November 15 Recent Arrest/Mugshots

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26 Responses to November 15 Recent Arrest/Mugshots

  1. bad chikks says:

    and no nose be quiet kause we are not talkin 2 u so mind ya bidnezz n dhe dont need no damn anger mangment she was defending herself so shut up n if datz da kase den u help her n u dont even know her so reall y shut da hell up n THX U BONNIE U ROKK!!!!

    • rhaerenee says:

      lol noo im not in jail,no i dnt need anger management,lol thats daniell pleasant who needs it lol and ummmmm skrew all of yall who r big nd bold behind a computer skreen,kause i see no names but yall will see this 1…sincerly,

    • No Nose says:

      The only part I understood which was the last bit about me helping her. You must have confused me for someone who cares what happens to her, because I couldn’t care less.

      Other than that, learn to spell. I have no idea what you are attempting to tell me.

      “reall y”
      “THX U”

  2. bad chikks says:

    first of all yall can ghet off of rhaevan. kause she aynt dyd shit to yall n yall aynt sayin ntn 2 ha face so be quiet yall quik to say wat she dyd bt admit wat u dyd 1st. n she had 2 defend her self so shut da hell up u dam haters hatin on her!!!!!! n yall knw its da truf

    • Dude says:

      A fine product of the public education system.

    • No Nose says:

      What language is this?

    • bonnie says:

      thats whats up boo!! they just haten dont worry i got yall backs!!

      • No nose says:

        No, you ignorant dolt. We’re not “just haten.” We are referring to their lack of being able to construct a worthwhile sentence. The whole point of a comment is to let people know your thoughts on something, but if it’s impossible to understand then they have accomplished nothing. Their words fall short of reaching anyone and instead they look like a simpleton. You may say, well I understand them, and if you do, that’s wonderful, but that only proves that their comment can only reach some of the people.
        Learning to type a constructive comment isn’t some sort of conformity to a system, it’s a basic tool that they are going to have to learn if they want to be anything more than the person working the drive-thru.
        And on top of all that, this page is from November of last year. It’s been almost a year at this point, and no one cared then, and no one cares now. Again you might both say, I care, but you don’t. You are willing to take the path of least resistance. Commenting on a website isn’t helping this Rhaevan person. You want to do something for her, get her some anger management classes. If she’s still in jail, get her some bond money, or help her pay her lawyer fees. Or best of all, set a good example for her and everyone else you know to look up to.
        Don’t keep pushing a stereotype of a dimwitted child and expect people to treat you any different.

        • goestoeleven says:

          Ah, but what should one expect when popular culture marginalizes rhetorical effectiveness, thus teaching its sheeple to follow suit?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Thats what rheavan ass ge i bet she wont cut nobody else

  4. Nunya says:

    lol! Is that HUnter? Wats crakin playa!

  5. Anonymous says:

    not to much on rhaven!!!!!!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    so childish

  7. nac says:

    hey yall betta get off my gurl rhaevan

  8. raiinb0w.kiidd says:

    yy must yyall sayy suchh thiinq iif yyall qn3 sayy sumthiin ab0ut rh3avan th3n sayy iit 2 ha….

  9. Anonymous says:

    never was funny but wat was funny was how she was big bumpn n run’n all up on ha but neva took the chance to think abt wat she was doin n another thing dnt let ppl get ya head big bc does same ppl wlkn ard wit dey heads up smilen y d walkn ard ashame bc she know she outa dar

  10. ~ D~Mac ~ says:

    Damn Shame

  11. lufkin girl says:

    i see everybody gotta hate on my girl rhaeven

  12. WC says:

    Rhaevan Renee Shields huh

  13. Nunya says:

    lmfao!! on the cool i thought they was never gone get her ass!

  14. Hello World says:

    i knew she wasnt going to get away with it while everyone laughing about that issue that week!! now look who we have here Rhaevan Renee Shields!!!!!!

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