SFA’s Music Prep offering Kindermusik education for young children

The Music Preparatory Division in the School of Music at Stephen F. Austin State University offers the popular Kindermusik classes for young children starting at birth through 3 years of age.

The Music Preparatory Division in the School of Music at Stephen F. Austin State University offers the popular Kindermusik classes for young children starting at birth through 3 years of age.

The Music Preparatory Division in the School of Music at Stephen F. Austin State University is once again offering the popular Kindermusik classes for young children starting at birth through 3 years of age.

Kindermusik is the world’s leading provider of music-based education for children. The program uses the power and joy of music-making to help children learn and grow during the years most critical to brain development. Since 1978, Kindermusik has helped millions of children around the world build a strong foundation for a lifetime love of learning.

“Every Kindermusik class is designed to help your children learn and develop physically, emotionally, cognitively, socially and musically,” according to Emily Ferrell, Kindermusik instructor. “You will be welcomed into a fun and nurturing environment where your child will experience music of varying genres and cultures while interacting with other children and engaging in movement, rhythm and vocal activities.

“Kindermusik’s approach to early childhood education and award-winning, research-based curricula prime children for success both in school and in life,” she added.

Kindermusik is based on the belief that every child is musical, every parent is the child’s most important teacher, and the home is the most important place for learning, according to information about the program at sfamusicprep.com/kindermusik/.

Visit sfamusicprep.com and kindermusik.com/studio/57695 to view class schedules and payment options.

For more information about programs offered by the SFA Music Preparatory Division, contact Director Alba Madrid at (936) 468-1291. The Music Prep House is located at 3028 Raguet St.

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