New for Nacogdoches is the website, re-skinned to coordinate with the 2012 Nacogdoches Guide & Chamber Directory and the City & County Street Map.

Operation Thank You! Chairwoman Grace Handler, left, and Nacogdoches County Chamber of Commerce Chairman Lee Smith prepare for distribution of the 2012 Nacogdoches Guide & Chamber Directory and City/County Street Map during the chamber’s Jan. 18-20 Operation Thank You!
While anyone may view with internet access, Chamber directors and volunteers will personally deliver the new publications to as many Chamber members as possible during Operation Thank You! set for Jan. 18 through 20. “It’s our way to thank you for your chamber membership and support,” said chamber Chairman Lee Smith, Axley & Rode, L.L.P.
The ninth annual Operation Thank You! – presented by Austin Bank – kicks off at 7:15 a.m., Wednesday, Jan. 18 with a come-and-go breakfast at the Chamber office, 2516 North St. There is no cost for attending the breakfast but registration is requested. Gold level event sponsor is NacogdochesMedicalCenter.
“The all-new website is filled with up to the moment information about members, chamber news and an area calendar,” said Angela Wiederhold of Point A Media and chamber incoming chairwoman. “ showcases Living in Nacogdoches, Moving to Nacogdoches, Retiring in Nacogdoches and business networking in the Nacogdoches community.
“The new design, consistent in all 2012 chamber material, incorporates bold colors giving an updated twist to traditional woodcut patterns and aged textures. The combined colors and graphics create a modern backdrop for the site that calls back to the rich history behind Texas’ first city.” Wiederhold said. “It takes our entire team to put this project together. In addition to the incredible design, the publication is filled with new information about our community.”
Event Chairwoman Grace Handler, Handler Insurance, invites all Chamber members to attend the breakfast and pick up the new material and to consider volunteering for the event. Contact Kelly Daniel, or 560-5533 for event details and to register for the breakfast.