SFA to sponsor Outdoor Family Adventure at State Park

    Nacogdoches Naturally will host a family field trip to Martin Dies Jr. State Park on Saturday, Jan. 7. Families will meet at 7:30 a.m. at the Stephen F. Austin State University Pineywoods Native Plant Center, 2900 Raguet St., to travel to the park.

    Martin Dies Jr. State Park is a 705-acre recreational area in Jasper and Tyler counties between Woodville and Jasper on B. A. Steinhagen Reservoir. Outdoor activities at the recreation area will be provided by park naturalist Katherine Crippens.

    “Ms. Crippens will present a program on insects in the morning, and, in the afternoon, she will have a reptile program for our group in the park’s nature center,” said Kerry Lemon, program director for Nacogdoches Naturally. “This will be a fun winter outing to one of the great Texas State Parks in our region. Families will be able to explore the park and experience the facilities available there.”

    Weather permitting, there will be opportunities during the lunch break for fishing, bird watching, hiking and picnicking. There are covered facilities at the park to use in case of rain. Families are reminded to wear appropriate clothing for a winter outdoor adventure and good walking shoes. Travel time from Nacogdoches to Martin Dies Jr. State Park is approximately one hour and 45 minutes. The group will leave in time to arrive back at the SFA Pineywoods Native Plant Center at approximately 4 p.m.

    Nacogdoches Naturally is sponsored by SFA Gardens and funded through a matching grant from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Sponsored activities are designed to cultivate outdoor skills and an awareness of outdoor education with the goal of families developing a lifetime enjoyment of the natural world. All programs are family friendly and appropriate for all ages.

    Cost for the event is $5 per family. Lunch will be provided by the Nacogdoches Naturally program. Limited SFA van transportation will be available as needed. Space will be limited, so register early. The registration deadline for the event is Thursday Jan. 5.

    For more information, contact Kerry Lemon at (936) 468-5586 or lemonkb@sfasu.edu.

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