Herrington: Get out of the Road but Avoid the Ruts

Chris Herrington decided years ago that his reality was much more fun…

and he’s ready to tell you why.

Sit back and relax.
It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

     Personally I find humor in the state of the economy. Before you say that I am sick or sickening, hear me out.


     Marx said that the capitalists would get greedy, become opaque, and need to be ousted.


     Adam Smith said that capitalists need to be ready to listen to the public and remember not to burn the hand that buys their stuff, otherwise the masses would rebel and take over.


     In other words, Marx said it would happen, and Smith said it could happen. Those who say it could not happen are only hoping, and those who are making it necessary are actually, by default, by proxy, supporting Marx! The greedy and self-righteous capitalists who are not worried about it are in fact making Marx look right! IPSO FACTO, the Capitalists on the extreme end are sub-consciously Marxists! On the other side, the ones who are supporting the need to keep the masses at bay by creating a safety net are following Adam Smith’s warning that the masses can get very testy. Now, that, in raw terms is funny. The Left is the right, and the Right is the left.


     In practical terms this means that Marx is proven right by the very people that were warned by Smith. The lesson to learn here is that the people are the absolute resource of the outcome. If they decide to rein in businesses and create clarity, we can still salvage the present economy by restoring faith. If the present stream of duplicity continues, Marx will win out and the government will have to come to blows with the people who will follow the path of none payment of taxes and balking at civic duties. IF we break down as a culture, which the Chinese will mind if we go into hyper inflation and the trillion dollars they are holding go bust, then those who have opposed us, the Russians (who will laugh at our having gone broke like they did) and the extremists in the Middle East (who caused us 5.5 trillion dollars worth of damage to our economy in 2001) will have won out. The answer is for middle of the road Americans to take a leap of patriotic faith and demand for more transparency so that we can build trust in the present system by remediating it. It does not help that we just bailed out the same guys who put us under. The real problem with our economy is with line of credit and our false need to obtain things we can’t afford. We have no one to blame but ourselves. The lesson is to stop putting ourselves economically at risk by our having to trust the loan sharks who hold our livelihoods in their hands. Extended credit is the kiss of death if overdone. This pull back, the 2008-2011 decline and recline, is a natural part of the business cycle, and can be returned to full economic health if the ones who are in spin-control are brought to justice and put in line.


     Look at the DOW, and see it from a 30 year perspective. If we want to keep growing at that rate, we will have to shut our eyes and simply pull our feet up off of the ground. If we want a really big slamming depression, let’s just shut our eyes and let it all go sky high, give the money to the banks, and hit a major depression that will crush us to the ground. Really conservative thinking does not shut its eyes and put the entire country at risk for the sake of creating a few wealthy people. Really liberal thinking does not simply shut its eyes and give away the farm. Somewhere in the middle is a reality check that needs to happen. No one wants to live in a polluted America where we can’t swim in our lakes or drink our water, but, if we are going to make omelets and some eggs are going to have to be broken, let’s do it in a way that does not poison some and leave others breathing freely in some far and distant paradise. Remember: at the end of the business cycle, they take profits, bail from the company, pull the golden parachute and skip town; at the end of the free ride, they close down the carnival, leave in the middle of the night, and leave behind the party debris that celebrated the fleecing of the target town. While the Marxists and Capitalists are battling it out to see how psychohistory turns out, it is the middle of the roader who gets run over if he does not move out of the street.


     Having completed 32 years of public school service, Chris Herrington lives, with his wife, in Appleby, Texas, and his writing consists of blogging and essay writing concerning an array of topics including education, mediation, self-development, and human interests. He teaches at the Martin School of Choice, plays racquetball, and enjoys his job.

     Chris Herrington can be reached at herrington@everythingnac.com

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