Category Archives: Herrington

Herrington: The Ultimate Question to Ask Women

     Okay, let’s just throw the whole thing in the mix; we need a diversion from the political huffing and puffing, so let’s work on the domestic policy of relationships. Okay, Ladies, I’ll ask the question this way: “How would you … Continue reading

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Herrington: Viral Spaces and the Freedom to Fill Them

     It used to be that people would rush to where they thought there was gold. In past times, gold was more philosophical, and so anywhere where answers were, where God was, or where health was, people went, but now, everything … Continue reading

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Herrington: This Is Your Life, on Film

     There are, among the movies we see, a certain number which move us and others that simply move characters through scenes but in the end say nothing. The first ones are substantial, interesting, formative, inspiring, compelling, transformative, and can alertingly … Continue reading

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Herrington: To All Those Who Blog, Chat, Or Facebook

     This last year, since I retired, I have spent a lot of time and energy on the Internet; I am officially addicted to multimedia, web chatting, and interface networking. One of the things that has become very apparent is that … Continue reading

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Herrington: How to Deal with Mean People

     Some people seem to make a career out of correcting the other person in the relationship. It’s not that they themselves are perfect, but it is always so easy to find fault and use this to control the other person. … Continue reading

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Herrington: A Report from Near the Front

     A report from the near front: If you were to drop your proclivities, dispense with your preconceptions, and eradicate your expectations, you might find yourself in a deliciously alien world where the former choices you might have made now seem … Continue reading

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Herrington: The Emotional Bank Account

     Relationships are an investment; if you don’t understand the market, can’t deliver on time, don’t keep enough petty cash in the register, and can’t seem to keep your mind in the game, you may end up broke, busted, divorced, and … Continue reading

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Herrington: Local Power

     I have recently had a few run-ins with Sears, and I am happy to report that we are doing better, because of the local team. It seems that Sears, and America in general, suffers from the illness of “Wedonthaveaclueandsowemakeexcusesitis.” This … Continue reading

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Herrington: The Big Fish to the Middle Fish

     I’ve been asking about this for years, but I am still not really satisfied with the answer I get to my central question: “If those who educationally fail to observe business practices are doomed to poverty because of their own … Continue reading

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Herrington: National Return the Junk Day

     I hate to bag on the New Sears, but it just keeps getting better. I had again returned my mower after the intown service trip which took 3 weeks, only to find out that the gasoline still leaked right out … Continue reading

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