the policeman for thinking I wasn’t sober and I’m not even remotely upset with him anymore because I would have done the exact same thing in his position. Once I am able to go the the judge and explain, I know it will be corrected.
So tell me then… How is what I do on the weekend any of your business? As long as me and you aren’t rideing together the next time I try to get out of someones way and end up getting pulled over, I can’t see any reason why or how I could affect your life. The situation I found myself in was just a bad one anyway you look at it! I live unaffected by my medical issues 98% of the time. I am a good person, a honest person, a good friend, and till now felt like a good mother who’s children would occasionally have to deal with the faces or sounds that I’ve been known to make, but never would they have to worry about me lying, stealing or knowingly endangering other people! How would you feel if all of this had happened to you and you child calls you up from school to say “hey mom! Just saw your mugshot in class at school”? Makes you all warm and fuzzy like a greeting card doesn’t it! Judgmental people whiteout facts like you are what makes the police report section of this site classless!
I have about the same response to you that I had to ‘Concerned about the law’. Not once did I judge or belittle you for your medical condition, or anything that happened to you, and I could care less what you chose to do on the weekend as long as you do nothing to endanger others. You need to read and comprehend the statements I made. You are the one that is continuing to plead your case in this forum. I did not ‘whiteout’ any of the facts, the only ‘facts’ I know about your arrest are what you wrote on here. Perhaps your medical condition should be investigated and your license revoked (well, you didn’t blow so we know it is gone for 6 months anyway) until your condition is fully under control. If you get dizzy when you get upset, and everyone can get a little road rage, etc., then you are apparently are possibly a danger to other drivers and pedestrians. Tourette’s syndrome is something a lot of people deal with and it should not keep you from driving, but you say that you have a heart condition and get dizzy when you get upset and that is a concern for other drivers. I always instilled in my kids’ minds, and their friends had to listen to my lecture also, they were not only responsible for themselves and their passengers, but to look around and they were responsible not to damage anything they could see around them, whether it was people or property. If you are not in total control at all times, whether it from a medical condition or medication that you take, you should not be driving and endangering others. When your day in court does come, you can bet the policeman has a video and audio of the entire incident after your stop, and the truth will come out. You did not take the ‘blow’ test because you didn’t want ‘high on crack’ to be added to the list? I may be mistaken, but the blow test is for alcohol concentration, and does not read meth. I may be mistaken about this, as they have new inventions each day, but in the ‘olden days’, it only read alcohol concentration in your system. You don’t have to be a judgemental person to be aware of your surroundings and know what people are arrested for, it just gives you a heads up to keep your eyes open when people you know are accused, and as I said, I appreciate the public service this website is giving those who care to read it. An arrest is definitely not a conviction, but then there are lots of arrests that fall by the wayside and never make it to court even though the people are guilty. That is the reason good lawyers cost so much, they know the ins and outs of the system, and working the system plays a major role in who is actually convicted and who has the charges dropped against them. I am sorry that your kids were embarrassed, but then when the judge does lower his gavel and makes the decision of guilty or not guilty, then they can tell all their friends about it.
Point taken but your still not getting it… I get upset like another person in this world. This was a different situation. This is not something that happens when I stub my toe. I was scared of being taken to jail! Getting mad and being scared of being taken to jail are on two different levels wouldn’t you think? As I said, 98% of my life is lived unaffected by any of my conditions. My inability to be logical about the breathalyzer was due to the tourettes not because I was scared of blowing positive for meth or even alcohol. Yet I did assumed they did both because I have never been pulled over for anything other than a speeding ticket and the last time I checked that won’t get you taken to jail. I was not being a danger to anyone or others at anytime except for speeding up to get out of a dangerous situation caused from someone else’s lack of attention. I do not expect you to understand this but if the officer would have just said ” you need to do this to prove your sober” I would have gladly taken the test but I was confused because I was scared! I did asked him to tell me what to do but the law doesn’t allow him to do that.
Back to the original issue-
This whole thing was only began as an attempt to have someone understand that once someone is proven guilty then and only then should a mugshot be displayed for the world to see. My name will only spark interest if you know me and in that case most likely you already know me, my situation and my kids. In that case I’m ok with it because my friends and family already know what happened. I don’t really care what strangers think about me but a photo takes it a step further. Strangers who happen to see me dropping of my kids or going to the gym, ect, ect, now they even think it. That’s the part however that does bother me for my children. Reading the arrest section to be aware of your surroundings as you said, IS judgmental. In this type of a situation, the reason your reading it so that you can make a “judgement” call about how to proceed with and or around specific people. That is basically the definition of judgmental! I have no doubt that this will be handled and the charges will be dropped and that’s not because of my lawyer because I don’t exactly have never ending deep pockets to take this to the point that only a good lawyer would be able to just get me out of it. Don’t get me wrong, I of course did get a good lawyer because Im not stupid! If by some unfortunate chance I do end up being misunderstood to have been driving drunk by the judge, then and only then should I have to need to tell my childrens friends and their parents the entire situation but small town people tend to just believe it since it was printed. Myself included! I’m no different from anyone else that lives here except I’m not nosey enough to read the arrest section of the paper. Trust me, this is Nac, If someone that I or my children are involved or in contact with on a regular basis does something illegal or dangerous, I will find out! Only then will I be judgmental along with everyone else. I’m not saying that things like theft by check doesn’t need to be known because in that case you do need to be aware of people you normally wouldn’t incase you do business with strangers. I’m only saying that in some situations things aren’t always as they appear and that the empathetic thing to do would be to wait till the facts have been presented to the court and let them do their job and decide what happened. Let’s be realistic, this isn’t an OJ Simpson type situation. I would have done the same thing if I would have been in the officers position but I refuse to be ok with just sitting here and letting someone read my name or see the photo since I know it’s going to be assumed to be true. I hope for your sake that you never find yourself in a strange situation that can’t be understood by the police because most likely you’ll end up in my position and after people read about it or see your pic they WILL assume that you are guilty of whatever the charge might be. They’ll still believe it even after you get to have your good lawyer straighten it all out. Never say it couldn’t happen to you because it can!
See you at church!
If Law Abider thinks that she will just be “able to go the the judge and explain, I know it will be corrected.” she is mistaken. The Judge does what ever the County Attorney tells him to do. The Assistant County Attorney thinks everyone is drunk. If you want to find out for yourself go to a “Docket Call” the first Wednesday of the month. They dont call the docket, there are over 100 people there, and the Judge doesn’t take the bench. The County will recommend DWI and if you dont have a lawyer they cant/wont negotiate with you. The Judge isnt even there unless you want to plea. Lady you better a good lawyer or your screwed. The best test for a good lawyer in this area is give them a call and see if you 1) can talk to them or 2) get a call back. I know mine by the college was horrible. I didnt talk to him until the day of court.
Lol. The DA doesn’t have anything to do with a DWI, the CA (County Attorney) is the prosecutor of misdemeanors, hence a DWI is a Class B misdemeanor. A DWI in not brought in front of a GRAND JURY!!! If you are going to talk the talk please be able to back it up!
Had you taken the time to read and actually comprehend what was said in my comment, you would have seen that never once did I mention DWI. I spoke of arrests (all) and the names that were previously published and the ones published NOW in the local newspaper. I used the DA comment only as a reference to what was published NOW, and there are some days the paper actually puts the names of those arrested in the On The Record if it is a felony arrest. You apparently are just wanting to blow up at someone, but you will have to be really fast to get one over on me. Please re-read and comprehend the statements I made.
Not wanting to jump on anyone. I am just certified in the law and yes I do know what I am talking about. Although your statements were vague, they were aimed at Law Abider, which incinuates you were speaking to him/her directly. There are hundreds of disorders that affect the human race, tourettes, anxiety disorders of many kinds, heart problems, strokes etc.. Do you believe that these people should not drive? Personally, this is a conversation that I feel needs to be dropped. As Law Abider stated “the damage is done”. My concern are for future people affected by this “mugshot” page. There is a big difference between an arrest being posted i’n the paper and a picture being published. But Law Abider, I stand behind you 100%. Good luck and I hope and pray everything works out for you.
Mr. Lansdale-Only someone who just wants to feel better about himself would take time out of their day and very short life to cause someone else humiliation and pain. The Daily Seintinel has enough class to realize they should’nt put names in the paper but this site thinks they should have mugshots! You realize that even police make mistakes. They are human too, but normal people get hurt when the police make them! I guess this is going to just be a classless website ran by a classless person! “There but for the grace of God go I!” I hope that nothing ever happens to you that would make you feel less than perfect. You should be ashamed of yourself!
I may be wrong, but I think mugshots and arrests are public record.
Also, I know that in the Sentinel’s weekend editions they run court records and convictions along with name of people who file for divorce. Just sayin…
They may be public record but do you drive up there to see all of them? Is this saving people gas money or just helping them have quality time with their family so they won’t be up at the courthouse so long thumbing through mugshots just so they have something to gossip about everyday? “Do unto others!” Just saying too…
I’ve never seen any law-abiding citizen ever have a problem with mugshots being listed.
You have now! I have tourettes syndrome and was mistaken to be drunk. I was arrested. I am pissed that my mugshot was put on here!! I didn’t do anything wrong but everyone believes I did. Let’s just top it off and put my picture up there for my sons friends and classmates to see. Im sure he’s real proud of his tourettes having drunk mom! Thanks!!
And FYI…. I haven’t even been to court yet to explain, but I sure have a picture with my name and driving while intoxicated under it as if I was convicted!
What did your breath or blood alcohol test say?
Didn’t blow or let them take blood cause I take a medication that is a methamphetamine. Was already scared because they thought I was drunk so I didn’t want to add high on crack to the list.
Funny how you couldn’t blow into the machine that would prove you innocent. Oh, I bet meth would have come up in your system.
Being scared doesn’t exactly help someone in that position think logically. Funny how the original comment that was made here is being proven to be so true! Just because you get accused of something that gets posted for the world to see is automatically believed to be true even though it was a falsely acccused arrest. Think the mugshot will be removed though? Nope!
Just curious, did you ask the guy who runs this site if he would remove it, or did you just decide they wouldn’t?
Someone told me about this website. I didn’t even know it existed due to the fact I don’t like drama ! My son got arrested and I contacted this site and asked if he would PLEASE NOT post his arrest on here “was even before it was posted & he was behind on his posting” Well the very next day all posting were updated and YES he did post it. Rude ! Makes me think YES he does like drama and the pain it causes everyone. The old say “What goes around Comes around” You will have to meet the maker.
What’s done is done. My kids are the ones who told me about it! In my opinion people who want to see those types of things should take their own personal time to drive up to the courthouse and look for themselves. I just feel like all of the mugshots should be removed. This is too small of a town to do that to people. I figure when one of the people who run this site have a freakish moment like that and happen to get a mugshot of themselves taken, only then will it conveniently disappear.
Or if one of their kids or family members end up with a mugshot.
Yeah. We should certainly make sure not to embarrass the child molesters, drunk drivers, and drug dealers.
Once proven to be guilty is a different story…
I agree that the mugshots are defimation of character until PROVEN GUILTY! Think about it, that is why we have courts, lawyers, and a jury of peers! Law abider is INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty. I do believe the founder of this website should delete all mugshots of the people that have not been convicted. The law states that DWI’s are public knowledge but until you have been to court and the Judge sentences you or drops all charges, you should not be made to APPEAR guilty of a crime. To Law Abider, remember these words DEFIMATION of CHARACTER. If you have a lawyer, talk to him about this!
It does say at that “Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty”
All it says on the mugshots is they are the recent arrest, which is 100 percent correct.
It actually says “driving while intoxicated” and I wasn’t intoxicated
Were you arrested and charged with Driving while intoxicated?
Anonymous, Im not debating what the website states, I’m debating that is not right to put someones picture up here until they are PROVEN GUILTY. If by chance Law Abiders story is correct, and the police mistook Tourettes Syndrome as drunk, #1. They have posted an innocent face that will carry this “Mugshot” with them forever. It’s already etched in their minds. Think about what it does to the kids parents, they see the picture and assume the person is guilty, and remember what assume means; assume- makes an ass out of you and me.
I was accused but not found guilty of…
I agree …. This website is nothing but a gossip page. The Daily Seintinel does have Class NOT to print names OR pictures… EVERYONE makes mistakes and it’s devastating enough for them when they do. WHY make it worse by having this Classless page? Is it because you like the humiliation and pain it causes others? It also makes the town of Nacogdoches look cheep and classless. What A Joke you are making of the people of Nacogdoches.
Thank you to every person who ever served. From every soldier who spent a night away from their family, ever had to witness the loss of their friend in combat, or simply wore the uniform proudly so we could be the great country we are.
Way to go scoop dog!
Sooooo close to Halloween! I’m going to eat all the candy in the world.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”
— Albert Einstein
Something to ponder…
1985 was the height of human civilization, according to the Back To The Future trilogy. Marty (Michael J Fox) is able to succeed in each of the three films using his skills, knowledge, and technology from 1985. Even when he is in the future (the rapidly approaching 2015), his skills from 1985 prove superior to those living in the time. Sure, you could say that Marty is just an amazing hero falling back on the skill sets he is most comfortable with (turning scooters into skateboards, and such), but I choose to think that 1985 is when human ability peaked.
I’m excited about this website!
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
The majority is always defeated and a new majority is formed. We are seldom content with we the people’s governemnt regardless of which direction it takes. The alternative, or course, is chaos which also pleases a lot of people. Rick Perry comes to mind.