Despite recent rainfalls, conservation is still important

     Members of the Nacogdoches City Council voted to lift Stage 2 Drought conservation restrictions at their regularly scheduled City Council meeting last night. In recent weeks Nacogdoches has been moved to the “moderate” drought category by the US State Drought Monitor. Lake Nacogdoches, the cities number one source of water, is currently at 73.75 percent of capacity. “We have been extremely fortunate with the recent rainfalls,” said City Engineer Steve Bartlett, “Lake Levels are now 5.30 feet below normal pool.”

     Although Stage 2 restrictions have been lifted, it is important to note that City of Nacogdoches residents are still encouraged to participate in Stage 1 voluntary restrictions. Climatologists still predict we will have to endure another hot, dry summer. This means conservation will continue to play a critical role in preserving our water supply.

     “While Stage 1, encourages voluntary actions of our citizens, we cannot emphasize enough that everyone should be taking part in year round conservation, regardless of the drought index,” said Bartlett. Techniques such as using hand held buckets for watering, drip irrigation, following the Stage1 watering schedule, reusing grey water, and limiting car washes, are important for the longevity of the City of Nacogdoches’ water supply. It is important for residents to be cognizant of their usage and conserve whenever possible.

     “We cannot thank our citizens and businesses enough for their water conservation efforts,” said City Manager Jim Jeffers, “we hope everyone remembers water is a limited resource.” City staff continues to inventory additional options for water supply, and is in the process of rehabilitating and drilling several new water wells. Those efforts will continue despite the recent rainfalls. “We are certainly not out of the woods yet,” said Jeffers, “water conservation, will continue to be a priority of the Mayor and City Council.”

     For details on Stage 1 Voluntary water restrictions and a list of year round water conservation techniques please visit the City of Nacogdoches website at

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One Response to Despite recent rainfalls, conservation is still important

  1. Jim Henson says:

    I think the city should unclog the lower outlet at lake Nac.
    maybe the water shortage wouldn’t seem so short!

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