View the first Texas Blueberry Festival poster art winners in local businesses
For the first Blueberry Festival Art Poster Contest, school-age children submitted their own creations with the Texas Blueberry Festival as their inspiration. The winners were chosen by a panel of blueberry volunteer judges, and copies of the art can now be seen around town, displayed in local businesses. See the winning art in some downtown merchant storefronts during the 23rd annual Texas Blueberry Festival presented by Brookshire Brothers, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, June 9 in historic downtown Nacogdoches. The Texas Blueberry Festival is produced by the Nacogdoches County Chamber of Commerce.

Pictured from left are the students from Nacogdoches High School who placed in the Blueberry Festival Art Poster contest: Collin Shelton, 9th grade; Savannah Walker, 10th grade; NHS Art Teacher Nick Shelton with Jezreel Lopez poster, 12th grade; Idalia Antonio - Grand Prize winner with a $150 prize; and Nancy Castelan, 11th grade.

Pictured from left are the students from MikeMosesMiddle School who placed in the Blueberry Festival Art Poster contest: Mason Moore, 6th grade; Miriam Lopez, 7th grade; Karyn Mallett, Art Teacher; and Antonio Alexius, 8th grade.
Not pictured is Mason Allen, SFACharterSchool 5th grade winner.
(Photos by Michelle Smith)