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How do we define “crime?” Does making something illegal mean that it is a criminal act? What if it is peaceful and honest and does not infringe upon the rights of another? The law states that everyone in a car must buckle up now. If I ride in the back seat with no seat belt, does that make me a criminal?
I hold that in order for there to be a verifiable crime, there must be a verifiable loss. Activities that are peaceful and voluntary should not be outlawed, and we should focus on real crime like murder, rape, assault, theft, and fraud.
Why don’t you call the DA’s office and ASK them why they dismissed all his charges instead of whining on this forum like some malcontent??
The Constable’s office is more concerned about being in the media, than putting together a solid case. Making the arrest is easy, making a case takes some work. If the cases were any good, Chatman would be in jail. He’s not the only defendant arrested by the Constable’s office who’s back on the street. The Courts are on the side of the law, but can only work with what they have. A great many of the cases that office is making are being reduced and pled out. There’s always a lot of hype about the arrests, but I bet they’re hanging their head at the dispos.
(By “that office”, I meant the position as a whole and was referring to Constables offices, in general.)
You can’t be meaning anything like how the Davis case went all the way to a jury after the DA and Sheriff BOTH evaluated the evidence and came to the conclusion they had a solid case, could you? Haha. Thought so. The DA plea bargains everything she n because she has no sold experience trying cases. She is a joke.
It probably would have gone better with a better experienced DA. They probably gave it to her because it was a “slam dunk” and she must’ve gotten nerveous. She might be a joke now, but she’ll get better as she goes.
It probably would have gone better with a better experienced DA. They probably gave it to her because it was a “slam dunk” and she must’ve gotten nerveous. She might be a joke now, but she’ll get better as she goes. At least she had something to work with and didn’t make a lesser plea before it got to court because of not having the evidence.
The whole problem is that she didn’t know she didn’t have the evidence before the jury told her. The DA’s job is to evaluate the evidence and investigate and charge properly. They have the power of the grand jury to assist them. The Davis case was an example of complete incompetence by the DA. This is not a ‘earn as you learn’ type job.
No, but there’s something called, “getting better with experience”. Apparently, the evidence was there or there Grand Jury wouldn’t have indicted it. Obviously, it was weakly presented. What’s your excuse for Pct. 4’s cases being plead out?
Do you think every case should be tried to a jury? You must not have even a rudimentary understanding of the system. Better go get in that old police car you drive and think about it awhile, maybe it will come to you.
I understand that they’re pleading to “lesser includeds” and that the criminals are right back on the streets.
Like I said, you haven’t the least idea.
Of course I do. Just like you do, but you refuse to admit the truth. Hmm, I wonder if you can even tell the truth? Your boy sure can’t.
The DA routinely pleads cases out because they are so inept at trial that the defense attorneys are running all over them.
Is there anybody in Nac Co Government that you feel does a sufficient job? I think you’re a washed up cop whose arrogance got the best of him and he tried to swim in a pond way too big and wound up going from agency to agency wishing all the while that he’d never left his little comfy nest.
Keep guessing. You show more and more ignorance with every post.
So far, all I’ve shown is that I can tell the truth. All you’ve shown is your ability to dance around the truth and make excuses for your boy’s short comings. Your loyalty would be admirable if you two could actually tell the truth.
Your childish responses are getting funnier by the day. I expect at any minute to see some version of the Third graders retort “I’m rubber, you’re glue….” from you.
I just want to know why no one ever notices that we have 4 constables in this county, and you never hear anything from 2 of them? Pct. 4 works the most, Pct.1 also justifies keeping the doors open? You never hear the Pct.2 or Pct.3 Constables doing anything? Am I the only one that notices this?
Well, I think it’s the perception that the others have about their office and the fact that citizens haven’t expected much from them. At least one of the other Constables took quite an aggressive position that his job as constable was a part-time job. Went so far as to sue his former employer because they terminated him due to him akin another full time job and his claim was that the constable job was part time. He obviously looks at it as a part time ‘retirement’ job.
There as been a lot of talk in more urban counties of completely doing away with the constables offices.
That’s because they’re proactive in their community. Their being highly involved in their communities deters crime. Plus, it’s not that they’re not doing anything, they don’t have aspirations of being the sheriff, so they do their jobs and don’t call the media everytime they blow their noses.
Your comments ring hollow and insincere, once again. You fail to cite any examples of how their “community involvement” is reducing crime. However, the fact that Bridges investigations take him into their Pcts. is ample evidence that the ‘community activity’ of the other constables may be somewhat lacking in effectively reducing drug manufacturing, distribution and the associated criminal activity that goes with it like property theft, burglary, robbery, etc.
You cant catch dope head at school zones.
Sure ya can! Happens all the time.
Well, I believe the original comment was in reference to those specific precincts, so I commented. (PLEASE keep up with the conversation.) So, he’s going into Pct.s 3 and 2, as well? I’d just heard about his being in Pct. 1.
And I’m completely sincere. I’ll start “citing” examples, as soon as you do. The last you were asked to provide examples, in reference to your accusations as to what the sheriff wasn’t doing, you threw a temper tantrum about what you didn’t have to explain to the voters of Nac Co.
You have no specific examples of how Kerss has done anything but show up at the jail most of the time at least. It’s clear as a bell you have nothing but worn out accusations. You aren’t going to keep your status when Kerss doesn’t get reelected.
Lets see, he closed Babydolls for non-compliance, he faces every emergency situation that affects the county head on and keeps the citizens notified, (ie, forest fires, hurricanes, shuttle explosion), he’s responsible for busting the Pineda brothers for their MAJOR theft ring, (whose property Jason has signs on), he helped catch (with SUCCESFUL prosecution – something your boy knows nothing about) the racist murderers, his agency busts criminals every day and apparently he did something to piss you off and with your ignorance, and non-ability to tell the truth, that in itself was an accomplishment. Want more? There’s plenty. Unlike your refusal to answer me on what he hasn’t done, I gave you some examples. (I realize that you tried to give him credit for being involved in solving the Barnhill murder and his capture, which was quite thoughtful of you, but he wasn’t .) In your infinite stupor, you’ll still try to make Bridges look as competent as Kerss, but just like always, it’s just facade and Jason doesn’t even have the COMMON sense it takes to do half of the things that our sheriff does. Too bad you refuse to admit it. Of course, your dishonesty is only a reflection of Bridges’ dishonesty. Everything I’ve stated can be proven or disproven with a simple google search. The only thing that you’ve proven is just how dumb you are. Ignorance is bliss, but you’re not “ignorant”, you’re just a liar. You’re grasping for straws in hopes that someone out there will be swayed with your dishonesty.
Kerss will get re-elected.
Keep living in your fantasy world. I’m sure you are quite comfortable there. Your childish tirades and name calling are so becoming to your positions. People are fed up with a do nothing sheriff who stages “raids” for publicity but refused for years to do anything about the clubs operation. They must have stopped making their “donations”. The SO has a lot of outside help on the other high profile cases. If it wasn’t for that outside help they never would have been solved.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re just a wannabe with no future in law enforcement because you always pick the wrong guy.
Unlike you, I don’t need a future in law enforcement. I have done very well already.
Never have been and never will be in law enforcement.
Were you ACTUALLY present when Babydolls was raided? Did you work there? Did you ever enter the door?
“What is ominous is the ease with which some people go from saying that they don’t like something to saying that the government should forbid it. When you go down that road, don’t expect freedom to survive very long.”
~Thomas Sowell
In the last few decades, the federal government has exploded in size. No area of your life or business is free from the meddling of politicians — especially your wallet.
If government’s role were limited to protecting our lives, rights and property, then America would prosper and thrive as never before. Then the federal government could concentrate on protecting our Constitutional rights and defending us from foreign attack. A federal government that did only those two things, could do them better and at a small fraction of the cost.
“What is a Libertarian?”
Let’s start with Webster’s definition:
libertarian: A person who upholds the principles of individual liberty especially of thought and action.
Libertarian: a member of a political party advocating libertarian principles.
Libertarians believe in, and pursue, personal freedom while maintaining personal responsibility. The Libertarian Party itself serves a much larger pro-liberty community with the specific mission of electing Libertarians to public office.
Libertarians strongly oppose any government interfering in their personal, family and business decisions. Essentially, we believe all Americans should be free to live their lives and pursue their interests as they see fit as long as they do no harm to another.
In a nutshell, we are advocates for a smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.
In what grade did your problems begin?
Looks like it might have been English, maybe sentence structure?
This post is the epitome of what’s wrong with our education system. Worst of all, CH is supposed to be a top school in this county. Saddest part: both my kids go to school there, yay me…..Awesome!
“prout to be a bleu deville” yep, yep
Shop NAC first??? If you shopped at every store in Nacogdoches that is decorated for Christmas, you would be finished in about ten minutes. This town has no holiday spirit! The only thing folks here have agreed on in the last 30 or so years is that Farshid Niroumand needed to stay at NISD. That’s progress, at least.
This site is great! It is refreshing to see that some of us can still have polite discussions even if our views differ. Kudos to the commentors for keeping things civil and to the site admins for providing this open forum.
RJ, I responded to the email you entered, but it continues to kick it back.
Please try directly emailing me again at
-EverythingNac Admin
Straying from the normal stuff posted here, I want to say “thank you” to some local folks who have pitched in to help local volunteer fire departments during the recent wilfires in our county. Nacogdoches County Farm Bureau wrote each of the vfds in our county a check to help pay for expenses. The Nacogdoches Jaycees, in cooperation with Farm Bureau and Kroger issued a check to each vfd for the same purpose. The folks at Christ Episcopal School joined with Brookshires to provide each department with bottled water and other goodies that were very welcome.
Thanks to all of you who helped, donated, etc. your local volunteer fire departments. This is to let you know that everything was needed and appreciated.
Glad to hear people giving back. People these days continue to show only their hateful sides in person, on TV, on the internet. There’s no reason for so much hate. So glad the VFDs are getting support, because they deserve it for all the hard work they do.
This is what I love about living in East Texas. Hooray for those groups/businesses that pitched in! You have my support.
from Libertarian Party Chair, Mark Hinkle:
“Through provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act, Congress is trying to give the president power to imprison Americans indefinitely, without charges or respect for habeas corpus, if he claims they are terrorists. That is the kind of power held by tyrants in totalitarian regimes. It has no place in the United States.
This contempt for our rights is outrageous. Any member of Congress who supports that provision is grossly violating his or her oath to uphold the Constitution. If the president thinks you are a terrorist, let him present charges and evidence to a judge. He has no authority to lock you up without any judicial review, just because he and Congress believe he should have unlimited power.”
With the term terrorist thrown around so freely these days, it is troublesome the think that all that is required to eliminate one’s protection under the constitution is to apply the label of “terrorist” and the government can lock you up for ever – without a trial. We should all contact our Senators and insist that they adhere to the Constitution.
The first sentence states “congress is trying…” I never claimed that the president did anything. I only urged readers to contact their senators.
It is not my intent to bad-mouth any side. Our personal liberties are more important to me than party politics. I just wish the R’s and D’s in congress could see this. It seems that all too often people get so caught up in opposing the views of the “other team.” The American people suffer because of it.
Someone responded to my initial post (to politely defend the President) but now that response has been removed, making it look like I am having a conversation with myself. I could not find a way to delete my follow-up reply so I am wondering how the other post was removed?
I had a request by email to remove the post by the author. Would you like any of your posts removed?
No, thanks. I was just curious where it went, and why anyone would remove a post. I hope I did not offend anyone with my comments.
Just heard that Glenn Beck is scheduled to appear at a book signing at Hastings in the near future. No info on date/time yet. Get ready to stand in line for a while.
When is the City Water Dept going to start offering an auto pay option? It’s the only monthly bill I have that doesn’t offer me an auto pay option.
Hey, Admin! That was your scoop for the day.
As a regular customer of Delacroix’s, I can tell you that there just was not enough business to sustain it. Food costs, utilities, lease, wages, etc. were just too much.
Now the city needs to get rid of the water restrictions. How much money have they wasted on the signs and ads? The Mayor says we have a 100 year water supply so it seems silly to have the restrictions, especially in the winter time
So what happened to Delacroix? Why did it close? I really enjoyed that place and the food was awesome.
I am a student in SFASU. I am researching and writing about racism and how it exists in Nacogdoches. If you would like I will keep your identity confidential. Any questions please feel free to email me at If you don’t mind please forward this to any Nac High graduate or if you know any seniors or juniors that would be willing to answer these questions.
1) What year did you graduate Nacogdoches High?
2) Did you attend elementary school or middle school in Nac? If so which school did you attend?
3) Do you feel there is a racial segregation inside of the high school?
4) Do you feel there is a racial segregation inside of the in Nacogdoches?
5) Do you feel that all the schools in Nac get the same kind of education?
6) In your opinion, do you think that this problem is changeable?
7) Do you think that Nac is different and isolated than the rest of the state?
8) Do you think there is a difference in the state scores among the different races in Nac?
Thank You for your help
Watch out for people asking you to support them with FCA . The money is just for there own gain . The scam has already took money from other people in nacogdoches.
That is central height, but i know the person you are talking about and he is a snake in sheep clothing
Some people need to grow up! Here you are trying to destroying a wonderful Christian organization, due to the fact you have a personal vendetta against a representative. I DO know this man and a snake in sheep in clothing is the last thing he is. Just because YOU do not care for him doesn’t give you the authority to bash his character. He is doing a great job in his church, job & community to bring others to Christ. How about you?? What are you doing for Christ beside starting rumors?
Any recent word on the Babydoll mess-up from the sheriff’s dept? This website along with others was ‘jumpin’ with the news for a whole month until it became apparent that oneone except the sheriff even cared. The poll shows most Nacogdoches citizens were against the handling or mis-handling of this matter. Is the license going to be issued so instead of an empty building on the edge of town (well, actually, not even near town) can re-open and go back to paying taxes and bring in revenue that is now going to Tyler/Longview….where it IS nude, unlike what was going on here.
Last EverythingNac heard, nothing new had happened since the night and no license has been filed for by the owner.
Who really cares about that skank hole. I hope it falls into the river.
Don’t know that alot of people ‘care’ about this business, however according to recent interviews and polls regarding this situation ALOT of people including your average American citizens DO have a problem with a police state in which local law enforcement changes the laws and then enforces them at a whim to satisify votes in an upcoming election. Get your FACTS straight before passing judgement. You don’t agree, stay home and keep silent. Lots of homes are invaded due to people not standing up for your rights, and turning a blind eye. You could be next. By what FACTS do you rate this a —— hole?
It’s called the Sexually Oriented Business Statute–look it up. No one changed “the laws.”
“Stay home and keep silent”–you’re in the wrong country commie.
Sexually Oriented Business DO have to have this license. S.O. licenses are issued to clubs where alcohol is served with live nudity present. This club was BYOB and girls in pasties and swimsuits. Is THAT nude? Or even a sense of it? If so half the girls at the high school should be arrested.
Actually, this case continues to cost the taxpayers money as does the abandoned HEB, and numerous places around NAC. The reason this is costing, is there was NOTHING wrong with the way Babydolls was running its business (behind closed doors where patrons CHOSE to drink beer and talk to their friends and business people, along with the girls who worked there.) Only thing apparently the sheriffs dept. overlooked is without nudity—-they DIDNT NEED this ‘said’ license. Soooo now they are in trouble for slander and heresay…of all these people. Bet they dont call out the media on their embarrassment THIS time!
The City of Nac does not need to spend $15,000.00 to advertise that there is a drought. They could just tell local businesses like Commercial Bank TX, Bancorp South, and the COUNTY COURTHOUSE to stop watering their grass every night.
And SFA….
Why is this just coming out are is it time to do it again. Are whats really going on smells fish . Here goes PHBC and the school again there has to be something to all of this someone needs to investigate.
Is the church going to send out donation slips to a nonprofit for taxes deductions. What pastor , treasurer are school administrator do we need to contact. If someone can give me a contact number.
The church will most likely not send out donation slips, as none of the monies were even deposited in the church account. Most members of the church were not even aware they were sponsoring it. I would say ask the person who sold you the tickets for an explanation.
i wish you people that have nothing better to do than bash churches would get your facts straight before running your head.phmbc let the bpa run this fund raiser thru their account so that it could be considered tax deductable. the members at phmbc that are involved with church buisness knew this was happening. ask the chairman of the deacons at the time he knew!the church did not donate anything to this fundraiser except a flow thru bank account.there was absolutly no wrong doing. so get your facts right before trying to run someone down or give someone credit for something they did not do.
You should thank the Former Pastor…….. Not PHBC. They didn’t know anything about it until just recently.
Some people knew about this, others only found out after things had already been put in motion.
This is all water under the bridge. We should all just let it go, get on with our lives, live life to the fullest and thank God everyday for all the blessings he gives us. Thank you Lord for new beginnigs. :)
This is just the start of what the church know anything about.
I am not a member of phbc, fof, or chisd. All i can say is when you start a lying you can’t stop and you can’t dress a snake up you still have a snake
I like your comment. When all the facts are out on the table it’s hard to cover up what others are trying to hide. I understand that phbc had a legal audit done recently. Maybe those that have questions should have a look at it and find out the truth. Then they will know if the pot is calling the kettle black.
look at the audit. it came out sqeeky clean.
There were several discrepancy IRS,MISSIONS,AND MISUSE OF MONEY and this is the facts.
you looked at a differnt audit than i did then.
You need to look again.
Can you post how much money that EOG has given the county and for what roads it was given? A similar story was in the “daily senile” and I did not see the road I live on on the list even though it has 3 EOG wells within a mile and a half from HWY 21
How much money have the loggers given the County for driving log trucks down county roads? How much money has Tyson given the county for hauling chickens up and down the road?
Not near enough I am sure. I don’t begrudge the oil companies. I have a problem with the county not maintaining a road. Especially if money was given to repair it. Sending 3 trustees and a dumptruck with oil sand out to scoop it into a few potholes is not really repairing a road.
So is Bill Plunkett still getting paid and what the heck was he being investigated for?
An outside prosecutor was brought in, but that’s last I heard.
It sure has been kept quite. Makes me wonder what is going on.
It is all because Donna Finley was upset that she couldn’t get part of the alcohol sales at the Expo. It is the good ole boy system …. If you don’t scratch my back I will get you fired. Finley is pulling the same kind of stuff downtown. Her daughter is the new coordinator for the Nine Flags Festival so guess what …. They decided to add beer sales to the events and guess who’s doing it …. finley’s place, Sports Shack. It always about the money.
I still don’t know what he did wrong. I saw some great things happening at the Expo Center and thought it was being run very efficient. I think Ms. Scott is also a good person and has done well to keep it going. What is Mr. Plunkett being investigated for. Did he embezzel or was he doing something wrong? If someone knows, tell me. Is he still getting paid by the county? If so why after almost a year?
So much for a “family event” why do they need alcohol sales at the Christmas festival?
Some people will just not let the ADMIN have any rest.
The SO reports for the day are always posted later in the day.