(August 5, 2021): The Nacogdoches Police Department Criminal Investigation Division is continuing to work on the investigation into the shooting that occurred on Dolph St on August 1, 2021. The five suspects that are in the Nacogdoches County Jail on the charge of Murder now have additionally been charged with 3 counts each of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon for the the victims that were also shot during the shooting. As further information becomes available it will be released.

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  1. H says:

    Nacogdoches is becoming extremely dangerous due to Gang violence.. way to many shootings for such a small town.. what is this town doing to stop this

    • G says:

      No where in the updates was the phrase gang violence used other than by you does one make a gang or does five make a family either way the shootings are senseless and need to stop and who ever is responsible no matter how many of them are involved needs to be dealt with they are tearing families apart. So my advice for you would be to read what’s there and please try not to add anything to a already volatile situation

  2. H says:

    Where is BLM when this is going on.. why aren’t they protesting these horrible actions

    • G says:

      Why isn’t the welfare check / death at Appleby Sands and E Starr st being updated like the Dolph st shooting correct me if wrong but a death is a death and if we’re going to update one let’s update them all. And as far as the BLM if they are smart like I know they are they better be getting ready for September now if you don’t know what’s going to happen call your Texas governor

      • G says:

        And for the record ALL LIVES MATTER we just want to be treated the same as you no preferential treatment just the same is ALL we’re asking. This request shouldn’t be that HARD

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