Make plans to join us as we “Cash Mob” the Mule

     In honor of National Cash Mob day, the City of Nacogdoches Main Street Program has organized a Cash Mob in historic downtown Nacogdoches, on Saturday, March 24th from 1 to 2 p.m. What is National Cash Mob Day you may ask? We have all heard of Flash Mobs. You’ve seen them online or on television – groups of seemingly random people at a mall or street corner suddenly breaking into coordinated song or dance. Cash Mobs take the spontaneous gathering concept and coordinate it through social media and add a shop local component. “Cash Mobs are a great way to encourage people to Shop Nac First,” said Main Street Manager Sarah O’Brien. The concept is to utilize social media to encourage a large group of residents to visit a particular business at a certain date or time and spend money. “Simply Google Cash Mob, and you will see examples from across the nation,” said O’Brien.

     Nacogdoches Main Street recently held a contest to determine which downtown business would be cash mobbed through their facebook and twitter accounts. “We were extremely pleased with the contest results, over 200 individuals casted their votes,” said O’Brien. “The competition was fierce, but The Runaway Mule was the clear leader.” The Runaway Mule opened its doors in downtown Nacogdoches just over a year ago, and recently moved to their new location at 106 N. Church Street just a few weeks ago. The Runaway Mule has a strong social media presence. They describe themselves as a local “culture shop” that specializes in original Nacogdoches design t-shirts, jewelry, photographer, and regional Texas authors, artists, musicians and more. Merchant Tim Bryant was excited to be chosen to be cash mobbed. “Special thanks to all of the friends of the Mule for placing their votes,” said Bryant.

     To make this cash mob phenomenon a success in Texas’ Oldest Town, Nacogdoches Main Street is encouraging everyone to make plans to come downtown and help us “Cash Mob” the mule. “It’s simple to participate, just come downtown and visit the Runaway Mule between 1 and 2 p.m., this Saturday March 24th, and leave a few bucks behind,” said O’Brien. “Help support Nacogdoches by Shopping Nac First.”

     For details and information about the March 24th Cash Mob, contact the Nacogdoches Main Street Office at 936-559-2573 or email

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