Yates (Republican): 2011 and Conservative Action Item

Friends and Fellow Republicans:

     The new year of 2011 started off RIGHT here in Nacogdoches County as our conservative Republicans took office on Jan.1! You can see some photos of this event at our website www.nac-gop.com . Folks, this is the result of your hard work! Thanks again!

     Also, yesterday was the day that the new U.S. Congress took office with a great slate of new conservatives! Again – this was also a result of your work combined with many more committed conservatives across the state and across the nation.

     And conservative state senators, state representatives, and other state wide elected officials have either been sworn into office or will be in a few days. Many of these conservatives are there for the first time. I would like to again say THANK YOU for your hard work in getting them elected!

     I congratulate our local, state and national conservatives that are taking office. They are in my prayers daily. Yet, there is more that you and I need to do at this pivotal time in our country. I encourage you to stay engaged in the events that will happen at a rapid pace. The REAL conservatives now in office will need some REAL help from home. I will try to keep you informed of much that is happening, but it will be happening at such a rapid pace that you will need to stay plugged into some other informative sources such as FreedomWorks and The Heritage Foundation. You may also subscribe to the Texas Conservative Digest’s email list by emailing them at info@texasconservativedigest.org . Also, you may find this Liberty Institute Blog helpful: http://texaslegislativeupdate.wordpress.com/ .

     As I said earlier, things are happening FAST! There will be the inauguration of Gov. Perry and Lt. Gov. Dewhurst on the 18th. Details can be found at the bottom of our website as you click the video – go to: www.nac-gop.com .

     Action Item: You are needed! Rally on the South Steps of the Capitol at 1 pm on Tuesday the 11th. Please plan on making this rally if you can. The election of a TRUE conservative speaker of the Texas House of Representatives is essential! I received the following from the Empower Texans Foundation that sheds some light on the selection of the Speaker of the House:

Speak Up In Austin

     In fact, you might even want to join other conservatives in Austin on Monday and Tuesday. On Monday afternoon the House Republican caucus is scheduled to meet on the Capitol grounds to discuss, and vote on, who they want to serve as Speaker. The official vote takes place on Tuesday the 11th, shortly after the House is sworn-in to the 82nd Session.

     There will be a rally on the South Steps of the Capitol at 1 pm on Tuesday the 11th. Legislators need to know Texas taxpayers will be actively engaged from day one of this important legislative session.

Speaker Responsibility

     When legislation important to voters doesn’t emerge from committee, dying without even a hearing, lawmakers often blame “the process.” It’s time we stop giving them that flimsy out.

     Legislation lives and dies at the hands of committee chairmen, exercising their broad authority to enact their own agenda – and the agenda of the speaker who gave them their power.

     We notified House members this week that the 2011-2012 Fiscal Responsibility Index will include their vote on the speakership. We will negatively score a vote for incumbent Joe Straus, and positively score a vote for challenger Ken Paxton. (If the candidate line-up changes we will make any necessary update.)

     When voting for a speaker, legislators are voting for the legislative priorities of the committee chairmen that speaker appoints. Each legislator bears some responsibility (or credit!) for the speaker they vote for, including what policies are allowed to languish in committee, buried by inaction. That’s why this year’s Index will include extra points (positive or negative) for committee performance based on the legislators’ speaker vote.

     I also received these Videos from The Texas Conservative Digest that are worth viewing:



Thanks and God bless,

Jackie Yates
Nacogdoches County Republican Party
P.O. Box 630866
Nacogdoches, TX 75963
*** P.S. Check the NCRP Website now for current events and other interesting items: www.nac-gop.com ***
Phone: 936-569-9685
NCRP Phone: 936-569-6710

     Paid for by the Nacogdoches County Republican Party and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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