Herrington: This Electronic Age

Chris Herrington, Contributing Writer

A friend of mine was having trouble with her electric toothbrush one day. Not to be outdone by any piece of technology hardware, she called the number on the warranty and was told to read the toothbrush’s serial number into the phone and then to replace the said toothbrush onto the recharging stand. It was not plugged into the computer, and she did not have Wi-Fi. The toothbrush blinked a few times and went through some little electronic dance, and then the operator asked her to try it now. It turned right on. It was reprogrammed through the electrical system. Huh!

Between the RFDI tags and all the cameras we have going, we might wonder where this will all end up. If live data promises anything, it is that privacy as a concept is over. Being off the grid entirely is for guys like Rambo.

Just like this story illustrates the upward spiral of how technology is seeping into our lives, we could say that the overlap of our own personal energies is now at a point of saturation. We are literally standing toe to toe with each other. We have the dubious distinction of becoming the first humans in history to have reached this primary stage of social saturation. We are now in for pressurization. This is not all bad since I believe in the idea that whatever we touch touches us back.

There are two things that I find hopeful. First, kids are capable of doing amazing things. I am seeing a generation of young people who are becoming activists. They have a sense of urgency in their step. They know that the old paradigm has not made their parents happy. You have to love what you are doing. They are opting for understanding and sensitivity. Parents are freaking out about this. Yes, there are many who are caught up in the net of self-satisfaction, but every week I get calls from kids who have been out in the world and are totally appalled by what they see. They want change, not more of the same.

Secondly, and you may have an even better eye on this than I do, I find that the venture capitalists are loaded flush with cash. The pent up capital cannot long be put on hold….they want to make money and are eyeing every project. I think we are in for a wild ride of new speculation on every horizon because they have held off now for 4 years……this allowed Obama to appear to be the bad guy. I keep hearing about 12,000,0000 new jobs….well, IMHO, the truth is that Mickey Mouse could be our next president and it does not matter….at a certain point the flood gates of investigative investing will open up and there is going to be a surge in capitalism that is going to blow everyone’s minds.

These guys will not hold out until some perfect time in the future, because the good side of greed is that it works to serve itself as a matter of course. This Mexican standoff of not going first is so busting at the seams that as soon as the election is over the scramble will be on. I look for the DOW to go through the roof by March…..we have too much cash and as soon as one huge take over sets up in place, the entire domino will roll over. There is zero chance that businesses will continue to tighten up for 4 more years just to spite Obama. Let’s make some money….regardless, is what they are thinking. The evil side of greed wants to have it all…and this is what we face….the ultra conservatives are heading us into national poverty… I know that Romney was all about helping retrain workers and making sure that we beef up education, but that would take federal dollars being spent on national programs; that is not an agenda that is on the horizon for Romney backers. Quite the opposite. If the ultras have their way, we will get rid of any higher ed help, and the educational system will be turned into vouchers to support private schoolers. There will be no national program to retrofit workers and when unemployment runs out and the social net is gutted we will simply be saving tax dollars to lower the debt. Period.

We do not need these workers anymore, and so we need to crank up a new information based economy. Right now they, advertisers and the media, want to use live data as the control. BUT. ……The real value lies in the untapped potential of those kids. It only takes a few geniuses to change everything, and, BABY, the young brainiacs are on the way…every reality show that begs for talent has been training our kids to think in terms of QUALITY of presentation… And innovation is where we shine….so my point..

Venture capitalists plus talented quality-minded kids equals more and better service to Americans…instead of cheaper junk, we want quality value with meaning. And it is on the way. I have high hopes….I spent 33 training the little monsters, and I see great things. I am Dr. Funkenstein, and my work is now coming into play. I see them on Facebook, and they are a force to be reckoned with.

Crank up the tooth brush, honey, we are going surfing on the Internet!


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