The Market will have a variety of items perfect for your Easter holiday. Eggs, baked goods, fresh veggies and so much more.
Things you might find this time of year: baked goods (breads, cakes, mini cheesecakes, cookies, fried pies & pies), candles, canned goods (jams & jellies, marmalades, preserves, chow-chow, pickled vegetables, salsas & relishes), artisan Texas cheese, free-range eggs, Tilapia fish & fillets, local raw honey, jewelry, plants (cacti, bedding plants, house plants, fruit trees, trees & whips), organic pork (pork chops, breakfast sausage and REAL bacon), soaps (lye and herbal), sugar cane syrup, tamales, vinegars, fruit wines and wood products. LOCAL PRODUCE: beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cilantro, greens (arugula, Swiss chard, collards, kale, mustard, pak choi, spinach, tatsoi & turnip), herbs (dill, rosemary & sage), lettuce (green, purple & Romaine), specialty mustards (green & purple), green onions, parsley, radishes, strawberries, greenhouse tomatoes and white turnips.
If you would like to sign up for the weekly Farmers’ Market email update, please send an email to You are also more than welcome to visit Also be our fan on facebook@NacogdochesFarmersMarket.
The Nacogdoches Farmers’ Market, located at the “hitch lot” at the corner of West Main and Pearl Streets, is open from 8 a.m. until noon or later every Saturday morning. If the market parking lot is full, additional parking is available in the Nacogdoches County Courthouse Annex parking lot. Mark your calendars for the return of our Wednesday Markets, Wednesday, April 3rd, from 2 to 6 p.m.
Please note that the Farmer’s Market is a “Smoke Free” facility for the health of our customers and vendors.