SFA students to host plant fair on campus featuring winter annuals

 Stephen F. Austin State University's horticulture program will host the annual Fall Plant Fair from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 4, at the SFA Plantery, located at 1924 Wilson Drive. Pictured, SFA horticulture students tend to winter annuals being grown at the Plantery.

Stephen F. Austin State University’s horticulture program will host the annual Fall Plant Fair from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 4, at the SFA Plantery, located at 1924 Wilson Drive. Pictured, SFA horticulture students tend to winter annuals being grown at the Plantery.

Stephen F. Austin State University’s horticulture program will host the annual Fall Plant Fair from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 4, at the SFA Plantery, located at 1924 Wilson Drive.

Plants available for purchase include a variety of winter annuals, such as pansies, violas, wallflowers, dianthus, stock, dusty miller and snapdragons. All plants are winter hardy and perform well in East Texas. Plants are $2 per pot or $34 for a tray of 18 plants.

“The students are so excited to show our community what they’ve learned about growing plants,” said Dr. Jared Barnes, associate professor of horticulture and steward of the Plantery. “We welcome people to tour the Plantery and buy some plants, since all proceeds support student learning.”

The Plantery, a program within the SFA Department of Agriculture, allows students to grow and raise plants in the Sprout microfarm, greenhouses and teaching gardens around the Agriculture Building.

The plant sale also is an opportunity to tour the plant-growing operation and view student projects, such as the gravel garden and hydroponic system.

Music, fireside s’mores and games will be provided by the SFA Horticulture Club.

In the event of rainy weather, the Fall Plant Fair will be postponed until Friday, Nov. 5.

For more information, contact Barnes at barnesj@sfasu.edu. The community also may learn more about the horticulture program by visiting www.horticultureisawesome.com/the-plantery or by following @sfahorticulture on Instagram.

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