Blount named inaugural recipient of SFA’s Sanner-Berry Business Professorship

Stephen F. Austin State University's Rusche College of Business recently awarded the Sanner-Berry Business Professorship to Dr. Justin Blount, professor in the Department of Business Communication and Legal Studies.

Stephen F. Austin State University’s Rusche College of Business recently awarded the Sanner-Berry Business Professorship to Dr. Justin Blount, professor in the Department of Business Communication and Legal Studies.

Stephen F. Austin State University’s Rusche College of Business recently awarded the inaugural Sanner-Berry Business Professorship to Dr. Justin Blount, professor in the Department of Business Communication and Legal Studies. The new professorship was created through an endowment by Christine “Chris” Sanner Berry and James “Jim” Berry, both 1985 graduates of SFA.

Professorships are designed to honor distinguished faculty members and provide financial support to attract and retain exceptional educators while supporting them in their professional endeavors. Endowed professorships, such as the Sanner-Berry Business Professorship, are most often established through the generosity of donors and provide financial support to the recipient on an ongoing basis.

“This professorship means so much to me, and I’m incredibly grateful for the Berrys’ generosity,” said Blount, who was also selected as one of the inaugural recipients of SFA’s Scholarly Excellence Award in April.

Blount earned his Bachelor of Business Administration in finance from Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Master of Business Administration from The University of Texas at Austin and Juris Doctor from Baylor University School of Law. A licensed attorney in Texas and Oklahoma, Blount’s main research interests are corporate governance and social responsibility.

“I work very hard to develop rigorous learning experiences for students while maintaining a very active research agenda,” Blount said. “The Sanner-Berry Business Professorship is a wonderful reward for that hard work and also enables me to continue impacting Lumberjacks through my research and teaching.”

The purpose of the endowment is to retain and attract quality faculty members to the Rusche College of Business, said Dr. Tim Bisping, dean of the college.

“A great education starts with great professors,” Bisping said. “We are fortunate to have outstanding professors in the Rusche College of Business who impact thousands of students throughout the course of their careers. The generosity of Jim and Chris will help ensure that we are able to continue to attract and retain for our students outstanding professors such as Dr. Blount.”

The Berrys established the endowment because of their strong belief in education.

“We have always believed in the importance of education, both formal education and through life experiences,” said Chris, who earned a Bachelor of Arts in political science and broadfield communication with an emphasis in photojournalism. “Whatever the means of learning that people experience — university, trade or apprenticeship — education offers the opportunity to expand their horizons and, by doing so, creates even more opportunity for the next generation.”

This professorship is one way the Berrys can ensure future Lumberjacks have the opportunity to learn from accomplished faculty members just as they did.

“As we reflected on the continued importance of getting the best professors and instructors at SFA to maintain and grow the Lumberjack experience, we became convinced this was a significant way to help make that impact,” said Jim, who earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting and is a retired partner and past vice chair for Deloitte & Touche. “We know the endowment will serve Lumberjacks for years to come.”

For more information on the Rusche College of Business, visit


Stephen F. Austin State University, the newest member of The University of Texas System, began a century ago as a teachers’ college in Texas’ oldest town, Nacogdoches. Today, it has grown into a regional institution comprising six colleges — business, education, fine arts, forestry and agriculture, liberal and applied arts, and sciences and mathematics. Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, SFA enrolls approximately 11,000 students while providing the academic breadth of a state university with the personalized attention of a private school. The main campus encompasses 421 acres that include 37 academic facilities, nine residence halls, and 68 acres of recreational trails that wind through its six gardens. The university offers more than 80 bachelor’s degrees, more than 40 master’s degrees and four doctoral degrees covering more than 120 areas of study. Learn more at

By University Marketing Communications

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