“The Art of Floral Design, Color & Textures from the Garden,” a Nacogdoches Azalea Trail event, will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, March 24 in The Cole Art Center @ The Old Opera House, 329 E. Main Street.

Attendees learn how to use azaleas to make beautiful arrangements at "The Art of Floral Design, Color & Textures from the Garden," an annual floral design exhibit featured during the Nacogdoches Azalea Trail.
The 12th annual floral design exhibit will feature unique floral arrangements displayed on pedestals in the Ledbetter Gallery to showcase the talents of local gardeners, designers and plant enthusiasts. A list of plant materials will be displayed with each arrangement. Leisha Bridwell, Associate Professor of Interior Design will also present a workshop on “Designing with Native Plants” at 1:30 p.m. in the Cole Art Center.
A juried photography exhibition featuring Nacogdoches County Azaleas will also be featured on the 2nd floor of the Cole Art Center, which focuses on azaleas and the abundance of spring flowering plants and trees growing in the gardens and landscape of East Texas.
“This is my second year to organize the floral design show and I am so excited to be once again a part of the Azalea Trail festivities. We have so many dedicated people who contribute their time and efforts every year to create outstanding arrangements made out of local flowers and plant material,” said exhibit organizer Chay Runnels.
“Admission is free so come see these amazing masterpieces that you can only find in Nacogdoches!” Anyone wishing to participate with an arrangement in the floral show should contact Chay Runnels at runnelsc@sfasu.edu in advance to participate. Arrangements must include native plants.
The floral design exhibit is part of the fourteenth annual Nacogdoches Azalea Trail, which will be held March 10 through April 7. The annual event will also feature a little princess garden party, a farmer’s market spring fling, a 10K race, a VW show, and 25 miles of self-guided driving tours.
For more information on the floral design exhibit and other Azalea Trail events or to schedule a group tour call 888-OLDEST-TOWN or visit www.nacogdochesazaleas.com. Be our friends on facebook @ Nacogdoches Azalea Trail.