Category Archives: Herrington

Herrington: If Seeing Is Believing

The story of existence begins not with how what was not became what is, for that story is for a non-time at 10 X 10 ^ -42 seconds of our present history. Yes, we may or may not be an … Continue reading

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Herrington: Quantum Pyschology

What I have been working on for 25 years: The New Mythology I first came up with this thought when I was 17. I was in my 30’s when I formulated the question: ASsTtD> DST* + I Principles of Quantum … Continue reading

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Herrington: A New Routine

     Life can become routine. We can have a similarity about our days that makes our lives feel like a rut, a trajectory that both keeps and allows us to maintain our present course. And so it becomes a safe place … Continue reading

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Herrington: For the Know-it-alls

     Not every day is a mountaintop experience….we have to understand each day in terms of the valleys we pass through. We all want help ferreting out what to do, but when we are in a full blown melt down, it … Continue reading

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Herrington: The Evolution of the Breakdown

     I believe in the free market of ideas. We need open discussions, because in the open market, everyone has a turn at the wheel and everyone has a conflict of interest, both republicans and democrats. If there is anything that … Continue reading

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Herrington: A Free Education, Really

     In this day and age, we know that an education is essential, period. But a formal education costs all crazy money, right? How are we going to get an education when college costs out the wazoo? My experience is that … Continue reading

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Herrington: Politics, religion, and Family Stuff with Money

     If you ever want to get totally sideways with someone, talk about politics or religion, and if you really want to have a war on your hands, do a money deal with your family, oh, yeah! Some people seem to … Continue reading

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Herrington: Politically Correct Again

     Politically Correct: The thought form that what someone says may in some way dishonor the thoughts or feelings of others. I know that many people feel or think that being politically correct is a bunch of hogwash.      I know, because … Continue reading

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Herrington: The Capacity of Weakness

     What may seem at first to be a glaring weakness is after all the source of our greatest strength. Those of us who have met in ourselves a person who is reluctant to be brought out because of our anomalies, … Continue reading

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Herrington: To Say It as It Is

     I suffered from horrible panic attacks almost my entire life….sometimes 5 or more a week, until my early 40’s about 15 years ago….I discovered that I had food allergies. And I was busy eating everything that made me sick…..emotionally overwhelmed. … Continue reading

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