The City Council of the City of Nacogdoches recently passed modifications to the city’s noise ordinance.

     The new law adds “vibrations” to the ordinance as well as setting limitations on the distance noise or vibrations may be heard.

     From a fixed location or in a vehicle, the ordinance makes it a violation to emit a sound or vibration from a fixed location or a moving vehicle, “at such volume or at such hour or producing such vibrations as disturbs the peace, quiet, comfort, repose, health or safety of persons of ordinary sensibilities”. It also provides a violation if such noise is generated between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. and is plainly audible at a distance of 50 feet from the building, structure or place where the noise is originating from.

     The new ordinance also makes it a violation for vehicle sound equipment that generates sound or vibration to be audible for more than 30 feet from the vehicle where the sound or vibration originates.

     “The law basically says that if a car stereo is audible or emits vibrations at anytime that can be heard at a distance of more than 30 feet, which is about two car lengths, the operator or owner of the vehicle can receive a citation”, said Sgt. Greg Sowell of the Nacogdoches Police Department. “The law allows our officers to initiate enforcement action without a citizen complaint, especially on vehicles that are in violation. We believe that this ordinance will greatly enhance our ability to effectively control noise in the city”.

     Violators can be fined up to $500.00 for each violation in Nacogdoches Municipal Court.

     The police department will begin enforcement of this ordinance immediately.

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  1. GoldToofPlaya says:

    Aw snap, Po Po be frontin if de goin be stop dis. Ain’t got no tweeters in my ride. Only got subs up in here.

  2. outlaw says:

    damn I cant even crank my truck now lol

  3. Davidwestafa says:

    Thump! Thump, Thump, Thump! Thump, Thump. THUMP,THUMP!
    Man, dat be sum good music.

  4. Cracker says:

    No, you keep it down too Honkey!

  5. Davidwestafa says:

    Is this a racist law? LOL

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