Political Announcement from Jason Bridges

Jason Bridges Pct 4

To all my supporters,

     I would like to take this time to reach out to each of you and announce my campaign for Sheriff of Nacogdoches County. As you may know, I am currently the Constable of Precinct Four and have reached my goals set for my Precinct. With your support and help I am prepared to make these changes county wide.

     Since elected Constable in 2009, we have reduced the crime rate in Precinct 4 by 46%. This was completed with the same budget, the same number of personnel, just new leadership. As I have done in Precinct 4, if elected Sheriff, I will surround myself with like-minded, goal-oriented personnel. I will hold these personnel to higher standards, ensure they receive better training and lead them with an outlook towards the future. This administration will be approachable, supportive of and a leader within our community, while employing leading edge law enforcement in our community.

     I will be making numerous appearances within our community and will be available for questions upon your request. I would like to thank you again for your support and request that you forward this email to fellow citizens of Nacogdoches County.

     If you would like to show your support for this campaign or if you have any questions, please email electbridges@yahoo.com with your name, address and phone number.

     Thank you in advance for your support and please vote March 6, 2012 for Jason Bridges for Sheriff.

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172 Responses to Political Announcement from Jason Bridges

  1. A Mother says:

    Stephen Godfrey, thank you! Of course, you’d know who is behind the words posted here. I would expect no less from you! Thank you for everything that you do to ensure the safety of us all. Officers like you are the ones that are making a huge difference. You probably don’t get to see that part, I do, the kids know who you are, they know who Jason is, and it scares the ones that should be scared-it makes them think whether it’s worth it or not………… and I give you my sincere “Thank You”.

  2. Reality Check says:

    These comments and bashing on both sides are obsurd. I was personally at the fundraiser that was held by Bridges on new years eve and I can tell you that there was no Alcohol allowed. The fundraiser ended at 8:00pm to allow people to get home, before the club traffic and other intoxicated drivers leaving clubs were on the roadway. I did not see one person drinking alcohol at the event and there was none being served. Further to bash both men about running around with bad people is very obsurd. These are both good men. Look at the facts, who is doing the job and decide who you want to vote for. That is what elections are about. To keep harping on Bridges about being out of county to much is pretty obsurd as well. I read the article, he went to shelby county to look for stolen property and happened to find some meth, and he did his job. What would you expect him to do about it, turn a blind eye. I know if my property was stolen, I would want my law enforcement agency to go and find it as well. Do you really think the sheriff office never’s goes into another county following up on a case?

    • McGruff says:

      Awesome! You hit it right out of the park!

    • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

      The detectives go to other counties to follow up on cases, but they don’t go into other counties to make arrests and he went to Shelby County to make the arrests not to “follow up”. And you’re absolutely wrong about the alcohol at the party. I realize you say that you were there, but before you go banking on it, you’d better make sure that the words, “BYOB, but no drinking before 8” can’t come back to bite you in the rear, making you appear like another liar in the Jason Bridges campaign camp. (When making comments publicly, you’ve got to be sure that you get them deleted before people are able to print them off because if you delete them after they’ve been printed, then that defeats the purpose of deleting them.)

      • Stephen Godfrey says:

        Read my post from your comment block from January.

        • Concerned Citizen says:

          Well put Stephen! Jason is and has done a great job in fighting crime on a proactive basis. I love the fact that he doesn’t sit around and wait for something to happen. I cant wait until he can do that county wide.

    • Billy Dix says:

      You should learn the use of political farce. Kerss is a fine upstanding deaconesses. The comments about him are to point out the absurdity of the comments about Bridges. But you are completely correct that Bridges was entirely within his rights of office to be in and do what was done in Shelby Co. The Kerss camp has nothing of their own to run on so this is all they have. Pretty weak.

      • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

        There’s plenty to “run” about Kerss you just don’t find it on this site.

        • Nac Resident says:

          And why is that? Please do tell……As a registered voter I would like to know.

        • Concerned Voter says:

          Well, If you wasnt in such a rush to put down Jason every chance you get. You could tell us some of the good things Kerss is doing! I also never got any response from you when I ask for the facts that you said you knew on the reason for your support of Kerss and not Jason.

  3. Annonymous says:

    Has anybody noticed how bridges so easily catches these criminals. Makes you wonder if he runs with them. Rumor around town is he runs around with the drunks. Lets other off duty officers get in there vehicles drunk and leave parties. If his morals are so great he would stop them. Justice shouldn’t be blind. But it is through his eyes. Lead by example. So far you have let us down Mr. Bridges. Step up your game before you step up to the plate.

    • Billy Dix says:

      I heard Kerss has two girlfriends and a boyfriend plus three outside kids he is ducking child support for. Rumor around town is Kerss smokes dope and that’s why he never arrests anybody. He’s a drunk, too, and that’s why he never arrests drunks himself. Makes as much sense as the crap you posted.

      • Annonymous says:

        I love the fact that you didn’t deny it. Well it would be hard for you to. Its a pretty well known fact. On a brighter note, your politics are about par with Bridges. You both have a lot to learn. Bridges doesn’t have the experience to be the top Law Enforcement office in the county. People of the community already feel that he is rude unless he has something to gain. Stick to the facts. Every time someone states a fact or opinion you attack kerss. Seems like you cant answer for bridges. I seriously doubt the attorney generals child support division would give kerss any slack if he was dodging child support. Bridges cant deny he was in another county working a case. I wonder if there was anybody he could have been searching for in his on precinct that had warrants or was driving drunk. Lets hope that if bridges was to unseat kerss, he wouldn’t send nacs deputies to a sister county to work a case. Seems like good pr until you look at it that way. Lets focus on Nacogdoches county. We need true leadership day in and day out. Kerss obviously has to improve. But putting a inexperienced constable in office is absolutely ludicrous. Bridges will freak the first time he gets surrounded by multiple people. We need a sheriff that leads by example. Bridges has already shown that he lets fellow officers drive intoxicated. That is not leading by example. The one thing everybody has to give Bridges credit for his ability to make everybody think he has it in the bag. But as we all know. Election day can be very exciting. Also bill dix let it be known that i am not supporting Kerss. I just choose the less of two evils. I have brought up facts. All you can do it attack Kerss. Stick to the facts please. You also need to learn what slander is.

        • Billy Dix says:

          You must not have enough sense to realize I was making fun of your absurd claims.

          • Annonymous says:

            You must not have enough sense to realize what slander is. But we expect that from you

            • Billy Dix says:

              Oh, I’m not at all worried about anybody with even half a brain cell taking that as fact. It’s too obviously political farce. What is really funny is that you are on here posting stuff that you think you can pass off as fact and that you know is false and misleading innuendo. “Rumor around town…” indeed. It’s so funny that you think you are being slick and smart and getting away with something.

        • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

          Anon, everything that you’ve said is the absolute truth and everybody knows it. Especially in the law enforcement community. “Dix” is just lying in wait to attack someone, doesn’t matter who, as reflected in all of his posts. Facts are facts and there’s no getting around it. He does just like Bridges did in the debates, when asked a direct question. He skirts around it and tries to divert one’s attention without ever answering the question. With “Billy Dix” removed, the fact still remains that Bridges spends too much time in other counties on Nac’s dime, he lied about his budget never having changed and his cases are weak. Those are not qualities needed when one is a sheriff, aside from his turning a blind eye to his fellow officers getting behind the wheel drunk. I’d heard that his campaign party was a big hit even though they didn’t “allow” drinking until after 8. Seems that’s when things really got drunk. Crunk, I mean crunk.

          • Billy Dix says:

            You’re scared to death about the election, as well you should be. Now, you and your supporters have stopped to outright lies and the malicious spreading of baseless innuendo. But, I guess when you ave nothing else to run on you really have nothing else. Kerss can’t brag about his record because it’s as dismal as Obama’s. Voters want a Sheriff who will persue criminals where ever they msy be and it that means crossing county lines that’s what we expect the Sheriff to do. The criminals do it every day but Kerss looks for every way to keep from doing his job instead of fighting crime. Kerss is tired, ineffective and washed up. After this election he’ll be a lame duck.

            • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

              You’re ignorant if you’re ok with your sheriff crossing county lines to fight the law in other counties. That’s why they have law enforcement in other counties. Our law enforcement is needed here. Bridges is out of control and his not understanding boundaries is proof that he is a loose cannon. If he gets elected, which isn’t going to happen, but for humor, lets say he did, this county had better get ready to start paying out the wazoo on civil suits. What would have happened if one of the perps had pulled a weapon out and shot at him and he had to kill the guy/girl or what if he’d gotten shot and killed while there? What voters want is someone who has a level head and can use “reason”, and someone who takes care of OUR business, not the neighboring county’s. Bridges has no regard of rules, boundary lines, courtesy or respect of other agencies and allows his ego to dictate his every move.

              Your every defense against the stated truth about your boy is that it’s all lies, but you know it’s all the truth. A smart politician wouldn’t ever have a campaign party and allow alcohol. Not only did he allow alcohol at the party, he set a time as to when the drinking would begin. Are you denying that fact? And the fact that some of the officers who left the party and had been drinking got behind the wheel? You act like you know how many times a day Jason scratches his nose. You can’t verify everything you defend him on and are just hoping that the people reading your psychobabble are buying into it. (Unless you are him.) If you based all of your ramblings on fact and not your personal feelings, you might be taken seriously. For once, back up your claims with some fact. How does Sheriff Kerss look for every way to keep from doing his job and why would he want to keep it if he hated doing it? You don’t make any sense. You’re just a hate driven person with nothing better to do than publicize your dislike of our sheriff. He must’ve really put you in your place.

              • Dude says:

                That is good to know. Next time I am speeding and the Sheriff tries to pull me over I will just cross the County line since he will have to stop at that point. Thanks for the tip.

                • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                  Then you can be charged with evading. It’s one thing to chase someone over a county line when they’re already in pursuit, but that’s not what Bridges did. He went into another county several times to make the arrests and did surveilance until he caught them home. He’s spent countless hours in other counties. He didn’t make an arrest after he witnessed a crime. If he was making a felony traffic stop and chased them over the line, then he would have been perfectly justified.

                  • Billy Dix says:

                    He was still justified. He made a good case in conjunction with the Shelby Co. SO of drug thugs that were committing crimes in multiple counties. Something that is foreign to you be cause Kerss as never whispered in your ear about doing that.

                    • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                      It wasn’t in conjunction with anybody. Remember? Even you said that he didn’t call Shelby County because he didn’t want the case messed up. He took all of the credit which is what his full intention was and the reason he did it. To get his name in the paper. (Your last comment didn’t make a bit of sense.)

                    • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                      PLEASE make up your mind

                      Billy Dix says:

                      January 25, 2012 at 6:23 pm

                      I can tell you one thing you are lying about. You are lying about how the deal went down in Shelby County. You are saying that Bridges went into Shelby and made arrests without deferring to the Sheriff over there. You stated the Shelby County authorities “weren’t given the chance to arrest them”. Well, that’s a lie two ways. They have had plenty of chances to arrest these meth cooks if they were actively working and in fact when the Scates were booked into the Shelby County jail the were shown on the booking records as arrested by the Shelby Co. Sheriff’s office. How can you explain your objection to bridges following up on leads about criminal activity in Nacogdoches and following those leads into another county legally

              • Billy Dix says:

                Know it all, you really are dumb if you think I have anything personal against Kerss. This is all just political and simply because he is no longer qualified to be the Sheriff. Your attacks against Bridges are personal but mine are strictly in the public interest.

                • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                  What I’ve stated are facts and when I’ve listed the facts, you’ve attacked the sheriff. You seriously need to keep up with what you post. (I’m sure it’s hard since you post under more than one name, but do try from now on.)

            • Well Then !! says:

              Can you clarify what the job of “Sheriff” is suppose to be ?

  4. For Real in PCT 4 says:

    I guess anyone who can pull statistics out of a magic hat can run for sheriff. I am very interested in recent comments that indicate that having a department that is operating with less money bearing more responsibilities is bad for Nacogdoches County. I seem to recall that the only department leader that had to go before the County Court for payroll that had gone over budget was Constable Bridges in PCT 4. Really. I think it is time for Constable Bridges to get real.

  5. Nac Libertarian says:

    Sheriff is the only law enforcement officer we get to elect, which makes this a very important decision. We need a Constitutional Sheriff in Nacogdoches, someone who will protect citizens from real crime, and the over reaching of the federal government. Whoever makes Constitutional principles and protecting citizens from REAL crime their top priority will get my vote.

  6. hap says:

    Voter Pct1’s motive is either the sheriff’s father or his wife because this person has no clue about how things work in this county. Constable Bridges has worked closely with officers in the sheriff’s department on several cases. I don’t know of a single time that he has “jumped in front of them to make a bad case.” In fact, he has helped solve seveeral cases in the county and got NO CREDIT for his help.

    • NacNative says:

      You’re right hap….It’s not hard to see Voter Pct.1 is closely tied to the current Sheriff. It’s ok, though. It’s still only one vote, and look on the bright side, at least the Tin Star cafe will still be open, maybe….

  7. Annonymous says:

    I am for Kerss…don’t be fooled by Bridges political scam.

  8. Annonymous says:

    I just want to say after being at a recent meth bust which I am all for as far as busting drug dealers… I briefly spoke with him just looking for the child involved. Bridges was a total jerk and couldnt even tell me where the kid was…it was so insulting. I simply was looking for a child that I knew lived there an he was so rude to me. I have never done drugs and was looking for the child who is like family to me. I had no idea this was going on and totally agree with what Bridges was doing but he had no right to be so arrogant and rude. Lost my vote Bridges and if I have anything to do with it half of Nac. county. Bridges needs to lose the goody too shoes and remember where he came from. If you are smart you will vote for Kerss…he has done an awesome job so far!!!! Bridges is only doing this because it is election time. Bridges makes an great deputy/constable but is not SHERIFF material! Really people he’s not ready!

    • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

      Agreed 100%

    • Billy Dix says:

      Just because your kinfolks got busted you run your head against Bridges. What voters will not be fooled by is your con job.

    • gnatbrat says:

      What were you doing there at a drug bust? What credentials did you show to Jason Bridges showing him you had a legal right to know where the child was? If you know anything about law enforcement, you would know that no one is allowed to ‘visit’ with any witness that would have potential information on those being busted, whether it neighbor, mother, father, son, daughter, or whoever you are. Had you not been there attempting to butt-in during a bust/investigaton you would not have had your feelings hurt over his ‘rudeness’. I am sure that it was not that he ‘could not’ tell you where the child was, in order to protect the investigation and possibly the child, he ‘would not’ tell you. All this bad-mouthing of both candidates is totally unnecessary, typical East Texas where everybody wants to be able to brag they know more juice on these guys than their neighbor. I suggest each of you step back and look at the overall picture and make your decision from there, not make your decision from supposed ‘true’ comments made by those on here that have had their feathers ruffled.

  9. McGruff says:

    I’ve seen the back and forth on this subject. It’s simple, one has a take the hill approach and the other has a trench warfare approach. I’ll let you decide which one is which.

    • Billy Dix says:

      Only thing is that Kerss is no longer even in the trench anymore. He’s abandoned the people except for stuff he just can not ignore. Kerss was a working lawman at one time but he’s allowed himself to go soft and doesn’t care about really fighting crime. He just treads water every day to get to quitting time. Its time for him to quit for good.

      • NacNative says:

        Billy Dix, I agree with you. Just continue to talk to people and get as many votes as you can on Bridges’ side. It amazing the number of people I talk to everyday that already are voting for Jason. Equally as impressive are the comments that they make about just what you’re talking about #1 being “its time for a change.” It definitely is, and it’s coming. So keep spreading the word!

        • Billy Dix says:

          What amazes me is how many police officers I talk to who echo your statement.

        • Side Lines says:

          . . . .and the people that I’ve talked to all believe that he’s doing a good job and don’t want him to leave. A person is going to vote for who they like and bashing people on this forum isn’t going to change anything. For me, I’m a Kerss fan. I’m sure that there are probably things that I might would do different than him, but he’s always lead us proudly. And his department does a good job. As with any agency, they have their problems and maybe when he gets re-elected, he’ll just not reappoint them. I believe that when someone who’s married sleeps with a co-worker, they should be fired and not just demoted, but I also believe that if you’re elected in one county, you shouldn’t be working in another. I don’t believe that Jason has the smarts to handle emergency situations such as International disasters, natural disasters or raging fires. In the past several years, our sheriff has proven that he is capable of doing that, just like it’s been pointed out. Jason seems to have a very limited idea of what law enforcement is. This is just my opinion.

        • Anonymous says:

          I’ve been involved with the law enforcement community for years. I know a lot about the officers and have heard, first hand, their opinions about who is the better man for the Sheriff’s position. I won’t repeat specifics, but I will say this, my vote goes to Jason.

      • Side Lines says:

        Do you really believe that if Jason is elected, that he’s going to be able to work the streets like he is now? The Sheriff’s position is an administrative position, which apparently none of you know anything about.

        • Billy Dix says:

          The fact that he has done good at this job shows he will apply himself in any task necessary to be a god Sheriff for Nacogdoches.

          • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

            WOW! I think you’ve got your hopes too high. I doubt he’ll be a god sheriff.

            If “doing a good job” is all it takes, then he can’t touch Kerss.

        • NacNative says:

          I believe the sheriff is a leadership position. That is where we are lacking the most. Our sheriff has become more of a politician than a sheriff. Jason will learn quickly and be more effective, you’ll see. Change is coming…..get ready!

          • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

            The Sheriff’s position is actually a lot of things: Leader, politician, emergency response coodinator, victim liaison, chief law enforcement officer of the county, disciplinarian, Jail Administrator and many more. He has a Chief Deputy to assist in some of that, as well as other administrators. Your guy seriously doesn’t need to be applying for a position that he doesn’t understand. (And you’re right about there being change, but it won’t be the sheriff.)

            • Billy Dix says:

              A wise, old, respected Sheriff once told me that if you take care of the law business the politics will take care of itself. I think that will be Jason’s approach. Take care of doing the crime investigation and busting the people doing the crime wherever it is and the politics will be taken care of. Kerss thinks he can glad hand and backslap his way back into another term. Honest voters are tired of the Kerss ways and are turning him out to pasture.

              • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                You “think that will be Jason’s approach”? Really? You mean, you HOPE that’s Jason’s approach? Politics do seem to take care of themselves, but someone’s got to be smart enough to know how to deal with them. Kerss does the job and deals with the politics as they come. Jason doesn’t even know how to deal with people, and will be overwhelmed if he’s approached by more than one person at a time. It’s evident that you want Kerss out of office, but you might want to go ahead and start your mourning process. He’s solid. He isn’t out to impress anyone and just does his job. People, like you, who have an axe to grind will find something wrong with everything that he does, but for the “honest voters”, they’ll vote for the man most qualified and it’s not Bridges.

                • Billy Dix says:

                  Yeah, well, you’ll say anything to stay in good graces and so after the election you’ll be sucking up to someone new.

                  • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                    I don’t have to suck up. I’m stating facts and you’re making excuses for your boy’s lack of intelligence. I don’t have to suck up. Life is going to go on for me, no matter who’s elected, I’d just rather the one with the experience and not half-cocked maintain his position. I don’t even know if the sheriff looks at this site, but if I was sucking up, I can assure you that I’d use my name so I could get the credit. EVERY DAY you get smarter. You have no business trying to promote anybody. You’re only hurting him.

                    • Billy Dix says:

                      You suck up to the Sheriff every day. Your pucker won’t work after the election.

                    • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                      And you have your head so far up Bridges’ keester, you haven’t seen daylight in months.

                    • Stephen Godfrey says:

                      I will Use my name because I know the truth. I am in awe as to what is going on with this site. I know people will snicker and laugh at the comments posted but are you serious? Just because you use some annonymous name do you not think I cant figure out who you are? There is something called an IP address that attaches with each post. I will say again…watch what you say before you find your laundry aired out. We have maintained a proffesional campaign…we have not served alcohol at any functions! I say again…I am suggesting to you that you stop throwing mud..Thomas and I agreed in person not to do that. You should seriously evaluate your platform and thoughts…I am embarrsed for you and in your own words….”you are just eye candy”. Support your candidate but I am asking for the last time…the last time…stop throwing mud!

      • Concerned Voter in Nac says:

        I know for a fact that Joe Evans was going to fire him but didn’t because of his sensitivity towards his family. Thomas has been a joke his entire career. Nominal on a very good day, and pitiful on most days. Should have stuck with overseeing the jail like he did when he was Chief, maybe he would not have screwed that up too bad.

  10. Billy Dix says:

    A quick response by Pct. 4 deputies saved a citizens property from the scrap yard after being stolen by two meth heads from outside Nacogdoches Co. on Monday. This is what can happen when the leader shows real interest in attacking crime in the area. Great job Pct. 4!

    • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

      Using Nacogdoches tax payers money to fight crime in another county.

      • Billy Dix says:

        Not at all. Rather following up on crime in Nacogdoches Co. no matter where it takes him. You’d rather allow Shelby County to harbor criminals who ply their trade in Nacogdoches and hide out across the river? That’s stupid.

        • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

          Ahhh, I thought I’d pull the name calling out of you.

          What’s “stupid” is the arrogance that Bridges emits and his need to get his name in the paper no matter what the cost is.

          Are you saying that it was Shelby County officials who were harboring the criminals, since it was them who weren’t given the chance to bust them?

          Bridges doesn’t love Nacogdoches County. He just so happens to live and work here. In order to truly serve someone or something you have to really love them. It’s not this county that he’s out to protect and serve, it’s his ego. He doesn’t go about fighting crime with any sense or intelligence. He’s like a dog hyped up on speed. He just wants to chase the ball. Too bad he wasn’t smart enough to be happy with his being the elected constable. He could have continued doing what he loves to do at his own pace. Unfortunately, before too long, he’ll be back to working for someone else and taking their orders.

          • VOTER PCT 1 says:


          • Billy Dix says:

            You are really afraid of losing something. I don’t get the impression from your posts that you are concerned about what is best for Nacogdoches but what benefits you or Kerss. Something has got you scared or you wouldn’t be stooping to such tactics. How could you know what’s in Jason Bridges’ heart? I can assure you it would be easier for anybody to go along and get along and ‘wait their turn’ than to buck a sitting Sheriff and run against him. Jason Bridges obviously is driven to do what is right for the citizens. I am thankful that he is running and has the drive and desire to clean things up.

            Now, let’s talk about your claims of name calling. I said the idea that you would rather let criminals have safe harbor in Shelby county than be arrested by Bridges was stupid. I guess you are feeling stupid for advocating something like that so you must feel guilty but I didn’t call you stupid.

            • VOTER PCT 1 says:

              Bridges has came a long way in cleaning up pct4 and has helped in the other pct . Thats more the kerss are any other constable has done. If he arrest twenty meth heads and makes cases on ten of them .Then he has done a good job.KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK JASON . YOU HAVE MY VOTE!!!

              • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                Excellent point! That’s absolutely how he does it. Thank you for helping me get my point across. He makes the arrest, but the cases are VERY weak!

                • Billy Dix says:

                  Point out some evidence for your accusations. Wild unsubstantiated claims carry no weight around here.

                  • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                    The evidence is in how weak the cases are. Look on line. Look at all of the Precinct 4 arrests and then look what the dispositions are. Read the paper. Watch the news. Don’t take my word for it.

            • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

              You said that if I’d rather allow. . blah, blah, then that’s stupid. Insinuating that was what I thought would be better and that I was stupid for thinking it. I guess you need to be more clear when you’re jumping up and down. I’ve heard that Bridges has a temper problem. It only makes sense that his followers share the same attitude. It’s getting hard to carry on a conversation with you. Just calm down. It’s all good. One way or other, one of ’em if going to get elected.

            • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

              What’s the difference in what I’m saying about Bridges and what you’re saying about Sheriff Kerss? You can make claims that the sheriff needs to go, but I can’t point out that he’s being paid in this county to do another county’s job? Why does that make me scared? Honestly, it’s not going to change my life much at all. I abide by the law so I don’t have to worry about dealing with any of the law enforcement. But the opinion, that I’m entitled to, is that Sheriff Kerss is doing a good job and needs to continue to be the sheriff. I have no alterior motive. No matter who gets elected, life will go on.

              Of course, you’re thankful for what he’s doing. You’re trying to get him elected. Right now, you’d try to justify anything he does. Why, he could even work in another county on our county’s pay and you would think that was just fine. Oh, wait! He’s done that and you’ve tried to justify it. I sure hope that Judge English is reading the newspaper and sees that Bridges is playing super cop on our dime. I don’t think he’ll like very much. I don’t think that the people of this county will like it much, either.

              As far as knowing his heart, I can’t really say that I know his heart, but by his actions, his heart doesn’t seem to be where it needs to be. Plus, isn’t honesty always the best policy? I still can’t wrap my mind about the fact that he told such a blatant lie about his budget not having changed in three years. If he was going to lie, why wouldn’t he tell one that was believable or not so easily disproven? Tell ya what. Why don’t you ask him that for us?

              • Billy Dix says:

                That a some contorted logic you’re using to claim “working in another county”. It’s funny. You evidently think voters are dumb. I can tell you that voters and crime victims are fed up with the excuses from Kerss. Jason Bridges is producing results and doesn’t hesitate to follow where ever the evidence leads. Is that what worries you?

      • Billy Dix says:

        “Knows….” must not realize this was a crime that took place in Nacogdoches Co. And the arrest occurred in Nacogdoches Co. It just involved, once again, crooks coming into Nacogdoches Co. to steal and try to escape back to their safe haven. Bridges won’t tolerate that.

        • NacNative says:

          The election will eventually come, and the wheels will come off the Kerss wagontrain. BRIDGES WILL BE THE NEXT SHERIFF, BELIEVE THAT! There’s not enough pepper spray in the world that will stop Bridges being sheriff! The residents of this county are tired of the ‘same old same old’ sheriff. 12 years is it! Sic ’em Jason Bridges!

          • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

            When you ain’t got nothing left, you ain’t got nothing.

            • Billy Dix says:

              And that’s you for sure – ain’t got nothin’ have ya “Knows…..”!

              • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                Of course, I do. I’ve got my money riding on the man who has the experience, the proven ability to get the job done, the intelligence it takes to do the job and has his priorities straight. That gives me hope. Oh, and I left out “honest”. Sheriff Kerss is honest. Unlike Bridges. He’s a blatant liar. But I guess that’s his motto, “Whatever it takes to get what I want”. (1. Lie about his budget. 2. Work in Shelby County at the cost of Nacogdoches County tax payers.) You know, if someone’s life was in danger, I could appreciate his going over the line to apprehend the suspects., but that’s not the case, it it? He could have very easily contacted the authorities over there and given them the information that his CI gave to him and waited for them to make the arrest. This wasn’t something that was life threatening or so imperative that he couldn’t wait on the Shelby County authorities. He’s just so hell bent on getting his name in the paper that he’ll do it at whatever cost. (Apparently, you’re the one who stands to lose something.)

                • Billy Dix says:

                  I’m glad Jason Bridges can work with other agencies and take down drug dealers and crooks that are operating in multiple counties. That’s what crooks do these days and that’s why Kerss is so ineffective. He can’t get cooperation from other counties and thinks he has to give up when the crooks run across the river. I can see Kerss now standing on the north side of the river watching the crooks on the south side thumb their noses at him because he is afraid to cross the river. LOL!

        • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

          I can read. I know where the theft occurred. That doesn’t negate the fact that he still went into another county and did his little sting operation and eventually arrested them. Surely, you wouldn’t have the citizens of Nacogdoches County believe that he just went over there that one time and just as luck would have it, he caught them? We all know that he’s spent quite a bit of time in Shelby County.

          Lets address the lie about the budget.

          • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

            (A man’s intentions cannot be honorable when he’ll start out his campaign announcement with a lie.)

  11. Billy Dix says:

    I bet “Knows…” has one of those reserve deputy badges Kerss likes to hand out.

    • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

      You’d be wrong. But even if I were, I’m still stating the truth. I am, however, a citizen of this county and am proud of the job that Sheriff Kerss is, and has been, doing. I’m definitely not saying that Constable Brides isn’t doing a good job, for what he’s doing, but he’s certainly not cut out to be a Sheriff. He doesn’t have the experience that it takes to be a real administrator, he’s never worked in a jail and has no idea how to run one and he thinks that being a police officer is mainly busting people for drugs, (which I agree is important, but so is burglaries, assaults, etc.). He would have people believe that he’s reduced the crime rate in his precinct all by his self, without the help of other agencies, and that he’s done it on the same budget he started out with. He’s a blatant liar. He didn’t even have to mention his budget in his announcement, but he did and backed it with a lie by stating that he’s done all of his crime fighting with the same budget. And how can he justify spending Nacogdoches County’s money by being in another county assisting them? In essence, right now, we’re paying him to fight crime in Shelby County. Our county’s gas, our county’s time, our county’s resources. I’d like to know what their time card looks like and how much we paid them to do Shelby County’s job. His precinct apparently isn’t big enough for him, now the county apparently isn’t big enough for him, what’s next? We’re looking at arrogance at it’s very best.

      • Billy Dix says:

        What you are looking at with Bridges is a lawman who will follow the evidence and go where necessary to investigate crime. The bust in Shelby County was from following up on reports of stolen property out of Martinsville. How interesting that you conveniently chose to ignore that major fact. It’s clear you slant everything against Bridges. Also, the meth cooks in Shelby were suppliers to Nacogdoches. I guess you think meth crooks respect county lines and only steal and deal in their on county. Meth heads and cooks are some of the biggest thieves there are. Meth use and property theft, burglaries go hand in hand. A Constable with two deputies can only do so much. Let’s elect Jason Bridges Sheriff so he can get busy on cleaning up the rest of the county.

        • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

          You mean, “he can only do so much” in Nacogdoches County. If he’s so limited on resources, then why does he cross the lines and work in another county? You’re just trying to justify his actions because you know that he was wrong and if it were Kerss who’d crossed the county lines to retrieve something or bust some meth heads, you’d be all over it. It’s just that it’s your guy doing the questionable. You’re just another one of those, “we can, but y’all can’t” folks. Bridges couldn’t do any of this without his CI. He’s getting all of the credit for all of these busts, but lets admit it. He couldn’t do half of what he’d doing without someone telling him who, what, where and when.

          So, lets address the lie he told about doing all of his (and the sheriff’s) work on the same budget since 2009. WHY would he tell such a lie?

          • Billy Dix says:

            Every budget is adjusted, that I do know. The SO budget was constantly being adjusted to pay for housing inmates out of county because of Kerss mismanagement.

            Let you in on a little secret.. Cops don’t really catch crooks. Other crooks catch crooks. Been that way forever. If a cop doesn’t have a good network of snitches he’s not doing his job. Every snitch is not a criminal but every criminal s a snitch.

            • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

              Kerss isn’t the one who made the claim that all of his goals in the past three years were reached with the same budget. Bridges did. I agree that budgets have to climb, along with everything else, but Bridges’ claim is that his hasn’t.

              So, you admit that he lied?

              • Billy Dix says:

                I can tell you one thing you are lying about. You are lying about how the deal went down in Shelby County. You are saying that Bridges went into Shelby and made arrests without deferring to the Sheriff over there. You stated the Shelby County authorities “weren’t given the chance to arrest them”. Well, that’s a lie two ways. They have had plenty of chances to arrest these meth cooks if they were actively working and in fact when the Scates were booked into the Shelby County jail the were shown on the booking records as arrested by the Shelby Co. Sheriff’s office. How can you explain your objection to bridges following up on leads about criminal activity in Nacogdoches and following those leads into another county legally?

                • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                  I’m just going by what the article said and the excuses you were giving as to why he was making arrests in another county while being paid by this one. Sorry if you mislead me.

  12. Billy Dix says:

    If Kerss doesn’t want to take the blame with the credit as far as what the deputies do then he doesn’t deserve to wear the badge of Sheriff because he is trying to duck responsibility. I said the good deputies should not be blamed for Kerss screw ups. They just carry out his directions. He is supposed to be in charge and the buck is supposed to stop at his desk. Maybe the Kerss supporters should stop worrying about keeping their influence and demanding that he works crime in Nacogdoches Co. That would be a big change and one that might help. Kerss got dependent on the ‘task force’ and got lax in doing his job as Sheriff. Just like he got lax on the jail. To say all jails have problems is just a pitiful excuse for Kerss not doing his job in supervising the jail and what is going on there. We need a full Federal investigation top to bottom on the jail after the Davis case, the escapes, the jailers helping inmates and having affairs with them and not to mention all the complaints. The Sheriff does have a lot more control and authority over the jail than some want to admit because that would mean putting responsibility on Kerss, where it belongs.

    • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

      You’re trying to put as spin on what I’m saying. Every jail in the state of Texas does have their own problems, including the one here. As far as Sheriff Kerss taking responsibility, it’s kind of like raising your kids. You raise them how you want them to behave and teach them your values and when they become adults, you can only hope that they make the right choices and do the right things. Same goes for employees. The deputies don’t “carry out his direction” on every choice they make. That’s why people get fired or demoted, for NOT carrying out his direction. A lot of what a deputy does comes from the training they get while attending the academy; some of it is common sense and some from what an administrator tells them. Some deputies make good choices and do their job and some get into trouble for making poor choices. Nobody is perfect, and Kerss deals with them as necessary. Just like all administrators. You could say the same thing about the Bridges supporters and him working crime in Nacogdoches County and not in Shelby County. Kerss isn’t “lax” on anything that he does. He’s very thorough and has probably forgotten more about the law than Bridges will ever know. A sheriff has to focus on more than just one thing. It’s scary to think about what would happen to the citizens here who sleep at night because the streets are patrolled by deputies if Bridges becomes sheriff. He’s not concerned about people’s property being stolen or torn up, or patrolling at night. He’s fixated on one thing. He’s not capable of being, and doesn’t have the mind set it takes to be, sheriff.

      • Billy Dix says:

        Your comparison between “children” and “deputies” is designed to make excuses for Kerss being ineffective. He is responsible for the deputies and how they operate. He sets the tone of the department. Lately he’s been setting the tone that he doesn’t give a flip and they know it. People I speak to that ave been crime victims are saying that the deputies have a ‘don’t care’ attitude. That is coming directly from Kerss. Bridges has as much or more experience than Kerss did when he became Sheriff. Plus he has been elected so he already has been in that fire. Bridges will make a fine Sheriff and Kerss can keep washing dishes and cleaning tables at the Tin Star. That’s where he has been doing his best work lately.

        • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

          The comment about kids verses deputies is an exact science. If everybody did what they were supposed to do, or expected to do, kids wouldn’t get spanked and deputies wouldn’t get demoted. Of course, you can probably count on the votes of those that have been spanked and demoted by Sheriff Kerss, because he doesn’t put up with the garbage and the ones chastized get mad.

          Thomas Kerss has been elected too, in a county wide election. Your comment about his washing dishes is humorous and the personal attack shows that when you’ve got nothing, you’ve got to stoop.

          Wonder if the Sheriff will put Bridges to work AGAIN after the election since Jason will be neither sheriff nor constable?

      • Pay Attention says:

        You want to try to discredit a man that also takes concern in other counties issues with meth as well as nacgdoches co??? All i can do is laugh at you as i read that.. All your post are entertaining to say the least. As “focused” as bridges is on drugs, i cannot wait to be witness on all else that comes into focus when he is the sheriff of this county..

        • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

          Discredit him? No. He’s got his stories flashed all over the media. How can I discredit him? I’m pointing out that the taxpayers in Nacogdoches County are now paying him to work in other counties. Just wondering if Judge English is paying attention and going to be agreeable in paying him to do that.

          YOUR posts are biased and one-sided and you’re getting offended because I’m stating the obvious truth. You’re not humored by it, you’re fuming about it because it isn’t something that you wouldn’t want the voters to realize.

          Jason Bridges will not be sheriff. The voters here are smarter than that.

          • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

            (It isn’t something that you WOULD want the voters to know.)

          • Billy Dix says:

            The citizens of Nacogdoches County have seen what responsive, effective law enforcement is like and they will no longer tolerate Kerss and his lax, do nothing ways. The bar has been raised and for Kerss it’s all over but the crying.

            • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

              The citizens of Nacogdoches County aren’t dumb enough to believe that if Jason were elected, he’d still be out everyday busting meth labs in Nac County or Shelby County or any other adjoining county. He’s just busting his tail trying to get his name out there and that’s all. He’s putting together halfassd cases and chasing his tail. That’s about all. It would take someone better and smarter than Jason Bridges to raise the bar for Sheriff Kerss. The only one who’s going to be crying is all of you who have to pick up Bridges’ signs. Sheriff Kerss is anything but lax. Keep promoting your man with all the lies that you can come up. I mean, that’s how he’s promoting his self. You’re just following suit, which can be expected.

  13. Pay Attention says:

    @ actually. I dont hold friendship nor am i a family member to bridges. I am a person thats stands up for what i believe in. And i have full belief in him

  14. Bob says:

    The constable cases do not always hold up. Just one example is Chatman where corners were cut and the judge had no choice but to suppress evidence and the case was dismissed. As far as the past jail population situation, the paperwork streamline had nothing to do with law enforcement, it was how the courts/ clerks handed paperwork. Also at that time there was a backlog of misdemeanor cases that kept the jail full. Many other law officers work hard in this county, but you don’t see them writing and publishing their own press releases.

    • Billy Dix says:

      Bob, if you have others you should post them. The DA reduces charges and throws out charges everyday from every agency in the county. I’d really like to see a verifiable comparison between all the agencies cases in Nacogdoches Co. Then we could see who was working, doing it right and who’s just pushing paper. I don’t think you can put much faith in a DA who took the Davis case to trial and lost it to know a good case from a bad case.

    • Chicken hawk says:

      Suppressed evidence? Chatman had a co-defendant and to me it looked like the DA let her take all the charges. If the evidence was suppressed, the co-defendant would have got off too, but that’s not what happened. Besides, if Chatman doesn’t stay clean or move, he’ll get him again.

  15. Billy Dix says:

    Bridges has worked a lot of cases other than meth cases. I too was curious when he first started out if he would be making cases that held up in court or if they would fall part. From what I’ve seen they have held up. The recent case on the Davis guy shows a problem with Kerss’ control of his department. They lost a case before a jury for assault on a jailer. If there was any case that should have been a slam dunk that was it. That loss is a bad reflection on the DA for sure but Kerss also has some blame. Also, Kerss was running such a sloppy operation in the jail that the county was going broke paying to house other inmates. What was Kerss doing about that or years? Nothing. Finally Judge English got an intern from SFA to design a fast track paper ready program and the jail population is now under control. No thanks to Kerss. There are some good deputies at NCSO and the failings of Kerss should not reflect on all of them but have you ever ad any dealings with the SO on a crime? If you have then you probably have very little confidence that the crooks will be caught. All the drug activity has been going on all over the county for a long time and Kerss has never really addressed it. Gang activity is another challenge that Kerss has never addressed. Voters need to see results. You see the results from Bridges but I don’t feel he is showboating, just letting people (and criminals) know that he is working. It’s looking more and more that Kerss should be replaced.

  16. Billy Dix says:

    Just holding office and showing up is not “doing a good job”. Since you are so set on having back up for claims why don’t you tell us what all great things Kerss has done in the last three years.

    • Chicken hawk says:

      I know one group of people hoping that Bridges doesn’t get it, that would be the criminals! You can bet on that!

      • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

        (Except for the ones that he pays to narc out the other criminals.)

        • VOTER PCT 1 says:


          • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

            I don’t think so. Why should a meth head/thief be rewarded for being such by being paid to rat out his buddies to stay out of jail? Every criminal needs to be punished accordingly, but my point was that Jason isn’t doing the meth busts, he’s just getting the credit.

            • Billy Dix says:

              Every police agency in this country has informants. Many are paid for information. That is a fact of criminal investigation. You are either extremely naive or you think you can fool voters by your simplistic statements.

              • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                Just how much money has Bridges dished out to the dope heads lately? An informant is paid to give out a LOT of information in exchange for some favor from the officer (Bridges), but he’s paying his left and right. When a doper can pay their bills from the amount of money dished out to them, that’s taking it a little too far.

                I have no intentions of trying to “fool voters”. I’m just being honest. Bridges is the one who’s trying to fool the voters. “Hey, my crime rate is down and I did it all by myself without a raise in three years. No help from another agency and very minimal payment to the scum giving me information.” Uh, yeah. Who is it that’s trying to make the voters believe things that aren’t true? Not me. You and him. (BTW, I couldn’t find the post where I had to school you on where the Barnhill murder occurred. That’s why you shouldn’t talk about, or try to make points about, things that you know nothing about.)

                • Billy Dix says:

                  Getting a ruffled there aren’t you? Your ignorance is showing and your hatred is sinking you. Showing what you are made of – pure hate.

                  • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                    I don’t have any personal feelings tied up in this at all. So, AGAIN, you’re wrong about my hating anybody. I’m just stating the facts. I know that you don’t understand that because “hate” is what you’re driven by. I’ve already told you that no matter who gets voted in, I don’t have to worry about it. I just don’t see the point in electing someone who tells blatant lies, spends this county’s money in other counties and makes weak cases, but makes the public think that he’s doing more than he is. And then has someone creeping this site making excuses for him and trying to justify all of his poor choices. Again, I haven’t seen the sheriff lying about anything and he’s not proven that he isn’t capable of doing the job. I actually think that it’s humorous just how much you don’t know about what you’re talking about, but still spout off just like you do.

                    • Billy Dix says:

                      You follow the Obama campaign tactic beautifully.when you have nothing in your record to run on you attack your opponent with lies and innuendo.

                    • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                      Once and for all – are you saying that Bridges DID NOT state that he’s done everything in his precinct in the last three years on the same budget? Just answer that question. Then tell me if it’s the truth or if it’s a lie. Forget everything else that I’ve written, (even though it’s true) and just answer that one question.

    • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

      You say that the “good deputies” can’t be blames for Kerss’ decisions or actions. Could the same be said about Kerss being blamed for the “good deputies'” screw ups? Probably not, huh? Because that’s not how you want to twist your distorted message.

      There’s not a jail in the state of Texas that doesn’t have a lot of problems. The jail is actually a sheriff’s biggest nightmare. For many reasons, be it that nobody wants to work in a jail with a bunch of inmates so the hiring of truly competent, dependable people is unfortunately limited. Who is housed in a jail and long they’re there depends on the crime, then the judge and DA and sometimes even a jury. TDC also dictates how long a person is held up in a county jail. That has nothing to do with Kerss unless you’d like for him to start putting everyone on a work release and then letting them all out early. Do you really want them back on the street? That’s his only means of control as to how long they’re housed. He just oversees the jail.

      As far as the drugs all over the county, Kerss works with what he has to work with. He has guys that work solely on drug cases, and up until now, their biggest mistake was letting Bridges in on some of their “information”. That’s when he would jump in front of them and make the weak arrest, trying to get the credit for the case. The deputies thought that they were working together, but Bridges wanted the credit, thus not waiting for the good arrest and making the weak case. Which do not hold up in court. Finally the deputies have gotten smart and quit sharing the information with Bridges, so now he’s padding a couple of well known narcs’ pockets. Unfortunately, when the Governor took all of the funding for the task force, it left the county with a very limited amount of resources to do what they’d been doing. Before the funding was cut, they were doing a pretty good job. (How about the federal cases that Bridges was involved in when he was on the Task Force? Even in his current position, the county needs to be very concerned about what he’s doing and how he’s getting his information.)

      As far as the SFA intern, that has nothing to do with Kerss either. There was a new position created at her recommendation to help shuffle the inmates through the system. If they’re not going fast enough, again it’s not Kerss’ fault, there’s something stopped up in that office.

      Kerss does his job, which is why he needs to stay right where he’s at. Bridges just wants that control that is way over his head. He has no clue how to run a sheriff’s deparment. His law enforcement experience is very limited.

      • Billy Dix says:

        Your post is full of excuses but nothing showing any examples of all the things you claim Kerss is doing so well. what about the arsonist that has been setting fires in Cushing? How do you blame that on Jason Bridges or the intern or the lack of funding? What about losing the Davis case just recently? Baby Dolls was a political grandstand we all know that. But, why wait so long. That’s kinda hard to explain? What major drug operation has Kerss taken down? We’ve had people stumble across some major pot operations and, finally, Kerss got somebody out there. They weren’t out looking though, just sitting in the office waiting on the phone to ring.

    • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

      He’s helped in that 46 percent cleaning up of Pct. 4.

  17. Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

    “Since elected Constable in 2009, we have reduced the crime rate in Precinct 4 by 46%. This was completed with the same budget……….”


    I feel like I’ve been mislead by the announcement. “To make one believe a lie, whether you stated the lie or not, it’s still a lie.”

    Tsk, Tsk. . . .Jason. . .. .

  18. To No Suprise says:

    Nacogdoches doesnt just need a change, we need a leader. We need Jason Bridges as Sheriff.. Kerss is stagnant to say the least. I want to see change in and with my community. And your not going to see any assistance from kerss unless you are kin to him.

  19. Bob says:

    Excellent points Actually. I agree. All that is known to the public of this individual are the self-serving press-releases. There is a lot more to being the top law enforcement official for a community than making some arrests. The administrative duties I would think are a nightmare. Just the jail alone would be overwhelming. People always jump on something different thinking the grass is greener; until they find themselves right in the same place or worse. I’ll wait for the facts…

    • Citizen says:

      Well Kerss is worthless and needs to go regardless. Might as well get some new blood in office and see what he can do.

      • Interesting says:

        If you can’t come up with anything specific that he’s done or not done, then you may as well announce to everyone that you have a personal axe to grind with Kerss. You say he’s “worthless”, but his office appears to be doing a good job, including taking calls in the precinct four area. SOMEONE is going to have to come up with proof that he’s not doing what he was elected to do before I change my vote.

        • To No Suprise says:

          When you buy a loaf of bread you buy it fresh, leave it in the pantry to long and it goes bad… What do you do, you throw out the bad bread and get new.. Same with anything else in life.. Kerss is stale. BRING IN NEW

          • Actually says:

            So you’re basing your reasons that Sheriff Kerss shouldn’t be re-elected is that he’s been in office too long?

            • Pay Attention says:

              No not because he has been there to long but because he has become stagnant. Overlooking things that are important in MY community. we all want someone as sheriff that will stand up for NACOGDOCHES CO. as a whole, not just stand tall for what makes him look good politically. I have full faith in jason bridges as do many others.

              • Actually says:

                So, you don’t have anything specific, just that you support Bridges and that’s all? By “stagnant”, what are you saying that Sheriff Kerss isn’t doing? You keep dancing around the question.

                • Pay Attention says:

                  First, im not dancing around anything. I dont have to explain to whoever you are my reasons for my political decision and why i believe kerss stagnant. Im not going to drop down as cheap as yourself and sling any mud.

                  • Actually says:

                    Slinging mud? Seriously? I just asked why you thought he was stagnant. You don’t have to explain anything to anybody, but being that I too am a voter, if there is a specific reason that Sheriff Kerss shouldn’t be re-elected, then I’d like to know. But since you can’t come up with anything specific, I guess it just boils down to the fact that you like Bridges over Kerss. Which is your perogative. It appears to me that it’s you who is slinging mud and personally involved or you wouldn’t be so defensive.

                    I would never base my vote on anything that is said on here, anyway. Just thought that you could enlighten me on the things that you are privvy to. Apparently, it’s just personal preference.

                    I hope that we get to sit in on a public forum with the two of them. It’s THEN that I’ll make my choice.

                    • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                      @Actually, you’re not going to find someone on here who can name anything that Kerss isn’t doing. They just want to get on here and bash him, but I guarantee you that they’re shaking his hand and smiling to his face. It’s just people who support Bridges. They want Kerss out because they want Bridges in. That’s it.

        • Scared of the burn says:

          If anyone came out with specifics his wife might start pepperspraying everybody like she did at cushing graduation…. We dont need that

          • Interesting says:

            If that’s all you can come up with, then you’ve got nothing.

            Kerss seems to be doing a good job. All I ever hear or read is nothing but poisitive things, unless someone who’s been in jail, fired by him or doesn’t like his wife, can find a forum to get on and run him down. We’re talking about the job that the man is doing. So far, I have yet to hear anybody, even the people who have a personal agenda, give me any reason not to vote for him. Rumors, half truths and distorted versions/views aren’t reason enough to say that he isn’t doing a good job.

            I DO know that he isn’t AWOL, or has he ever been AWOL, from the service.

            • T Party says:

              Also, I seem to remember that Kerss snubbed the Tea Party and would not allow Sheriff Joe to speak at a Sheriff’s convention.

              Apparently Kerss is by default in favor of illegals in Nacogdoches County. Sanctuary County here we come.

              • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                “By default”, huh? I guess all of those reports to ICE, when they get an illegal in the jail, would kind of prove your accusation wrong. As far as sheriff Joe, maybe they ran out of time? As far as the Tea Party, he probably had a prior engagement. I see him at everything, so he doesn’t miss much.

            • Actually says:

              He is doing a good job or we’d be reading stuff other than, comments on here.

              People are going to support Bridges because they’re his friends and they like him and same goes for Kerss. I don’t know either of them personally, but tend to believe that if it isn’t broke, then don’t try to fix it.

              • Voter says:

                I am not friends with either man. I can see positives and negatives with each, but I think it is time for a change. They both try to get their names in the news. Bridges with all the drug busts press releases and Kerss with the Baby Dolls raid. I see both as nothing more than political stunts to try and sway the voters.
                Fact is Nacogdoches County definitely needs to do something to get the meth problem under control though. Jason has shown the initiative to do something about it. We need more than just a revolving door through the court system though.

                Unless another candidate comes forward my mind is made up and my vote will be for Bridges. Maybe when he is not so busy campaigning he can really tackle the problems and bring about some positive change for the county unlike Kerss.

                • VOTER PCT 1 says:


                  • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                    You’re implying that he didn’t have any intentions to run for Sheriff before he announced. Nobody calls the media everytime they sneeze unless there’s a political motivation behind it. I’m assuming that your motivation is that instead of being a deputy constable, you’ll be a real deputy?

        • Oil Trash says:

          BABY DOLLS

          • Actually says:

            BOTH candidates were at babydolls. Look at the pictures. Kerss was in the lobby where everyone else was. Bridges was in the office digging through stuff.

            • Oil Trash says:

              Bridges does seem to be obsessed with finding drugs. I guess he about peed himself when he found that girls small sack of weed. The meth in this county is a big problem, but they did not have any at Baby Dolls!

              Kerss put his name on that warrant though and I don’t know if anybody else is running. I will vote for anyone, but Kerss.

              If Bridges wins and then screws up we can vote him out too.

              • Majority says:

                The majority of the county is glad that babydolls is no more. Closing it down wasn’t a screw up, it was a blessing.

                • Real Majority says:

                  The majority of the readers of this blog agree that it was a screw up. Go back and look at the poll.

                  The way it was done was wrong and was purely political. The place was in operation 20 years and Kerss decides during election year to go shut it down.

                • Free Country? says:

                  If the majority wanted to ban guns or free speech, would that be ok? No majority has the right to vote away the rights just because most voters agree. Right and wrong is not, and should not, be decided by mob rule.

            • Pay Attention says:

              Sounds like you have a “personal axe to grind” with Jason Bridges. Until you can come onto solid ground with something other than slandering a Good Man, then my vote remains the same. It will remain the same regardless, because he is a motivated, polite, hard working individual. If you are so cheap as to throw mud i wouldnt expect you to understand why most of us support Bridges

              • PCT 1 VOTER says:

                Jason goes out of his way to stop meth dealers in nac county. Then they get out over paper work back selling meth again. But now with a KERSS sign in the front yard

                • PCT 4 Voter says:

                  So are you saying Jason does sloppy work or that Kerss turns a blind eye to meth?? Or all of the above?

                • Majority says:

                  From what I understand, it’s Bridges’ cases that aren’t holding water. (OR inmates! lol) He’s the one that gets all the credit for busthing all of the meth labs, etc. Those are the cases that are making deals or pleading to lesser offenses.

                • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

                  And Bridges puts his on the property of the ring leaders of very large theft rings. Wonder if the sheriff will make him take his signs down if the county seizes the property?

                  • Concerned Voter says:

                    I witnessed a few weeks ago on sat. Sheriff Kerss hanging a sign at Burdetts furniture store in Central Heights. Its my understanding that Burdett has a criminal record.

    • Chicken hawk says:

      If you knew the guy, you would know that his work ethic and the work ethic he requires from the people around him will allow him to get the job done. He’ll make everyone step up their game or go work somewhere else.

  20. Actually says:

    If he’s “met his goals”, does that mean that he just set out to better the crime rate in Pct. 4 by 46%? And in that 46%, does that include the calls that the Sheriff’s Office takes, too? I’d like to know, before I cast my vote, just how many of the arrests reported in Pct. 4 were done by Bridges and how many were done by the S.O. He didn’t actually SAY that the 46% was by his office’s doing alone, but it was implied. Surely, he’s not trying to make us all think that his office did it alone, if they didn’t. I’d also like to know what kind of administrative experience he has other than being the Constable over two deputies; I’d also like to see his budget since 2009. I can’t imagine that he’s had no increase in the past two plus years. I’d also like to know what it is that he thinks the current sheriff isn’t doing and how he can imporove. I’ve heard nothing that would lead me to believe that there needs to be a change so if he knows something that we don’t, he needs to tell us.

    I think that all of these questions are important and would like to know his stance.

    Hopefully, there’ll be a public forum soon between the two of them.

  21. Clark says:

    Outstanding Constable and will be an outstanding Sheriff… and a fellow Marine to finish it out. Has may support and vote all the way!

    • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

      LMAO! He is not a Marine!

      • Concerned Voter says:

        Well, that commet really chapps my ass!! For someone to say “LMAO he’s not a Marine.” To have said that, you or any of your family must not have served in any branch of the military! Once a Marine always a Marine! I didn’t serve as a Marine but did serve in the Navy! I witnessed fellow brothers fall in the line of duty, and I take it seriously when someone mocks any branch of the service! You have really showed your true colors with your statement!

        • A Mother says:

          I agree. I would like to take this oppertunity to say …. “THANK YOU for your sacrifice, your service and the part that you’ve taken to ensure that all of us could continue to know freedoms and protection for ourselves and our children!” Thank you!!

  22. Cindy says:

    My choice hands down!!! Kerss has finally started to be interested in drug thugs. HUM
    Bridges has NO ghosts in his closets!!! Ask about Kerss????? Codi Kerss is a total trash mouth…just ask her, she’ll tell you she doesn’t care what Thomas thinks!!

    • Nac Resident says:

      I understand that the current Sheriff has so many skeletons in his closet that an addition was made to relieve the overcrowding. Sounds like Cindy must know her pretty well……

  23. John says:

    Is anyone surprised by this announcement?

    I will say he is definitely a better choice than Kerss.

  24. Grace says:

    This is wonderful news for Nacogdoches County!

  25. Just Tom says:

    He has my vote without a doubt!!!!!!!!

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