Category Archives: Herrington

Herrington: Surviving and Thriving

Putting Forth the Needed Effort      The last real stage of grief is usually accompanied by an ability to accept our losses, and to use what we have learned in order to role model the process of traversing the lonely realm … Continue reading

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Herrington: The Message is the Medium

     Thinking openly and critically has become an art form in modern times. The ironic thing about having so much media is that there are actually only a few major media companies, and they all pretty much repeat their own messages … Continue reading

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Herrington: Bloggers and Their Victims

     Many people use a sort of shot gun effect approach to their communications in life: “If I just say this say this enough, and repeat the parts that seem the most important to me, then I will be understood.” The … Continue reading

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Herrington: Being Irrational

     Okay, so some people are a little irrational. What is a little insanity among friends? Among strangers, it can be a little disconcerting, but then, in its own way, comical. I love it when people ask us to hurry up … Continue reading

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Herrington: Due Process and the 5th Amendment

     Pleading the 5th and What That Really Means/420      We have all been led to believe that faced with telling the truth about our guilt or our remaining silent about it, we have the option of “pleading the 5th.” This reading … Continue reading

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Herrington: A Message to Aspiring Entrepreneurs

     Something I have personally struggled with all my life is the concept of being paid for working. I know, this sounds like a very strange affliction. At first. Let me give you some back ground and maybe, just maybe, I … Continue reading

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Herrington: All Things Intangible

     It is hard to imagine that we are so very naked in front of others, but what we have not figured out is that just because WE don’t know does not mean that others don’t. We do not share our … Continue reading

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Herrington: Camping in Bad Weather (from the field)

Editor’s note: Herrington found himself in the middle of the storm last night (April 3). These updates were made as the storm went on.      We’ve headed for high ground and cover but the weather we are facing might have been … Continue reading

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Herrington: Ask Me No Questions; I Say What I Think

     People ask me all the time who I am voting for for President of The United States in the upcoming 2012 elections. It is not that I have some special insight; they’re just curious. Many of my friends are the … Continue reading

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Herrington: Why We Work at Caring So Much

     Eventually, everything we do can be analyzed into an ad absurdum of selfishness….The word “I” expresses an acknowledgment of our owning our deeds, even if we are not fully aware of their subconscious intentions. There is thus a little dishonesty … Continue reading

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