Goodridge: Movies I’m Embarrassed to Say I Haven’t Seen

What do you mean
You haven’t seen that?

Andrew looks back at the last century of film to discover
for himself the movies he’s embarrassed to say
he hasn’t seen

     Hello, everybody.

     I just got back from seeing “True Grit” (which I loved). It made me think about how much I admire the Coen Brothers, even though I’ve only seen a handful of their movies. This sparked a sudden, vivid memory back from when I was 15 and working at my first job (cashier at Video Update). I remember holding a VHS copy of the Coen Brothers’ “Miller’s Crossing” and thinking “I can’t wait to see this movie.” I am fairly sure I rented it, and probably more than once, but I didn’t watch it.

     I also distinctly remember paying a late fee on “Miller’s Crossing” (now on DVD) at my second job (cashier at Hollywood Video). Again, I never watched it.

     Since the first time I vowed to watch it, over 12 years have passed. I still haven’t seen it. And though “Miller’s Crossing” has yet to be released to Blu-ray, you get the picture.

     I’m going to get to my point here in just a minute.

     I haven’t been a very good contributor to this site, unfortunately. It’s not that I don’t enjoy writing about the movies I watch. The truth is, I just haven’t watched very many movies recently.

     I’ve been extremely busy with work and the holidays, so I suppose I could use the tired cliche that “life got in the way.” But that’s just not true. I’ve got plenty of time. Besides, “life” is such a nebulous term. I remember a time when watching movies WAS my life, and everything else just got in the way.

     I’m just not sure why my Blockbuster movies have sat on the shelf, and movies I’ve wanted to see have come and gone from the theaters. I’ve only seen three of the 10 movies nominated for Best Picture. Usually, I’ll see them all. If I’m being honest, I just haven’t had a real drive to watch anything. Maybe I just needed to take a break from movies movies moviesmoviesmoviesmovies.

     But as of today, I’m officially announcing my break from movies movies moviesmoviesmoviesmovies to be over.

     Unfortunately, this is the time of year studios dump low-quality fare into the theaters. I’m not one to complain about high ticket prices, but I’m not paying to see “The Rite.” I’d be happier with the eight bucks.

     My point is coming soon.

     But the good news is that the entire history of film — which spans more than 4 times as many years as I have spent on this Earth — is packed to the gills with a wealth of options. And there are far too many “Miller’s Crossings” than I’d like to admit to.

     So my point is, I want to fill these gaps, so to speak. I want to revisit the last 116 years of filmmaking and finally watch some of the movies that I’m absolutely embarrassed to say I haven’t seen.

     I’ve spent every day for more than half my life obsessing about movies, but I still haven’t seen “Schindler’s List.” I spent 6 years of college studying film and film history, but “Sunset Blvd.” and “Some Like It Hot” and “The Sting” just got by me. I now teach film, but I haven’t seen “On the Waterfront” or “North by Northwest.” I’ve managed to see nearly every film by French uber-minimalist Robert Bresson, but I’ve never gotten around to any films directed by John Ford. And here’s one my dad won’t like to hear: I’ve never seen a single film starring John Wayne (despite having picked up a used copy of “The Searchers” over a year ago).

     So my new column is going to be about rekindling my love for the medium by watching the movies I’ve always wanted — needed — to see. Some will have non-movie fans shouting “You haven’t seen THAT?!” (“Superman,” “Psycho”), some won’t be so well known but will be important to the history of film (“Red Desert,” “8 1/2”), and others will just be movies, some popular and some obscure, that have been on “my list” for far too long (“Rain Man,” “Pierrot Le Fou,” and, yes, “Miller’s Crossing”).

     I’m even more excited about this venture than I was with the “Horror Movie-A-Day” column. I’m hoping this will ignite some discussion and interest in movies from various eras, directors, countries, movements and styles. It may even inspire some of you to cross a few movies off your “to see” lists, too.

     But if you’re hoping to rent “Miller’s Crossing,” get in line. I’ve been waiting more than a decade.

     Andrew Goodridge likes movies so much that he married one. He teaches Audio/Video production, Filmmaking, and Film & Television History in Fort Worth, Texas. He would one day like to have a Pug, or maybe a Bulldog.

     Andrew Goodridge can be reached at

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4 Responses to Goodridge: Movies I’m Embarrassed to Say I Haven’t Seen

  1. karen says:

    If you need any suggestions we can help you out!

  2. Andrew says:

    It’ll be disappointing, for sure. But glad you’re going to stick around!

    I’m not sure what’s first on my list. But the weather people say we might get some snow that could lead to a day off work, so hopefully I’ll get started soon.

  3. KingOfBrains says:

    I think I’m gonna like this series.

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