Nacogdoches Independent School District General Election (Lisa Mize)

1. Name/Phone Number/E-Mail: Lisa Mize 936-560-5427

2. District number: 2

3. How long have you lived in Nacogdoches ISD boundaries?
I have lived within the boundaries of NISD for 46 years.

4. What skills, experience, or philosophy do you as an individual bring to the school board?
I have been an educator for over 20 years in Nacogdoches as a 1st grade teacher at Carpenter Elementary, Pre-K Master teacher at SFASU Early Childhood Lab, and faculty in Family and Child Development in the School of Human Sciences at SFASU.

Currently, I serve as Associate Dean for the Perkins College of Education at SFASU. I am responsible for all Student Teaching/Field Experiences, state and national Assessment and Accountability, and state certifications. I serve on various boards and committees with teachers, principals and school personnel, which allow me to hear and understand current, local, state and national issues.

I am also a proud parent of a 9th grader. What happens in our district has a direct impact on him and his future.

5. What is your process to seek input and opinions from the community and all stakeholders on issues that come before the school board?
In my current job, I hold meetings with the stakeholders. We discuss the issues, concerns, and impact of the decision. When key people are unable to attend the meetings, I seek them out by e-mail, phone, and personal contact. I would hope to do the same with issues that come before the school board.

Open, effective communication is imperative so all stakeholders understand the “why” behind the decisions made and feel the importance of their opinions. I would want to be fully aware of what the current situation involves, why the decision or change is needed, who is impacted, what the options are, and the views of those that will be impacted by the decision.

6. What specific goals and plans do you have for improving the quality of education in our district?
To listen to the teachers and each campus principal. Each NISD campus has a variety of important needs for their diverse student population and should have a voice in decisions for improving and maintaining academic excellence.

7. Do you support the right of students to have a safe, secure and structured environment at schools? If yes, will you work with the teachers to see that environment maintained?

I believe a safe, secure, and structured environment is imperative for the classroom environment and student success. I am committed to supporting teachers as they administer disciplinary actions to maintain and improve that type of environment.

8. Do you support the concept of rewarding teachers based on student test scores? Why or why not?
Yes. In a perfect world with unlimited budgets, I would love to see an ability to extend stipends to those teachers of high scoring classrooms. The stipend would be payment for their mentoring of teachers of lower scoring classrooms.

Teachers work diligently for test scores. They stay late, get up early, and wake in the middle of the night – to plan, change, challenge, and improve instruction. There is great pressure on testing and the teachers who teach in grade levels and classrooms that are identified for testing.

At the same time, I would not want it to be only individual awards. I would want to build collaboration into the award system. For example, the reward would increase based on the number of teachers who achieved these high levels. Teamwork is key.

9. What do you see as the appropriate role of the board in comparison to the role of the administration?
I feel that administration is often focused on their individual responsibilities. Finance is concerned about budget issues, HR is concerned about teachers in the classroom, Curriculum is concerned about books, curriculum and strategies, and Assessment is concerned about graduation rates and TAKS scores. I believe it’s the board’s responsibility to bring balance, to assure that curriculum doesn’t suffer because the budget needs changing or that teachers don’t suffer because of increased pressure of high stakes testing.

The board is elected by and held accountable to the district and community they represent. Its role is to guide, direct, and support, but not to micromanage.

10. What ideas do you have to ensure that the voices of classroom teachers and paraprofessionals are heard and their ideas implemented?
Board members should actively participate and be a part of:
Meetings such as this
Face book postings
Available by E-mail
Attend NISD events – swim meets, football games
Be visible in the community
Campus visits

11. What is your view on testing?
It’s a necessary evil. While it’s not the “do all/end all” solution, it allows us to evaluate our success and/or areas that need improvement.

12) What one idea sums up your candidacy the best?
• My goal is for NISD to be the “District of Choice.” A district that every SFA graduate and surrounding town teacher wants to teach in. I want Mr. Neal to be overwhelmed with outstanding applicants!
• I want families to move to our community, invest in local businesses, and retire here – so their children and grandchildren can attend our exemplary schools, graduate, and continue as productive citizens of our community, state and country!

Click here to go to see the other candidate’s questionnaires

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