Herrington: An Easter Message

Chris Herrington decided years ago that his reality was much more fun…

and he’s ready to tell you why.

Sit back and relax.
It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

<< Psalm 1 >>
King James Version

     1Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

     2But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

     Meditation is the assertive quantum surveying of the multiverse, which allows the cybernautic voyager to live out variations of reality in order to project ahead the outcomes of present choices and thus the raised consciousness of one’s past, present, and future experiences. For example, through meditation, one might explore the divergent pathways that have previously occurred, thus reverse engineering the path by which present states of consciousness came into existence. This being said, it may be possible to extend one’s thinking into the future such that psycho-physicality might be apprehended as a series of necessary steps in order to reach a potential state of consciousness: karma/dharma. If one were to “enter” into a survey of the future by previewing the pathways available, one might work out a game plan that would most likely work out the steps one would need to take to reach any destination. Meditation then opens worm holes into consciousness, and these leaps, if followed at the speed of ever-increasingly universal consciousness, would create a lifetime of déjà vu. Everything the meditator experiences would have been seen ahead of the actual experience and thus a serenity of experience would envelope each choice and action, because each consequence would be a necessity of the unfolding of enlightenment. Each event of consciousness development would increasingly develop the ability to travel further and faster, and thus a master would be able to be simultaneously everywhere at once, cosmologically.

     This would make a person without shame, non-judgmental, and without guile, that is not self-righteous. We cannot control the universe, but we can learn to respond to it as it is. What is the point of basing our lives on our attempting to follow a pathway that may asymptotically approach behavioral perfection when we know absolutely that we do not have an infinite understanding of what we need to do in order to meet such a standard? Isn’t such a standard rather a sign post that reminds us that our being self-righteous in our claims of goodness, honesty, and absolute belief are in fact unrealistic? Our meditating on the Law would in truth be a grounding of how we are humbled by our own apparent inability to follow that Law ourselves and the gross ridiculousness of our judging others for their not being able to follow such a Law either! Moreover, if such a Law is the basis for our worth, then the sense that we have worth at all in and of ourselves is a gross exaggeration. This begs the question then, “If we need to apprehend God infinitely in order to have an infinite faith, then how is anyone ever going to claim even the least understanding of religion or spirituality?”

     This might seem then a call to quit metaphysics or the practice of religion on any level. Far from it. Rather than our becoming self-conscious over our lack of proof or our inability to perform, this grounding question lends itself to the very heart of the spiritual life. I cannot prove nor deny anything. My beliefs, my faith, my choices, and my actions all become secondary. If I assert anything, I am without ground. Meditation, ultimately, is the only “reality,” a projection of the mind, which is itself not even thought of as a physical structure. It is all consciousness.

     Do I then claim that all the universe is the projection of my own mind and imagination? Hardly. Rather, we are part of the whole. Each of our foes, our challenges, our faults, and our insecurities are the basis of our unfolding path, laid out by quantum inertiality, the drawing of all things into pure consciousness. The motion on the path towards self-knowing is the force of Being that has been at work in all things on all levels throughout all time and space. In the end, a homogeneous mind, a singularity of consciousness will be raised that will have been the infinitely-faceted singularity itself all along. Differentiation and divergence, distance and deformity, dissonance and disharmony will all converge into a point of logic that envelops everything that was, is, and ever will be. IF peace is the point, then why not work on it first? “Begin with the end in mind,” Covey says. “We are all the same schmuck!” adds Lenny Bruce. One way to view meditation is to see the multiverse unfolding right in front of us as those around us who mirror and fractal our own projections through our judgment of them right in front of us. Mind experiments are not that unusual.

     We perform them all the time when we limit the worth of others by our objectifying them. For us to judge the value of another human being under any conditions is for us to evoke the idea that we have an infinite understanding of what has occurred. What we know of the present moment is limited and circumstantial at best. What do we do about crime then? Do we then lock up the guilty? Yes. Do we protect the innocent? Of course. Do we educate our progeny? Of course. But whatever we do, we need to “do it with awareness,” as William David says. When we look up into the stars and see the trillions of pathways laid out in front of us, we need to see what has led us here to this moment, this singular nano-second of self-discovery. It is all interdependent. Let us meditate on that.


     Having completed 32 years of public school service, Chris Herrington lives, with his wife, in Appleby, Texas, and his writing consists of blogging and essay writing concerning an array of topics including education, mediation, self-development, and human interests. He teaches at the Martin School of Choice, plays racquetball, and enjoys his job.

     Chris Herrington can be reached at herrington@everythingnac.com

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