Pam Fitch For Mayor

Pam Fitch

by Pam Fitch

     A lot of people have asked me why I decided to run for Mayor. If I could sum up the answer in one word, it would be PROGRESS. I love this community, and, like you, I want it to grow and flourish to its full potential.

     Our city is blessed with a rich history, diverse economy and abundant natural resources. We have the opportunity to be a model city, but achieving that goal takes vision and leadership. I believe I can provide both. A few of my top priorities include:

  • Saving taxpayers money by eliminating wasteful spending while opposing property tax and water rate increases.
  • Preserving and protecting our neighborhoods by improving code enforcement and maintaining appropriate zoning.
  • Promoting economic growth by ensuring policies are small business friendly and don’t unfairly favor one business over another.
  • Encouraging openness and transparency in city government by maximizing citizen involvement in the decision making process.

     If we continue to do the same thing over and over again, we will continue to get more of the same—more tax increases, more water rate increases, and more unjustified tax abatements. It’s time for new leadership.

     I have 10 years of public sector work experience, including eight years as director of the Nacogdoches CVB and two years in senior management for the City of Lubbock (population 220,000). Through these positions, I have been involved in every aspect of local government operations, from budgeting to crisis management.

     In 2008, my family returned to Nacogdoches and opened Jack Backers College Bookstore. My husband and I built the business from the ground up. Our business model was simple—keep costs low and provide superior customer service. I believe this philosophy can also be applied at the local government level.

     With your support, I truly believe our community can make great strides forward. But I need your help! Please cast your vote for Pam Fitch for Mayor. Early voting begins May 2 at the C.L. Simon Recreation Center. Election day is May 14 at TJR Elementary School.

     For more information about my campaign or to request a yard sign, visit

EverythingNac does not endorse anyone, and hopes all candidates will send an email to

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2 Responses to Pam Fitch For Mayor

  1. :) says:

    Pam is a relative, and I kno first hand what an amazing woman she is. She has chrisitian values, strong family and a love for nacogdoches and I think those are positive influences that are gonna work for her! I’m hoping to c pam in the mayors seat soon!!!!!

  2. Denise McDonald says:

    What a breath of fresh air! After hearing Pam Fitch and Roger Van Horn speak at the Mayoral candidate forum, last week, I was struck by how different Ms. Fitch and Dr. Van Horn responded to questions from the audience. Ms. Fitch’s answer were framed with a positive “can do” attitude (we might not be able to get everything we’d like from our local government, but it’s nice when someone will consider our ideas and welcome our suggestions). Dr. Van Horn continues to tell us why we can’t improve our community unless it’s to give tax abatements and low interest loans to wealthy business owners. Nacogdoches has potential to be a city where quality of life is a as important as being business friendly and I think Pam Fitch is the candidate to make that happen.

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