Chris Herrington’s Reality: Something I have in common with Oprah

Chris Herrington decided years ago that his reality was much more fun…

and he’s ready to tell you why.

Sit back and relax.
It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

     I have a confession to make: I watch Oprah. I know; it’s such a touchy-feely thing to do. Luckily, I’m secure in my Metrosexuality. Okay, let’s get to it. Did you see the show where she reveals that she has a half-sister? OMG!


     I was like, OMG. What if this had happened to me and I found out that I have a sister? OMG. Well, let me tell you how it felt to find out that I have a half-sister that I have never met. Yes, this is a true story, Silly!


     Here’s the story I heard. I was talking to my cousin, Harold Herrington, who is about 74. He told me that when he was in Houston he had accidentally met my dad through the freak accident of the cleaners having mixed up their clothes because they have the same name. My dad was a big guy, about 315 pounds, and my cousin is not even close to that, so when he got home and the clothes were all wrong, he made the effort to return them for an exchange, and that is when he and dad, who had never met, finally did cross paths. That was the last and only time they had ever seen each other.


     About 5 years later, my cousin, whom I have actually only recently met myself, got a phone call. On the other end was a young woman, who at this time now is probably about 42, who was living in Dallas and was searching for her father. It seems that her mother had had an affair with her Chiropractor, a Dr. Harold (aka Hearld) Herrington, and she was searching for her father since her mother told her that she had been the offspring of that relationship. Okay, so I have a half-sister that I have never met, maybe still in Dallas. My cousin had no idea where dad was, but that was not his fault since my dad was bipolar and had a habit of dropping out of sight for years on end and even I could not keep up with him. For those of you who know me, that is really saying a lot. He could not help her, but she’s out there, and we are still hunting for her; maybe a Dallas paper or news cast will pick up the story and help us get united with each other.


     If she is out there, there are 5 of us here in Texas, and we all have families that would welcome her. She would want to know her medical history, I’m sure, since all of us are highly affected by our genetics. We are a fairly tight group since we are on the phone or visiting all the time. I can’t imagine on her side of things how it must feel to be so distant from your siblings. I am the oldest of 7, and we have 12 nephews and nieces. My dad is long gone, but we all have our stories to tell, like mine:


     I was married to my wife in 1975, but we divorced in 1977. In 1983 we both remarried, but to other people. She was married for about 7 years and divorced. I was married for about 13 years, and divorced, and then I met up with my first wife again at my sister’s wedding; she had been our flower girl at our wedding in 1975. We hit it off, and on August 1, 1996, after a 19 year separation, we got remarried on what would have been our 21st wedding anniversary, and now we have been back together for 15 years. That’s a story worth sharing with my new half-sister, if I ever find her.


     Having completed 32 years of public school service, Chris Herrington lives, with his wife, in Appleby, Texas, and his writing consists of blogging and essay writing concerning an array of topics including education, mediation, self-development, and human interests. He teaches at the Martin School of Choice, plays racquetball, and enjoys his job.

     Chris Herrington can be reached at

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