Yates: Newsletter

Jackie Yates, Nacogdoches Republican Chair:

Friends and Fellow Republicans:

I hope that you have been encouraged by the election results locally, statewide, and nationally. We are making progress in the RIGHT direction!

NOW, we MUST keep this momentum moving. We have the 4 events happening THIS week to do just that! Please reply on events one and two if you can attend.

ONE. First, we have a big event happening this coming Wednesday, November 10th. The office of international programs at SFASU will host a lecture by best-selling author Dinesh D’Souza at 7 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom. D’Souza’s topic will be is “Islam and Christianity Amidist International Turmoil: Is Religion to Blame?” More information regarding Dinesh D’Souza can be found at: http://www.dineshdsouza.com/ He has recently been on the Glen Beck program.

This is BIG EVENT! We need to have a good showing of conservatives at this lecture! We need to have at least 50 people from our Nacogdoches County Republicans to make this event. Please reply if you can make it as we will be working on getting as many people there as possible!

TWO. The next Big Event will be:

2010 FED UP! Book Tour with Governor Rick Perry

Nacogdoches, TX – Friday, Nov. 12
Stephen F. Austin State University
Sponsored by the Young Conservatives of Texas, Stephen F. Austin State University Chapter
Baker Patillo Student Center
222 Vista Drive – Nacogdoches, TX 75961
1:30 p.m.
No registration required for this event.

Join us at this tour’s stop with Fed Up!’s author, Governor Rick Perry. Fed Up! Our Fight to Save America from Washington will be available for purchase, and Governor Perry will be on hand to meet guests and sign your copy of the book! For more information on the book, please visit www.fedupthebook.com.

We need to get 100 people at this event. Please spread the word now and let’s work on getting many people to attend this event. Our Young Conservatives have worked hard to get Gov. Perry to Nacogdoches, let us support them and him by showing up in big numbers! Also, please reply if you can make this event as we will working to a big crowd!

THREE. This coming Thursday, November 11th, our Young Conservatives of Texas at SFA will be having a YCT Veterans Day fundraiser /Veterans Day Celebration. It will be at the Village Dorms on campus from 3:00pm until 7:00pm. Hotdogs are $1.00 and Hamburgers are $2:00 — they will accept any extra donations! They will be playing patriotic music! Just show up and support them! The YCT played a big role in working our phone banks and other election activities and this is our chance to help them.

FOUR. Also, this coming Friday, November 12th, the Lumberjacks for Life organization will be having a BBQ fundraiser. Tickets are $10 a place, or $7.50 for 5 plates. Drinks will be sold on the site of pickup: First Baptist Church of Nacogdoches from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Contact Sandy Yates at 936-553-2100 by Wednesday afternoon to place your order.

Please make the two events above and please reply! The work to get a CHANGE in 2012 starts NOW, and it is GREAT to see many young people helping and working to effect this change!

Thanks and God bless,

Jackie Yates
Nacogdoches County Republican Party
P.O. Box 630866
Nacogdoches, TX 75963
*** P.S. Check the NCRP Website now for current events and other interesting items: www.nac-gop.com ***
Phone: 936-569-9685
NCRP Phone: 936-569-6710

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