In the case where God has made all things and we are neither blessed nor cursed because of our actions, we can know that God is with us regardless of our ailment, and that our suffering does not go unnoticed, and yet we are allowed to come to a point of resilience, knowing that in free will we can chose to rise above our afflictions. We feel, then, pain, but we do not suffer the delusion that God is ever against us for any reason. For, our true blessing is not in what God provides on a daily basis, but rather in what he has provided in eternity. It is up to us to take what we have been given from the foundation of the world and turn our victimizations and failings in life into victories by our acting in faithfulness towards each other.
Every pain is a call to compassion, and when we answer that call, we stand firm in the vision that God has raised us up to be more than we were and to stand higher than we might have, because we can have that love that sees need and meets it where it is, in the heart of every human, regardless. We are to each other the angels talked about in the scriptures, whom we entertain unaware. Wake up and meet the needs of those around for they are the goal of our adventure, loving ourselves like we love them. “Love your neighbor as yourself,” reflectively shows that we cannot love ourselves any more than we love those we meet in daily life. Be a blessing to others, not for what they have done, but because you love yourself.