SFA spatial science program offers new emphasis track

Stephen F. Austin State University’s spatial science program now offers a third discipline specialization track, which allows students to explore the broad range of geospatial applications within the field of liberal and applied arts.

“Spatialtechnologies and spatial analysis can be applied in many fields as long as there is spatial data,” said Dr. I-Kuai Hung, Lacy Hunt professor of geographic information systems and remote sensing for SFA’s Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture.

Spatial science majors pursuing the new cultural resources track select a minor from SFA’s College of Liberal and Applied Arts, allowing them to incorporate their knowledge of spatial science technologies in fields such as anthropology, criminal justice, political science and geography.

The program also offers emphasis areas in natural resources and land surveying. Because the field of spatial science is rapidly growing and utilized in a broad range of disciplines, the college of forestry recognized the need to broaden the program’s scope.

“It opens the program up to different types of students who can take advantage of this technology and use it in their discipline,” said Dr. Daniel Unger, Kenneth Nelson distinguished professor of geographic information systems and remote sensing.

Unger added that a background in spatial science technologies is extremely valuable when pursuing future careers, and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics notes a faster-than-average growth in careers utilizing spatial science technologies.

Students majoring in spatial science have access to five fully equipped computer labs located in the Forestry Building.

For more information about SFA’s spatial science program, visit atcofa.sfasu.edu.

Story by Sarah Fuller, outreach coordinator for Stephen F. Austin State University’s Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture.

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