SFA launches hub to offer students faster access to holistic health and wellness services

Stephen F. Austin State University has combined six of its key health and wellness resources into one centralized hub so students can get help faster when they need it.

Part of SFA’s Lumberjack Wellness Network, the new Health and Wellness Hub includes Health Services, Counseling Services, Student Outreach and Support, the Lumberjack Food Pantry, and a Chartwells dietitian. It also provides access to services at the Family Crisis Center of East Texas off campus.

“The Health and Wellness Hub offers comprehensive services that treat the whole person — mind, body and spirit,” said Andrew J. Dies, SFA’s assistant vice president of student affairs and dean of students. “We want to support the health and well-being of every Lumberjack.”

These services were previously spread out in different buildings across campus, but students often need a combination of these services when they’re in crisis.

“Many students find it difficult or are unaware of how to make the first step in taking care of themselves,” said Marcie Shoemaker, director of Health Services operations. “Having our services in one location allows us to take a look at the whole person and focus on what matters to them.”

Health and Wellness Hub personnel are hoping students who were reluctant to seek mental health services in the past find it easier to do so through the hub.

“My hope is that by creating the hub, we are helping to demystify counseling by having a place where students can go to really connect with someone and get the help they need,” said Clare Fite, director of Counseling Services. “Through the hub, students who are struggling either emotionally or socially and may not know where to go or whom to talk to will be connected with the appropriate people and departments that can provide them with guidance and support.”

The hub works to address the seven dimensions of wellness: career/financial, emotional, environmental, intellectual, physical, socio-cultural and spiritual. By maintaining balance among these dimensions, students improve their odds of finishing college and moving on to a successful and fulfilling career.

The Health and Wellness Hub, located in the Tucker Building at the corner of Raguet and East College streets, is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. To learn more, visit sfasu.edu/thehub.

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