SFA horticulture professor featured in popular lifestyle magazine

 Dr. Jared Barnes, associate professor of horticulture in Stephen F. Austin State University’s Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, was interviewed by People magazine for a home and garden segment featured in the publication’s Sept. 12 issue.

Dr. Jared Barnes, associate professor of horticulture in Stephen F. Austin State University’s Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, was interviewed by People magazine for a home and garden segment featured in the publication’s Sept. 12 issue.

Dr. Jared Barnes, associate professor of horticulture in Stephen F. Austin State University’s Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, was interviewed by People magazine for a home and garden segment featured in the publication’s Sept. 12 issue.

In the question-and-answer piece, Barnes provided gardeners with tips to help prolong chrysanthemum blooms through the fall season.

“I was honored People magazine reached out to me to give advice on growing mums for autumn,” Barnes said. “To me, it is a testament to the reputation our students are cultivating through the horticulture program and the Plantery, our student botanic garden on campus.”

To ensure the longest possible bloom time for these cool-weather plants, Barnes recommends forgoing the purchase of chrysanthemums already in full bloom. Instead, gardeners should seek out plants that are still in bud.

“The plant that’s in full flower looks great at the store, but you’ll only get a week or two of bloom out of it,” Barnes explained.

Barnes, who joined SFA in 2014, regularly shares his passion for horticulture through the classroom and as the host of “The Plantastic Podcast,” a self-produced show intended for “plant killers, green thumbs and everyone in between.”

For more information on Barnes’ research and outreach, visit meristemhorticulture.com.

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