Tickets available for Nacogdoches chamber annual banquet

The Nacogdoches County Chamber of Commerce 91st Annual Meeting and Membership Banquet planning committee are sitting from left, Samantha Moreira, committee chair Betty Shinn, Melissa Sanford and Charlotte Ashcraft; and standing from left, Barbara Holl, Angela Wiederhold, Scarlett Sloane, Bruce Partain and Donna Finley. Committee members not pictured are Veronica Ellison, Grace Handler, Jessica Henderson, Laurie McCollough, Dr. Carolyn Mitchell, and Wendy Partin.

The Nacogdoches County Chamber of Commerce 91st Annual Meeting and Membership Banquet presented by Andrews & Andrews Attorneys at Law is Tuesday, Sept. 25, at the SFABakerPattilloStudentCenter. The event is chaired by Betty Shinn and begins with a social hour at 6 p.m. and dinner service at 7 p.m.

The 2012 Gary Justice Business Excellence Award recipients and Citizen of the Year will be recognized at the event. Heart of Texas has been named Small Business of the Year. Austin Bank has been named Medium Business of the Year. Hotel Fredonia has been named Large Business of the Year.

Sgt. Greg Sowell, Nacogdoches police officer, has been named Citizen of the Year.

For ticket information, go to Hot News at or contact the chamber at 936-560-5533.

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