Stephen F. Austin State University has appointed successful financial planner, business strategist and SFA alumnus Taylor Kovar as the first entrepreneur-in-residence at the university’s Arnold Center for Entrepreneurship in the Rusche College of Business.
“With ACE’s entrepreneur-in-residence program, SFA continues to position itself as a hub for innovation, mentorship and business success,” said Dr. Raymond Jones, associate professor of entrepreneurship and strategy and director of SFA’s entrepreneurship program. “Taylor’s hands-on approach and extensive industry experience provide students with a unique and invaluable learning advantage.”
Kovar, who earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in finance from SFA in 2009, has built several companies, including 11 Financial, Hive Marketing and Premier Pediatric Therapy, for which he achieved national accreditation and significant revenue growth.
Now, he’s bringing that expertise back to SFA by teaching a course in entrepreneurial finance, mentoring students and connecting aspiring entrepreneurs with real-world opportunities. Kovar also is collaborating to faculty-led research and helping turn student business ideas into viable ventures.
The appointment, which started at the beginning of the spring semester, also positioned Kovar to bridge the academic side of SFA’s entrepreneurship degree offerings with the small-business support ACE provides to the local community.
“Entrepreneurship isn’t just learned in a classroom — it’s experienced,” Kovar said. “Being back at SFA, I am attempting to prepare students not just for jobs but also for creating their own opportunities.”
Beyond the classroom, the goal of ACE’s entrepreneur-in-residence program is to drive regional economic growth by connecting students with investors, industry leaders and funding opportunities.
“Having someone with Taylor’s track record on campus elevates our program,” said Matthew Smilor, ACE director. “His insights into scaling businesses, securing funding and navigating challenges are exactly what our students need.”
Kovar will serve as ACE’s entrepreneur-in-residence through the end of the semester.
For more information on SFA’s Arnold Center for Entrepreneurship, visit sfasu.edu/ace.
Stephen F. Austin State University, the newest member of The University of Texas System, began a century ago as a teachers’ college in Texas’ oldest town, Nacogdoches. Today, it has grown into a regional institution comprising six colleges — business, education, fine arts, forestry and agriculture, liberal and applied arts, and sciences and mathematics. Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, SFA enrolls approximately 11,000 students while providing the academic breadth of a state university with the personalized attention of a private school. The main campus encompasses 421 acres that include 40 academic facilities, 11 residence halls, and 68 acres of recreational trails that wind through its six gardens. The university offers more than 80 bachelor’s degrees, more than 40 master’s degrees and four doctoral degrees covering over 120 areas of study. Learn more at sfasu.edu.
By University Marketing Communications