SFA launches Distinguished High School Program, names Nacogdoches as partner school

 Stephen F. Austin State University announced the creation of its Distinguished High School Program Tuesday and named Nacogdoches High School as one of five partner schools across Texas. NHS seniors Oscar Tinoco and Ronald Castillo were recognized as two of the first program awardees and received scholarships of $3,000 per year and $5,000 per year, respectively. Pictured, from left, are interim NHS principal Dr. Kenneth Matthews, Tinoco, SFA President Dr. Scott Gordon, Castillo, and NHS deputy superintendent Michael Martin.

Stephen F. Austin State University announced the creation of its Distinguished High School Program Tuesday and named Nacogdoches High School as one of five partner schools across Texas. NHS seniors Oscar Tinoco and Ronald Castillo were recognized as two of the first program awardees and received scholarships of $3,000 per year and $5,000 per year, respectively. Pictured, from left, are interim NHS principal Dr. Kenneth Matthews, Tinoco, SFA President Dr. Scott Gordon, Castillo, and NHS deputy superintendent Michael Martin.

Stephen F. Austin State University announced the creation of its Distinguished High School Program Tuesday and named Nacogdoches High School as one of five partner schools across Texas.

Inclusion in the program means all students from NHS and partner schools may waive the $50 application fee, and seniors ranking in the top 30% of their class are guaranteed admission to SFA.

Students from partner schools also will automatically receive scholarship money for up to four years based on their class rank. Of those who apply to SFA from distinguished program schools, students ranking in the top 10% of their class will receive $5,000 per year, and students ranking in the 11-25% of their class with a 3.0 GPA or higher will receive $3,000 per year. Submission of a scholarship application is not required.

“At SFA, we are fully committed to student success and access, meaning we are constantly seeking new and innovative ways to ensure Texans have affordable access to higher education,” said SFA President Dr. Scott Gordon. “Our newly introduced Distinguished High School Program recognizes hardworking high school students by helping them obtain their college degree in a more timely and affordable manner. We are thrilled to offer this new program.”

Other benefits for students at distinguished program partner schools include additional financial aid assistance to students with high financial need; a special, tailored campus visit; and an assigned admissions counselor to serve students throughout the college-enrollment process.

“This is an incredible opportunity for our students that will both increase access and simplify the process of attending college,” said Dr. Gabriel A. Trujillo, Nacogdoches Independent School District superintendent. “Not only will our students have access to a streamlined application process, they will be eligible for automatic qualification and have an opportunity to obtain much-needed financial support.

“We’re grateful for SFA’s willingness to include Nacogdoches ISD, a move that will only improve upon a partnership that’s already proven fruitful to our community.”

Other Distinguished High Schools invited to partner in SFA’s new program include Center High School, Langham Creek High School, Little Elm High School, Tomball Memorial High School and Allen High School.

Students from distinguished program schools applying as first-time freshmen at ApplyTexas.org also should submit official SAT/ACT scores and high school transcripts to the SFA Office of Admissions. For more information about applying to SFA, visit sfasu.edu/apply or call (936) 468-2504.

By Christine Broussard, marketing communications coordinator at Stephen F. Austin State University.

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