Downtown gearing up for Property Showcase on April 26th

     The City of Nacogdoches Main Street Program and the Nacogdoches Economic Development Corporation are gearing up for the first ever “Downtown Property Showcase” set for Tuesday, April 26th from 4:30 to 7 p.m. in historic downtown Nacogdoches. Anyone who has ever thought or dreamed of possibly opening up a business on the red brick streets of historic downtown Nacogdoches are encouraged to attend.

     Everyone’s first stop on the showcase should be the Visitor’s Center, 200 E. Main Street. Representatives from the Small Business Development Center, Nacogdoches Economic Development Corporation, and city staffers who can answer historic preservation and building code questions will be on site to lend their expertise to everyone in attendance. Detailed spec sheets will also be available, as well as detailed lists of the many benefits available to tenants and property owners who reside in the downtown historic district. Maps will be distributed inside the visitor’s center showcasing the properties available for viewing that evening. Attendees can opt to tour the properties on their own, or be guided by a staff person. Hor’s de oeuvres will be served as well.

     “Our vacant building task force has been trying to come up with creative ways to combat our vacant buildings downtown, and what better way than to showcase our available properties and our successful downtown businesses,” said Main Street Manager Sarah O’Brien. “We currently have approximately 95,000 square feet of vacant property downtown, of which only about 15,000 is available for tenants. That is a serious issue that this task force was designed to tackle.” Several properties that are available for lease will be showcased and open for tours; as well as several current successful businesses. “We are lucky to have long standing successful businesses downtown, many thanks to several of those owners who have agreed to showcase what they have done, and be available that evening to answer questions from potential business owners,” said O’Brien.

     If you or anyone you know have any questions about the upcoming “Downtown Property Showcase” please contact the City of Nacogdoches Main Street Office at 936-559-2573 or

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