SFA Senior Plans To Implement Community Nutrition Project In Costa Rica

Alex Cross standing in a stream near a beach in the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica

Alex Cross standing in a stream near a beach in the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica

A letter from SFA student,
Alex Cross

     My name is Alex Cross and my passion is kids and nutrition. My mom and I had saved for years to take our dream vacation to Costa Rica last summer. Little did I know that this vacation would give direction to my life.

     I met the sweetest little baby (Roy) sitting in a stroller outside a small taco stand. His mom was about my age and she worked at the stand. I immediately noticed two things: 1. Momma was quite overweight and 2. Little Roy was eating beans and tortillas. These two facts kicked my nutritionist brain into overdrive. Did momma not know what foods babies need to be healthy? Did momma know anything about nutrition for herself?

Alex and Roy on the deck in front of a taco stand in Playa de Coco (a small village in northwest CR)

Alex and Roy on the deck in front of a taco stand in Playa de Coco (a small village in northwest CR)

     As I began to talk to her, I discovered that beans, rice and tortillas were the staples of both of their diets. She said little Roy began eating the same things she did once she stopped breastfeeding. I also learned from her that nutrition education was non-existent in schools.

     This chance meeting stuck with me when we returned to the states. I was nearing the end of my college career and was looking for a way to use my education in a meaningful way. I began talking to professsors and fellow nutrition students. What could I do? Finally, someone suggested that if I really wanted to do something, I would go back to Costa Rica as a volunteer and teach nutrition.

     Yes! That’s it! Now, I had to make a plan. I looked online for intern and volunteer programs and found a great one – AIDEabroad.org. Their mission statement is, “Through education and the exchange of ideas and people across borders, AIDE will build a worldwide community of global citizens who will be part of an ongoing intercultural conversation. AIDE will be a catalyst for change in the world by building bridges between individuals from diverse cultures”. Perfect!

     Alex has also been working hard to finance this project; but to reach her goal in time, she needs our help, and there are a lot of ways to do that.

     First, there are links on http://www.indiegogo.com/Baby-Get-Healthy that you can make a direct contribution. Just $10 goes a long way when lots of people contribute.

     Second, every hit on http://www.indiegogo.com/Baby-Get-Healthy moves her page closer to the main page and feature pages of IndieGoGo. A position on the main page or feature page almost guarantees that she will reach her goal.

     Third, sharing http://www.indiegogo.com/Baby-Get-Healthy with others by posting on social networking sites like Twitter, LinkIn and Facebook helps move her page up in standing.

     Finally, you could email http://www.indiegogo.com/Baby-Get-Healthy to anyone who may be interested in supporting a community service nutrition project.

     She has already saved and raised over $5,930 towards the total program price of about $7,500.

     Alex Cross is the daughter of Kim Cross and Kenny Dolese of Nacogdoches.

     To see a recent KTRE/KLTV broadcast about the project, visit: http://www.ktre.com/global/Category.asp?c=194398&autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=5590970&flvUri=&partnerclipid=

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2 Responses to SFA Senior Plans To Implement Community Nutrition Project In Costa Rica

  1. Anonymous says:

    Donated! It was easy on the site. Used some left over paypal dollars I had just sitting there. I encourage everyone who reads this story to pit I’m a little. I know Alex and she is one of the hardest working college kids I have ever met. Full time job. Weekend job. Full time student. I am happy I can be a part of her project.

  2. Anonymous says:

    How exciting. What a cool way to spend the summer.

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