Herrington: The New Mythology

Chris Herrington, Contributing Writer

I believe in a New Mythology that we have yet to disclose to ourselves, and have been doing the work to prepare for the quantum psychological leap into a meta-understanding that transfers value from objective reality to transpersonal expression as the baseline for worth and substance.

So, what do you do with your spare time? NASCAR? Know all the stats for every player in the NBA? Deer season is coming up, right? Got a new bass boat? Look everyone has to have a hobby, right? Mine just happens to be studying human interaction and transcribing the subtle changes in the human psyche as it evolves from its present state of warfare-minded extroversion into peaceful self-actualized poetic warriors of the heart.

I know! All that warm and fuzzy stuff? What a load of bunk, right? I mean why are we fighting? If we didn’t have war, we would be a bunch of sissies! We’re got to keep a few wars in the hopper just to show that we haven’t lost our lust for teenage angst and struggle, and don’t forget the need for supremacy! What would we do without the spoils of war to cover our over-spending and neglect of our own children, God bless their little pea-pecking hearts?

Naw, I’ve gotten over all that now. I got a brilliant blaze of light, and I was let in on the big secrect: Peace of mind starts with being at peace. I know! Crazy stuff, right? I mean, I just can’t imagine not being at war or not having enemies we fight. We’ve got to shoot first and , ah, screw the questions, just shoot. Borders were meant to be kept, and that’s what humans have done for at least 6,000 years. Stayed within our borders! Borders: never leave home without them.

But enough of all that. Let’s get into this whole New Mythology thing, yeah, right. Okay, so here is how I figure it: IT begins with the kids! You know, Arthur C. Clark sort of deal. The kids just start to spontaneously challenge the system because it is like, you know, broken! Oh, yeah, it IS busted! You know it is!

Look, 150 years ago we had a meeting of the minds. People had finally filled up the planet and all the land had been visited. Sure, we have located a few small islands here and there, but every square inch of the known world is now GPSed and laid out on satellite maps so we know where everything is and we’ve started to build the pressure of crowding in. It’s not about filling the land with one person after another; it’s about how the psychological space is getting filled up. The human psyche will have to change and that is where the kids come into it. They have this sense that all these variations of humanity are only superficial.

They don’t seem to care as much about race, religion, boundaries, interpersonal barriers, and political agendas where nothing ultimately gets done. The entire program of working for someone who will then dump you just days before they will have to give out promised benefits after 30 years of work has been a very big wake up call for them. And the need for residual income that is constantly producing instead of their becoming dependent on the good graces of some employer who will not carry them along to enjoy the fruits of their labor has become a big thing. The thing to do is to be your own boss by not giving your labor and intellectual property to someone else!

So, learning to be entrepreneurial is not simply a process of learning to use your own secrets and capital to make your way while paying others the lowest possible cost; that is totally old school thinking. I hear talk of intellectual guilds that farm the mentally agile and will help prepare them as a part of an elite squad of minds that will be used as a hive of artisans that will help answer the tough questions, and they will be contracted and not employed but rather hired as consultants. The day of a company owning the intellectual property created by employees is about to end, and the kids know it. They are networking fools and are not foolish with what they can do.

They don’t need opportunities; they make opportunities, and the entire system of corporations is in jeopardy and they know it. So, I see the whole new brave world in front of us very differently from how the Big Brother conceptualization predicts. Kids are the key.

And the New Mythology, that fuzzy little rabbit? It will take care of itself. Terrorism will subside because kids do not want to live in war zones. They do not want their children to live in war zones. And the Internet has spread the message that there is an alternative. We can talk it out, make commitments to peace, stop using our advantages to upend other cultures and seek peaceful means to meet daily needs. Real peace is only a mindset change away, and the new idea, the New Mythology of the group dynamic, the human response, will be peace.

I know, that is so airy fairy, right? Maybe an eternal war with enemies all around and fighting in a fox hole is way more human, but I prefer to evolve. Homo nonagressiveous. This may be where the other humanoids that are now extinct went wrong. They just did not see it coming. But we have inadvertently let our kids know exactly what we are capable of and they have the big picture at hand. And the New Mythology is kicking in.


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