Animal Shelter: Dealing with Cold Weather

Media Contact
Name: Amy Mehaffey
Title: Communications & Main Street Director
Phone: 936-559-2573
Email address:

Animal Shelter: Keeping your pets warm this season

With colder weather expected this week and into the winter season, we all need to make sure that our animals are protected. Animals, like people, can suffer from hypothermia and frostbite. Keep animals indoors if possible, or allow them outside only for short periods of time. If animals are kept outdoors, there are several things you can do to keep your animals safe and healthy:

*Animals that are outdoors must be provided with proper shelter, food and water

*Inside the shelter, provide the animal with hay or a blanket

*Place the shelter with the opening in a different direction from the flow of the wind

*Check their water bowls frequently, and break ice if it forms on the surface

*Check paws regularly for cracking and bleeding

The key is to check your animals regularly during inclement weather, keep them and their bedding clean and dry, and address any problems as they arise.

For more information, please contact Theresa Jordan at the Nacogdoches Animal Shelter:

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