Yates (Republican): NCRP Action Item

Friends and Fellow Republicans:

     I just read an article from the Red State Website that clearly shows the importance of Texas getting a conservative Texas House Speaker and NOT getting Joe Straus, who campaigned for a Democrat in the last election cycle and is not a real conservative, as Speaker.

     Please read the article at this link: http://www.redstate.com/erick/2011/01/07 will-the-people-of-texas-fold-or-fight-for-conservatives . The title of the article is: Will the People of Texas Fold or Fight for Conservatives.

     After reading this and other articles and after talking to many conservatives, it is hard to believe that this man can muscle ANY support for this position. I have heard that he does have some big bucks in his political war chest, but this should NEVER prevail over the will of an informed and energized Texas constituency.

     What can you do? Call anyone you know in another Republican State Representative’s district and pass this information on to them. Encourage them to contact their State Representative and vote FOR Ken Paxton and AGAINST Joe Straus. Or if you personally know another Republican State Representative, please contact them and pass on this information to them. You must act NOW, as the Republican State Representatives will caucus this coming Monday and vote for the Speaker on Tuesday. Our conservative State Representative, Wayne Christian, is working hard to get a conservative speaker elected and this is a way we can help him.

Thanks and God bless,

Jackie Yates
Nacogdoches County Republican Party
P.O. Box 630866
Nacogdoches, TX 75963
*** P.S. Check the NCRP Website now for current events and other interesting items: www.nac-gop.com ***
Phone: 936-569-9685
NCRP Phone: 936-569-6710

Paid for by the Nacogdoches County Republican Party and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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