SFA’s first online doctoral degree focuses on educational leadership

Educators wanting to further their careers can now earn a doctorate in educational leadership without leaving their hometowns through a new online program in the James I. Perkins College of Education at Stephen F. Austin State University.

“This is the first completely online doctoral degree offered by SFA,” said Dr. Stacy Hendricks, coordinator for the educational leadership doctoral program and associate dean in the Perkins College of Education. “It is designed for those who are fully employed in school districts or other educational agencies. They can participate in the program while meeting their job and family commitments.”

The Doctor of Education in educational leadership prepares K-12 and higher education leaders to address population growth issues, cultural diversity, policy analysis and design, problem-solving and the change process through content-specific coursework and summer field-based leadership internships.

The program features 66 hours of challenging, relevant curriculum taught using a cohort design with collegial support. Participants can specialize in specific content areas to become institutional and agency researchers, curriculum specialists and K-12 leaders, among other roles.

Some program participants progress into nonacademic college and university administrator positions.

“Though this degree does not automatically make you eligible to become a faculty member or an academic leader, such as a unit head, dean or provost, you can pursue academic leadership opportunities with the appropriate faculty qualifications and experience,” Hendricks said.

The deadline to apply for the program is March 15, and the new cohort begins May 17.

For more information, email Hendricks at edd@sfasu.edu or visit sfasu.edu/sfaonline.

By Jo Gilmore, marketing communications specialist at Stephen F. Austin State University.

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