SFA Athletics program to benefit military veterans

Collins caps

Stephen F. Austin State University student Andy Collins recently tried out caps for sale locally that benefit Operation Hat Trick, a national program created at the University of New Hampshire to memorialize Nate Hardy and Mike Koch, two U.S. Navy SEALs who died in Iraq in 2008. SFA fans who purchase officially licensed SFA caps with the Operation Hat Trick logo support the university and American military veterans by generating royalties to support SFA and the Veteran’s Administration General Post Fund.

Stephen F. Austin State University student Andy Collins recently tried out caps for sale locally that benefit Operation Hat Trick, a national program created at the University of New Hampshire to memorialize Nate Hardy and Mike Koch, two U.S. Navy SEALs who died in Iraq in 2008. SFA fans who purchase officially licensed SFA caps with the Operation Hat Trick logo support the university and American military veterans by generating royalties to support SFA and the Veteran’s Administration General Post Fund.

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