128 grams of crack cocaine discovered by Constable Office PCT 4

Jason Bridges Pct 4

     The Nacogdoches County Constable Office PCT 4 has made an arrest late Wednesday Night after a traffic stop revealed a large quantity of crack cocaine found inside a vehicle. Constable Jason Bridges stated that the stop occurred on highway 59 shortly before midnight. Deputy Constable Allen conducted the traffic stop for a seat belt violation. Constable Bridges stated that the driver and lone occupant of the vehicle was very nervous and Deputy Allen could smell drugs coming from inside the vehicle. Deputy Allen also observed other indications that caused concern that criminal activity may be occurring. A search of the motor vehicle was conducted due to Deputy Allen having probable cause of smelling narcotics coming from the vehicle. Deputy Allen found 128 grams of crack cocaine that was concealed in the dash of the vehicle.

     Constable Jason Bridges stated that the street value of the crack cocaine is worth $3,500.00 dollars. The driver of the vehicle, Preston Walker who is 36 years of age from Liberty, Texas was arrested at the scene. Walker is charged with possession of a controlled substance Felony 2nd degree and transported to the Nacogdoches County Jail.

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34 Responses to 128 grams of crack cocaine discovered by Constable Office PCT 4

  1. boondocksaint says:

    cry all you want about how unfair and unjust life is, i am excited everytime i read that they have pulled more drugs off the streets no matter which way the do it. thanks guys

    • Dude says:

      I would imagine your excitement would wane a bit if you were subjected to an unjust search because you “looked suspicious”.

      • Dude's friend says:

        Stop looking suspicious! lol

      • boondocksaint says:

        i have never been pulled over for looking suspicious.. i have been pulled over for speeding and not using my turn signal. but there was no odor of drugs in my veh so there was no need to search it..

        • Dude says:

          I have been pulled over for no reason whatsoever and then cop claimed that I failed to use my turn signal. This was years ago, but I have found if you drive a nice car that is not too flashy and dress like a professional this no longer occurs. Coincidence?

          Remember many of the hippies of yesteryear are doctors, lawyers and professionals today.

          • Wyatt Earp says:

            I get it, you’re an old school zig zag guy and not a blunt smoker!

            • boondocksaint says:

              anyone that goes by dude and speaks of the hippies of yesteryear has to be a zig zag man…lol

              • boondocksaint says:

                dang, i was profiling… my bad..

                • Dude says:

                  Actually, I don’t smoke anymore, but I preferred water bongs back in the day.

                  If you saw me you would never guess. Some would call me conservative, though I lean more Libertarian. I am a respected professional today, and unless you happened to be a close friend way back when you would not have a clue as to my past.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I just want to know – in all the cars that go up and down 59s do they always know which ones to pull over for whatever reasons- and always find lots of drugs, they sit on the circle around waiting day in and day out for – the right person to go by and do sumthing wrong to get pulled over- and look drugs!! How do they know??

    • Dude says:

      It is called profiling.

      • Wyatt Earp says:

        Who cares how they found it. Them savages are hiding behind that profiling crap! I’m sure when they wrote the constitution it was to help the drug dealers get a loop hole!

        • Free Country? says:

          “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.”

          ~ Patrick Henry

          • Wyatt Earp says:

            I’m all about the constitution. A love my country. But, to me, the subject of racial profiling is ridiculous. When does it stop? We’re talking about felonies committed by felons. I don’t care what color you are, stop selling or trafficking poison for a profit! I’m sure when the constitution was written, those honarable men didn’t care about racial profiling. That term evolved over time.

  3. Free Country? says:

    I do not agree with any of the race/racism comments. Skin color is not mentioned and should have nothing to do with the discussion. However, I must agree with Dude here. The Police can stop you for whatever reason they decide. They write the reports after the incident, so they can claim probable cause for a search after the fact. It is not illegal to be “nervous” and I’m not sure how the deputy “smelled drugs” concealed in the dashboard. What do narcotics even smell like!? Furthermore, none of us know what the “other indications that caused concern that criminal activity may be occurring” were, or if that is just the magic phrase that allows for a search on the spot.

    In my funnier looking days I used to get hassled too, probably because I looked different (not illegal). I would get pulled over for some made up reason and then told they smelled drugs or alcohol and asked to search my vehicle. The first few times I agreed and about an hour later with all my property strewn out on the road and nothing illegal found, they hand me my license and say “we’ll let you off with a warning this time. Just slow down.” The next time I refused the search and they called my refusal probable cause that I was hiding something. Bottom line, they will search whoever they want whenever they want. If they find nothing, nobody ever hears about it. If they find something they feel justified and everyone cheers.

    In a free country, we should all be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Having “concern that criminal activity may be occurring” is the same as saying no criminal activity was witnessed. Without witnessing criminal activity, any search is a result of presumption of guilt.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s a cat and mouse game. Unless you’ve been the cat before, you have no clue what kind of job it takes. The stuff is poison and I hate to see family’s dealing with a family member addicted to drugs. These people make a living off of other peoples sickness. I’m sure officers don’t find the drugs all of the time, but that’s why they need the best training they can get so they find the drugs more often than not. It’s just a tough job. Imagine knowing someone out there hates your guts just for trying to support your family and get the poison off of the streets.

    • Bob says:

      Well said Free Country.

      And Anonymous, for “It’s just a tough job. Imagine knowing someone out there hates your guts just for trying to support your family and get the poison off of the streets.”

      Agree law enforcement is a tough job and deserves respect. But bullying people and ignoring their rights is not the job and makes any hatred worse…

      • Anonymous says:

        Bullying people….That’s funny! Yea, I see a bunch of law abiding innocent people just getting thrown on the ground and rights people violating all over town! That’s a bunch of crap! Y’all live in a cartoon world!

  4. pct1 tax payer says:

    Why is James Eric Chatman back on the streets. ANOTHER METH DEALER LET GO IN PCT1. WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR COURT SYSTEM????

    • Dude says:

      Man this thread has nothing to do with Eric Cartman. Please post in the appropriate spot.

      The answer to your question though could be another case of overzealous law enforcement making an arrest before they actually have any evidence to make a case. Arrests make the news, undercover investigations however can take months or years for an outcome.

    • Bob says:

      Nothing is wrong with the courts. If the paperwork hadn’t been so screwed up on the warrant stuff, he wouldn’t be back out. When police cut corners, someone has to make sure it’s done right. Like Dude said, injustice will not stand. Get drugs off street, but follow law to do it.

      • pct1 meth says:

        Who filled out the paper work maybe the need some training. They let another meth dealer out. They need to learn to do there job.

      • Anonymous says:

        Isn’t a Judge supposed to review a search warrant and then sign it? This would be in process to make sure no one cuts any corners. That shouldn’t be an issue.

  5. Dude says:

    How many white folks do you hear of that smoke crack??

    • Broken Arrow says:

      Just check the arrest reports some time and you’ll see crack shows up on all races. And if whitey isn’t smoking crack, it’s meth.

      • Dude says:

        The driver was allegedly caught with crack not meth. Anyway the race of the driver is not the underlying issue here. The issue is Allen stopped this guy for a seat belt violation at night. Maybe he had rims on his car or a bumper sticker that said I love crack none of these constitute probable cause for a traffic stop.

        No I am not glad that gestapo tactics are used to “get drugs off the street”. What if someone who had a grudge with you claimed that you had meth in your house so the Constable decides to kick in your door and take a look around. This injustice this will not stand man!

        • METH IN PCT 1 says:

          I want to know how when you have several drug charges on you you can still bond out and continue to sale meth. I have seen this to day with James Eric Chatman looks like the dollor genaral at his house. What does the law have to do to keep this people off the streets.

        • Anonymous says:

          In a well lit area or headlights shining behind a vehicle, you can tell whether the seat belt is going across the chest or dangling unused. Try it sometime, it’s real easy.

          • Dude says:

            I don’t buy it, but if the dumas truly was stupid enough to be driving without a seat belt and smoking crack at the same time he deserves to be locked up. Still sounds fishy though.

            I do know for a fact though that cops will make up a reason to make a traffic stop. It happens all the time and has happened to me when I was younger.

  6. Concerned Citizen says:

    Where in that article did it say the driver was black? Get a life, these guys are working hard and taking the drugs off the streets and putting criminals behind bars…

  7. Proud Supporter says:

    You would think that his race wouldnt be an issue and you would just be glad that these drugs are now off the streets!!!!!!!

  8. Dude says:

    How could Allen observe a seat belt violation at night??? Most likely stopped him for DWB (driving while black).

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