Recently, Coach Farshid announced his retirement following a difference of opinion with the school board.
Farshid’s policy is any student caught with drugs, alcohol or arrested is off the team for a year.
The NISD school board believes the policy is too strict, and kids who get in trouble should get a second chance following a couple weeks of punishment.
Tell the EverythingNac community below any thought you might have about the situation. No login is needed to post.


This is what happens when u get a postion in a high place it get to your head and u think just cause they have a higher position then the rest they can do whatever they want Rocco needs to learn that.. He also needs to stop putting a bad name on the christian people cause just for this if you say am christian and the first thing that pops in there head is ” if that is a christian then i’ll just stay like i am cause they are worser” People need to understand that what happen to the coach was VERY UNFAIR and the people should do something about it not just talk there are laws and rules and if we voted Rocco to take position then we can get him voted OFF lets not let anyting intemated us for the safety and well beening of our kids
This is stupid. Rocco’s kid was drunk…
You are the epitome of moron.
Get some business, please.
Honestly, making this an issue of Coach Fosh v. Rocco and Hayes is a little silly. I graduated from NHS in ’95 and, though I know Coach mostly through reputation, I feel that his position in this matter would reflect his values. He has been asked to revoke a punishment that he thinks is proper, that has been put into place in order to encourage good habits in young people. In all honesty, I think there is much more under the surface of this issue. To me, it seems he might just be fed up with continuing to try to instill values in growing young people while others are undermining his work.
Perhaps, rather than trying to lay blame for the loss of an excellent role model, we should look at the other policies that have been put into place, and other actions that have been taken. If we want to support a man who teaches integrity and honor, we ought to behave with that integrity and honor ourselves and take his thoughts and feelings into account. The biggest complement is always imitation. It’s time to realize that even though Coach will most likely not change his mind about his retirement, we can uphold his ideals by demanding change from those who do not uphold our values. Misplaced outrage is not constructive. Name-calling does nothing but widen the division between all parties concerned. We must decide which rules back the values we want our children to learn and stick to them, regardless the source of the rules.
This is another lesson from Farshid Niroumand: Stand up for your beliefs. Quietly lead by example. Let the other guy make himself look like a fool.
Thank you, Coach.
Thank you. This is not Farshid vs. Rocco/Hayes. This is Farshid fed up with administrators undermining his authority and disagreeing with their principles and policies.
With all of the Farshid supporters so adamantly fighting for his character and integrity, I am surprised by how many are so swiftly discarding his morals and making such libelous assertions regarding Hayes and the Roccos.
What would Farshid have to say about that?
The superintendent and school board have lost all credibility. It’s a classic case of what happens when truth is spoken to power and power doesn’t have the humility to hear or integrity and courage to do what is just. Farshid has more character and integrity in the shadow of his pinkie toe than these corrupt leaders could ever dream to have collectively.
what is so funny is that they are giving these football players a second chance.. Football out of all sports? Come on now! it seems to me that the really think football is going somewhere and it’s not it!
This is all a joke!! Rich kids should get the same punishment as poor kids!! Way to go fosh! Don’t play the school boards games!!
It sounds like the Coach Farshid’s punishment was very effective. I’m also reading that this boils down to some priviledged kids who got in trouble and their parents want them back on the team. So it’s okay for the priviledged kids, but they never said anything about kids who were under priviledged.
The Coach is a good man, and he always has been. I’m on his side!
This poll is so bias it’s not even funny. The facts on this website and his so called fan club are for the most part wrong. Tell me, what is your group’s goal? Fashid already said to the Daily Sentinel that this policy wasn’t the reason for his retirement . So then, Why is still being discussed? I’ll tell you why, prejudice. Simple as that. People would LOVE to see a scandal involving a respected and helpful family in Nac such as the Rocco’s. There’s only one problem, there was no such scandal!! Everyone wants bad things to happen to good people. In fact, Mr. Rocco had nothing to do what has happened to Farshid! He has been in the freaking hospital recovering from a major back surgery. I find it funny how people are accusing him of “hiding from the consequences” when he is in a hospital bed. That’s ignorance. If you looked at the facts, no strings were pulled, and the board members kid was in no way involved. The TRUTH is finally peeking out. I can assure you, that come Thursday after the school board meeting, a lot of angry and sensational students are going to be leaving rather disappointed by how simple this seemingly complicated and multi-faceted issue actually is. Farshid is not trying to get his job back, nor does he ENDORSE the immense group of pestering students “supporting” him. So make your T-shirts, paint your picket fences, make petitions, and form your lines.
I’m sorry, but I don’t see how these people are “good”. Last time I heard, having your drunk child attend a high school function, and then pull strings to get them back on the team is not good. I may be wrong in saying this, but I think you are a little off when judging these students. We care about our school, and the things that happen to the faculty and students. It’s wrong to say that it is all for nothing. Even if everything that we know is wrong, at least we’ve shown we know how to stand up for what’s right and what we believe in. Please know that I am not, in any way, trying to be disrespectful, but I do not appreciate being called a pestering student. I, along with my school, am standing up for what I believe is right.
Bravo!!You are not being a “pestering” student.Rather,you &all Coach Farshid supporters are having the courage of their convictions!Keep on keeping on!!
@Ridiculous: since you want us to believe that you are very aware of the actual facts of this issue, can you explain why the students involved only received 12 days in DAC when NISD guidelines clearly states for the rules that were broken they should have been in DAC no less than 30 days, regardless of when they released to play sports again? I believe that is one of the main issues that the public is having a hard time in understanding.
Very good points KV!!
I went to the high school and asked for a copy of this new policy…doesn’t exist. They assured me that I would be seeing it soon to sign. So, what that means is that the one we parents signed was the one where they get no less than 90 days. Nothing was signed by anyone that said anything different as it doesn’t exist. They are trying to put a spin on all of this that there was a revised code..BS, if so, we would have signed the “revised code”.
Rocco has EVERYTHING to do with Farshid leaving. He helped get all of his buddys on the school board so they could get away with garbage like this. You mean to tell me Rocco wasn’t on that “special committee” that decided to reduce sentences? He might not be an issue except it was HIS FREAKING KID that got into trouble. You can’t hide that. Explain this one to me. When this story broke, Rocco didn’t even address this issue at hand, instead he issued a statement confirming one of the kids was at his house and alcohol wasn’t there. Why didn’t he mention Farshid once? Was he having back surgery to have a spine implanted? I’d believe that. I find it comedic you are talking about sensationalism and you are mentioning Rocco “suffering” on a hospital bed. Apparently he was well enough to call into KTRE and cover his @$$. Farshid doesn’t have to ask for his job back or endorse the movement. He is the most storied figure of NISD period! It’s the fact that he is resigning because of philosphical differeces. Last time I checked, the superintendent and the school board were the one’s he was indifferent with. Perhaps you’re the one who needs to get the facts straight. Idiot.
Bravissimo & Encore!!!!
Matt Rocco, son of NISD School Board President, Matt Rocco Sr., WAS NOT one of the kids that got into trouble. NONE of the three students involved are in ANY WAY related to ANY of the school board members.
Actually he was there, he was just being his my principal Chaddick in his office until Matt Rocco SR. got there to get him so it didn’t crush his “reputation”!
The fact that he has been in the hospital is irrelevant. He brings shame to himself by thinking he is above the law. And he calls himself a Christian. He is a hypocrite and thinks he has power because he has some trashy call center of a business in town. He is nothing but a self centered, puffed up, arrogant fool. He will loose his place on the school board as well as the facade of his prominence. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
thank you…
Uh huh Suuuuuure!! I’ll believe all -that- hogwash when pigs sprout wings& start flying the friendly skies!! I happen to be***40***years old&a former student – not a current high school student!I am dang proud of the students that ARE having the cajones to stand up to those who are jumping on the Let the Kids Off bandwagon so dang quickly as you are making apparent to everyone reading your statement.
I am PROUD to be a part of the Support Coach Farshid group! I will PROUDLY wear my t-shirt when I get it! I don’t have a picket fence to paint or I dang well WOULD paint it! I will ALWAYS stand up against the Good Ol Boy Bubbas of the world – those in Administration who love hypocrisy – rules for some but not for others. I’m sorry , did I say Bubba I meant Bullies!
Kimberly Rambin March
Class of 1989
Don’t know why it posted 3 times.I’m sorry about that.Looked for a way to remove 2 of them but didn’t see a way to do so Would the Admin/Editor kindly keep one of my replies to “Ridiculous” but remove the 2 others?Thank you!
Sometimes the filter catches posts that it wants admin approval. It was a matter of the post being made several times before I was able to approve them. No worries, I removed the additional comments. I try to do as little censorship as possible, as I think what makes this site great is people being able to voice their opinions. Anything which says is under review will be posted as soon as I find it.
Happy posting,
EverythingNac Admin
you’re an idiot and certainly never knew fosh
Tsk Tsk Tsk…..& you are calling ME an idiot????YOU are the one ASSUMING to know whether or not I know Coach Fosh.Coach Fosh happened to teach my BROTHER how to play soccer in the 80s you DOLT!!!!I also am a 1989 NHS Grad.Figure it out if the Anti Fosh koolaid hasn’t damaged your brain beyond hope!!
I Believe in you and always will be on your side COACH FARSHID
Matt Rocco should never get another chance he messed up you can’t change the rule just because your father is a part of the school board
He doesn’t need another chance. Maybe you should straighten your “facts” out before opening your mouth. He wasn’t one of the three students pulled from the dance.
As voters we should show the school board how quick they can be demoted !!!!
As someone that is going to become a teacher in the near future, I am disgusted at how all of this is taking place.
First of all, underage drinking is ILLEGAL no matter what.
What Coach Farshid did was following the rules and school policy. If this were to happen to me, I would have been kicked off the sports team and have been severely punished. Coach Farshid doesn’t have favorites and he would have done this to any student that was drunk or had drugs on them at a school function.
The parents of these children are only slapping them on the wrist and tell them not to do it again. What if these kids get a DWI or a DUI in the future? What if something happens and they kill someone while drinking and driving? How will these parents feel? They will feel guilty because they only slapped their kids on the wrist and did not properly discipline them and they can’t get their children out of trouble that time. They will have a guilty conscience knowing that their children KILLED someone and it could have been prevented with discipline.
These kids will NEVER learn their lesson if their parents keep bailing them out of everything and they keep doing everything for them.
These kids only got away with it because of who their parents are. Shame on them.
Shame on them for claiming to be “great Christians” while they sit in church and be HUGE HYPOCRITES, and then go off and let their kids drink, have drugs on them, and go to a school event. SHAME ON YOU! And you, parents, can not be in denial about what your kids were doing! If you claim to be an awesome Christian and sit in church and act like one, be sure to show it OUTSIDE of the church!
Coach Farshid should be filing a huge lawsuit against NISD. If this were to happen to me, you bet your bottom dollar that I would be filing a lawsuit, and if it were my kids, they would be suffering severe consequences.
I know who the president and the superintendent are, and they should be ashamed of themselves. If Tom Davis was still president of the school board, this would have never happened, and he would have supported Farshid.
Someone needs to stop this and vote them out of the school board. Corruption is not acceptable anywhere.
All I can say now is that my children will never go to Nac High because obviously the system is flawed. There needs to be more people like Coach Farshid on the school board so the system wouldn’t be corrupt.
As a Nac Alum, I support you Coach Farshid!
Does anyone think it’s coincidental that the dude who wrote the “character” plan for the school district and has been hanging around/on the payroll since Hayes arrived has miraculously been selected to serve as interim athletic director? Was this the intention all along? This guy “wrote” about character development, but Farshid lived it. He taught it by example.
Does anyone know if criminal charges were filed against the students who were drunk at the homecoming dance? I know the school punished them, but they should also have been issued citations to appear in municipal court with the highly trained municipal court judge (i.e. former Beall’s clerk) Juanita Springer. If that didn’t happen, then charges should be filed against the school administrators who handled this situation.
Pretty sure they weren’t issued citations but can’t be sure. I know they were not treated as any other student would have been treated. Anyone else wouldn’t have been hidden by Chaddick in his office so he could call Daddy to come save him and allowed to sneak out undetected. They all need to go. I don’t know how any of us parents will be able to trust this group again to be fair to all our kids. They have shown they can’t be trusted to do that.
Coming to the school drunk seems all hip and cool when you’re young like these boys involved are. But it’s when you grow up and experience a loss of a loved one(s) or friend(s) to alcohol related incidents…….that you gain discipline.
Don’t we want to always shield and protect our young. Each adult that allows these issues to pass by withput appropriately disciplining the accused, might as well be holding up signs in the middle of Nacogdoches, proclaiming that we don’t adhere to rules, that public intoxication is ok. How can those young men be successful when you allow them to keep doing what they were doing?
There should be real consequences for their actions, and I think one year out of the athletic program is very suitable! I’m looking forward to seeing Coach Rashid reinstated; in doing so….you are observing and upholding his values………….and making a wonderful statement to the young people that only ethical behavior flies in Nacogdoches. And there should NEVER be in short cuts or PARTIALITY to anyone!
Coach Farshid is being punished because he stood up to 3 well to do kids,their parents & the School Board when those kids showed up drunk to Homecoming!!!!!! The School Board Superintendent is letting the kids off & punishing Coach Farshid who is a local legend!! Coach Farshid has & continues to care about ALL kids —NOT — about the $ you have or don’t have or who you know or don’t know!!!!!!
If I had DARED to drink much less show up DRUNK to a UIL Contest, Chorale Concert or Christmas performance I would have LOST MY SPOT NO Second Chances!!! What about Band & the other groups? We would NOT have gotten any slap on the wrists like these kids are that is for sure!!
God Bless Coach Farshid!!
Matt Rocco has double standards. He should be the one in trouble for having minors drinking at his home. Who does he think he is? Above the law? He should be kicked off the school board and have that silver spoon taken out of his mouth.
I totally agree!!!!
Quite frankly, you are an idiot. He didn’t have a party with alcohol. They had a dinner before homecoming like they have done the THREE PREVIOUS YEARS. Go look on Facebook, there are pictures from all 3 of them, one of the years they had a party with a pool and giant slides after homecoming so kids wouldn’t go out and drink. You are seriously an idiot and needs to get your facts checked
Right back at you!!! Matt Rocco was hiding like a b**ch in Chaddicks office do he wouldn’t get busted!!!
If you think Matt Rocco is a good person you are sorely mistaken. He conducts business in a very dishonest way. He covers his ass to save face in a town that already knows what a hypocrite he is. He will have his judgement day. I have heard first hand from a very high up executive in his company how shady he is. Not to mention judgmental. He deserves every bit of what is coming to him. He should have been put in his place a long time ago.
This is the exact thing that has caused NISD to become the kind of school that people would not want their kid involved in. Kids are not fairly treated – if it weren’t a board member’s kid, this wouldn’t have ever happened. Discipline is a joke. There is obviously a leadership void that is running off the real leaders. Interesting to watch the schools around Nacogdoches benefit from such stupidity as people are recognizing the ignorance and taking their kids elsewhere.
The law requires a student in possession of alcohol or drugs or under the influence on school property to be removed to an alternative school for a minimum of 30 days. This too was not adhered to in the case of these students. There are additional penalties for athletes per school policy. Mr. Rocco didn’t want these students punished at all and the district violated the law by not suspending these students.
If these kids would have gotten caught drinking and driving the consequences would have been worse than off a team and a yr suspension…jail time probation and court fines or worse killed somebody they lucky they got caught drunk at the dance and not out on the streets…they should just take the punishment leave Coach Farshid alone give him his job back and thank God nothing worse happened
What too many don’t realize is one of the students that broke the rules was the son of the school board president! This stinks to high heaven. The rule was fine for the past two years….just when the board president’s kid is involved is it too much. Fred Hayes is an idiot….he thinks that letting the board president call the shots on this will save his job. A board president this unethical will turn on Hayes first time there is heat. The superintendent sold his soul and is just as unethical as the board president. They both are a disgrace to this school district and this community.
Really!?? Wow. Could that prior student have a discrimination case.
Too bad that Mr.Rocco’s son wasn’t one of the kids involved. Nice try, get your facts straight.
He was involved, he just didn’t get caught. He ran away before the officer could come back and get him too.
Roccoistheman AKA Fred Hayes!
Yes I think Roccoistheman could be Fred Hayes or that loser Matt Rocco himself. Nice try!
*****I SUPPORT COACH FARSHID!!!*****Coach Farshid is being punished because he stood up to 3 well to do kids,their parents & the School Board when those kids showed up drunk to Homecoming!!!!!! The School Board Superintendent is letting the kids off & punishing Coach Farshid who is a local legend!! Coach Farshid has & continues to care about ALL kids —NOT — about the $ you have or don’t have or who you know or don’t know!!!!!!
If I had DARED to drink much less show up DRUNK to a UIL Contest, Chorale Concert or Christmas performance I would have LOST MY SPOT NO Second Chances!!! What about Band & the other groups? We would NOT have gotten any slap on the wrists like these kids are that is for sure!!
I am NOT proud of how the new “Powers that be” in Administration are backstabbing Coach Farshid who was,has & is a HUGE blessing to Nacogdoches as well to the schools! He could have chosen ANYWHERE in the United States to help another district & chose Nacogdoches!! Coach Farshid left Iran after his family was slaughtered in hopes of a better life! He worked for that better life & thought of others not himself for his entire career!! This is how Nacogdoches ISD fairly new Administration & others thank him?? For SHAME!!
God Bless Coach Farshid!!
The Board says it’s doing this for the children, but it’s really hurting them by teaching them that they can cheat the rules if they have the connections. The Board’s kind of policy-making is what is breeding the unconscionable business leaders we’re dealing with today.
As a teacher I know how important it is for all students to be disciplined in the same exact manner. Since this policy has apparently been in place for two years it should be enforced. If it has ever been used as a deterrent with ANY child it should be enforced for ALL children. If not, it is discrimination and if I was the parent of any child that WAS suspended the lawsuit against NISD would be forthcoming. Then we will see how fast money drives this train……it is despicable that any dedicated teacher ever feel they are being punished for doing their job.
The punishment wasn’t ‘too extreme’ for a student caught with an ‘illegal substance’ (away from school)… He received a year suspension. Nobody fought that! It was a rule, the student violated that rule and was suspended according to the guideline already in place. Yet, NOW, this student violated that rule, and it’s ‘too extreme’. Why is now different? Because now there’s a possible scholarship at stake? a one year suspension would prevent him from playing his sport and thus preventing the college scouts from seeing him? So the rule was ‘rewritten’ to accommodate this student? Coach Farshid stood behind his rule and enforced it. and now he’s been demoted because of it. Because the Superintendent wanted the rule changed…or the punishment, rather…and Coach wouldn’t agree to change it because of one person. That’s the integrity we all speak of! He’s the very same with everyone. No favoritism! And he gets disciplined himself for that. After 30 years of mentoring, teaching, coaching, dedicating his life to students, this is what he gets? It’s wrong on so many levels! Money shouldn’t over-ride rules that are already in place… The board didn’t make the decision as a whole. In fact, some members of the board were UNAWARE of the situation, until now. The superintendent made the decision and didn’t even consult the board. He said ‘it wasn’t required’. It’s all very disturbing.
That’s what happens for “special” kids.